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AwReporting (Beta)

Special Note

If you are using this project, please follow the API anouncements and API version Sunsets:

The AdWords API changes version more or less every 4 months, so you would need to upgrade your project around that timeframe.

Please let us know if you run into issues in the project's issue tracker (, this Beta release may not fit your needs if you work with very large accounts but we are working to make the project better, your feedback is very important.


AwReporting is an open-source Java framework for large scale AdWords API reporting.

  • 21 common reports are included in the reference implementation. You can easily follow the code examples to implement more.

  • Reports are stored in your relational database, so you can integrate them with your existing systems.

Quick Start


You will need Java, Maven and MySQL installed before configuring the project.

Build the project using Maven

$ git clone

$ mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse

$ mvn compile dependency:copy-dependencies package

Configure your MySQL database



GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON AWReports.* TO 'reportuser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Configure AwReporting

Now we'll create a properties file to specify your MCC, developer token, OAuth and database credentials.

$ vi aw-reporting/src/main/resources/

Fill in the following fields with your MCC account ID and developer token.



Fill in your OAuth credentials. If you need to create them, visit:

Note that you don't have to enter RefreshToken as AwReporting takes care of getting a new one when it runs for the first time.



Fill in the following with the number of rows that will be parsed from the CSV file before persisting to the DB. The bigger the number, the bigger the memory usage, but also might give an improvement in performance.

Fill in the following to set the number of threads for the CSV processing and DB insertion.

Fill in the following with your database connection.

Run the project and verify it's working

Now, you are ready to run AwReporting with the following command.

$ java -Xmx1G -jar aw-reporting/target/aw-reporting.jar -startDate YYYYMMDD -endDate YYYYMMDD \
-file aw-reporting/src/main/resources/ -verbose

Be sure to specify the properties file you edited above on the command line.

It's possible to run the project using either Eclipse or the command line. If using Eclipse, open and run:


As it's running, the project will provide status messages about the reports it's downloading on the command line.

Check your database when the run finishes to be sure it's been populated with the reporting data, e.g.:

SELECT * FROM AWReports.AW_ReportAccount limit 1;

Command line options

Set the following command line options before running the project:

Note: aw-reporting.jar is in the aw-reporting/aw-reporting/target/ directory.

java -Xmx1G -jar aw-reporting.jar -startDate YYYYMMDD -endDate YYYYMMDD -file <file>


   -accountIdsFile <file>
                              Defines a file that contains all the account IDs, one per line, to be used
                              instead of getting the accounts from the API. The list can contain all the accounts,
                              or just a specific set of accounts

                              Check all fields of every Java entity class against ReportDefinitionService.
                              Note: this option skips report downloading.

                              Specifies the CSV data file to be used when importing data from a local file. In order to use
                              this feature, you must pass the report type in the "-onFileReport" property.


                              Will display all the debug information. If the option 'verbose' is
                              activated, all the information will be displayed on the console as

   -endDate <YYYMMDD>
                              End date for CUSTOM_DATE Reports (YYYYMMDD)

   -file <file>

                              Print this message.

                              Especifies a report type (it has to be know by AwReporting model), and it will look for the data
                              in the file passed in the property "csvReportFile". If you use this property, it's mandatory
                              to specify a CSV file with "-csvReportFile". The CSV file has to follow the same format as the
                              one downloaded from the API: the first line contains the name of the report; second line must
                              contain the column headers; following lines must contain the data.  

   -startDate <YYYYMMDD>
                              Start date for CUSTOM_DATE Reports (YYYYMMDD).

                              The application will print all the tracing on the console

Import the project into Eclipse (optional)

To import the project into Eclipse, first import the model:

File -> Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace.


Next import the database code:

File -> Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace.


Generate the database schema using Maven

The project is already configured to use the hibernate4 Maven plugin to generate the schema for the configured dialect. Due to the way the plugin works, to set the database dialect, you need to change a separate file instead of just use the aw-reporting properties file:


The configured dialect is MySQL. Make sure to change this to be the same that is being used in the main properties file.

To run the schema generation, just go to a command line, cd into aw-reporting-model folder, and run the following:

mvn hibernate4:export -Phbm2ddl

This will create a "schema.sql" in the "target/" folder of the project.

Important Note: The schema creates the whole database assuming that none of the tables were created before. To update the database you will need to go through the SQL file and delete the unnecessary code.

Upgrade to new AdWords API versions

We will keep migrating aw-reporting to the latest AdWords API version. However please note that besides code changes that you can just pull from github, the database tables’ column names may also be changed (addition / removal / renamning) to reflect the new report field changes (please refer to the release notes for details). Since these changes may be scattered around many tables, you can run this version of AwReporting on a new database schema, then use the schema generation command to generate both database schemas and compare them. You can also create SQL scripts to import data from old database tables to new ones.

Details about the code

For better organization and encapsulation, the project groups the reporting workflow into two parts: Aw-Report-Model for persistence, entities and the CSV mapping to AdWords information and Aw-Reporting for the logic (API services, downloader and processors).


Provides all the necessary classes to persist data and the entities’ mapping to AdWords report data.

  • Entities: these POJOs define all the available fields for each report kind as java fields, by using annotations. The Entities contain the information to link the java fields to the report fields definition, the csv display name header fields and the datastore fields.

  • CSV: The CSV classes use the OpenCSV library to convert CSV files into Java beans using annotations. The package also contains three new annotations:

    • Annotation @CsvReport at the Report class level, to define the Report Definition Type. For example for ReportAccount: @CsvReport(value= ReportDefinitionReportType.ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT) public class ReportAccount extends Report {...

    • Annotation @CsvField at the java field level, to define the mapping between java field, report's Field Name and Display Name. For example for avgCpm: @CsvField (value = "Avg. CPM", reportField = "AverageCpm") public BigDecimal avgCpm;

    • Annotation @MoneyField at the java field level, to convert the field's values from micro amount to normal currency. For example for cost: @MoneyField public BigDecimal cost;

  • Persistence: The persistence layer uses Spring for bean management, injection and in class annotations, this helps to clearly demarcate the application layers. AuthTokenPersister: is the interface for the authorization token storage, we have implemented it for Mysql and a MongoDB. ReportEntitiesPersister is the interface for the report entities storage, we have implemented it for Mysql and a MongoDB.


Provides the logic (API services, downloader and processors)

  • Downloader: Based on MultipleClientReportDownloader java example (it uses the Library ReportDownloader) the Downloader is in charge of downloading all the report files using multiple threads.

  • Processors: The ReportProcessor is the class with the main logic, it is responsible for calling the downloader, use the CSV classes for the parsing and call the Persistence helpers for the storage. This class can be replaced by a custom processor by changing the bean component in the projects xml configuration files.

  • API Services: Beside the report Downloader calls to AdHoc Reports, the ManagedCustomerDelegate is the only class talking to the AdWords API, it is in charge of getting all the account ids in the MCC tree.

  • AwReporting main: The AwReporting main class is in charge of printing the help information, of the properties file example and of passing the command line parameters to the processor for execution.

Offline Data Import

In order to support some report types that are not yet available in the API, but are available in the AdWords Interface, we introduced the feature of importing data to the database directly from CSV files that were downloaded from the interface.

The offline data import works just as the online mode (where the data is downloaded from the API), but skips the download step. All the field mappings and report types supported are still the same, but keep in mind that most of the entity IDs are not available in the reports downloaded from the interface.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before importing the CSV with AwReporting, you must edit the file and make sure that it's in the same format as the CSV file downloaded from the API:

  • First line must contain the name or description of the report;
  • Second line must contain the column names/headers;
  • Following lines must contain the data.

Usually when you download a report from the interface, the CSV file will contain some additional lines in the beginning of the file. You have to remove those lines before importing it into AwReporting.

To use the offline import data, you just need to specify in the command line the report type that you will import, and the local file that you will use as an addition to the other arguments:

$ java -Xmx1G -jar aw-reporting/target/aw-reporting.jar -startDate YYYYMMDD -endDate YYYYMMDD \
-file aw-reporting/src/main/resources/ \

IMPORTANT NOTE: The dates specified are very import, because they will be used to populate the database following the same format as the data downloaded from the API. Date periods are not supported.

Fine print

Pull requests are very much appreciated. Please sign the Google Individual Contributor License Agreement (There is a convenient online form) before submitting.

Julian Toledo (Google Inc.)
Gustavo Menezes (Google Inc.)
Copyright © 2013 Google, Inc.
Apache 2.0
This is example software, use with caution under your own risk.


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