To run the generated application in docker follow the below steps .
Once the generated code is cloned the desired directory to run the application is reached using the below commands in the terminal .
$ cd devops/local/docker
- To check the list of available files in the present directory use the below command in the terminal .
$ ls - for ubuntu or mac
$ dir - for windows
- The command list outputs showing the following files as shown below .
docker-compose.yml geppetto_compose.sh mongo.js
- Now run the script file by using the below command.
$ bash geppetto_compose.sh
- You will see the list avabile method like below,
These are the usage options for help.
Flag c - To Create new containers and images.
Flag d - To Delete all the containers and images.
Flag r - To Restart the stopped containers.
Flag s - To Stop the running containers.
Here's the usage statement:
bash geppetto_compose.sh -c (or) bash geppetto_compose.sh -d (or) bash geppetto_compose.sh -r (or) bash geppetto_compose.sh -s
- From the above list of above files to run the generated application use the below command in the terminal .The -c flag indicates creating new docker images for the very first installation of the generated application .
bash geppetto_compose.sh -c
- On the successful completion of the script execution the application, you get the URL for that.
- Once script execution is completed make sure to check the all docker container status is
by using below command. Like below image.
docker ps -a
Once the status of all containers are up, then your app is running in http://localhost:5055
In cause if you have face any issue, please refer the ERROR.md for your reference.
Thanks for using Geppetto Builder.