- PyGithub. GitHub APIs
- django-cities-light. A light Django package based on django-cities.
- django-extensions. Django extensions.
- GetOptPP. Commandline helper.
- morph-graphql. Generate GraphQL middle layer using R2RML Mappings.
- Devos. A visual summarizer of ontologies.
- Kandinsky-2. Powerful Image Encoder.
- backgroundremover. Background Remover.
- Jekyll-Podcaster. Jekyll Theme.
- dart_packages. Flutter Apple SignIn Package.
- PyDistances-package. Different Distance Metrics.
- tada-qq: Tabular Data Annotator using qq plot to annotate numeric columns.
- ttla: TTLA. Automatic Tabular Data annotator using the Typology and fuzzy clustering.
- pcake: Plot and compare the distribution of samples and numeric properties in knowledge graphs graphically.
- tada-api. Tabular Data Annotator API.
- Morph-OME. A platform to automatically detect the meaning of data in tabular format and transform them to RDF.
- tada-hdt-entity. Automatic labelling of tabular data using HDT as the training set.
- pytada-hdt-entity. A python wrapper for the c++ library tada-hdt-entity.
- Jarsomatic. Update the vocabularies list using Vocab.
- easysparql. Conceptualise common Sparql queries with rdflib.
- tada-entity. Automatic Tabular Data Annotator focusing on entity columns in tabular data.
- fuzzy-c-means: A python implementation for the fuzzy c-means algorithm by James Bezdek.
- Grouped Histogram: A snippet to generate a grouped histograms for pandas
- configparser-list: An extension to configparser to support lists
- tabular-parser: A c++ library to parse and transpose tables e.g., CSV, TSV, ...
- stiqueue: Native python queue created as an alternative to RabbitMQ.
- fcm-cpp: A fuzzy clustering library written in c++.
- django-rest-gen. Generates APIs (code) from models only using Django Rest Framework.
- TPool. A Thread Pool library to manage threads in a pool, execute and manage them.
- tada-hdt-numeric. Annotate numeric columns in tabular data using HDT as the training set.
- sphinx_example_includer. Automatically include examples source code into Sphinx documentation.
- sphinx-doc-action. Sphinx docs generator action. You can also find it in GitHub Marketplace.