Spatial PSM for R
Below is an exmaple for the use of this package - you can also find this example, with much more extensive documentation, in the /man directory of the package, along with an example.shp file.
Please note this package is in an early alpha release, and as such has many instabilities, bugs and errors, and is limited in functionality. The examples included currently focus on cross-sectional analyses, but the package can support spatio-temporal panel modeling via a two-way clustering algorithm. See Stage2PSM() for details - examples of this modeling approach are forthcoming.
If you encounter issues, do not hesitate to contact me ([email protected]).
#Package and data loading
shpfile = file.path(getwd(),"man","data","example.shp")
dta_Shp = readShapePoly(shpfile)
#Variable construction examples dta_Shp$pre_trend_NDVI <- timeRangeTrend(dta_Shp,"MeanL_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",1982,1995,"SP_ID")
dta_Shp$NDVI_trend_01_10 <- timeRangeTrend(dta_Shp,"MeanL_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",2001,2010,"SP_ID")
dta_Shp$pre_trend_temp_mean <- timeRangeTrend(dta_Shp,"MeanT_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",1982,1995,"SP_ID")
dta_Shp$post_trend_temp_01_10 <- timeRangeTrend(dta_Shp,"MeanT_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",2001,2010,"SP_ID")
dta_Shp$pre_trend_precip_mean <- timeRangeTrend(dta_Shp,"MeanP_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",1982,1995,"SP_ID")
dta_Shp$post_trend_precip_01_10 <- timeRangeTrend(dta_Shp,"MeanP_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",2001,2010,"SP_ID")
dta_Shp@data["TrtBin"] <- 0
dta_Shp@data$TrtBin[dta_Shp@data$demend_y <= 2001] <- 1
dta_Shp@data$NA_check <- 0
dta_Shp@data$NA_check[$demend_y)] <- 1
int_Shp <- dta_Shp[dta_Shp@data$NA_check != 1,]
dta_Shp <- int_Shp
#Modeling examples psmModel <- "TrtBin ~ terrai_are + Pop_1990 + MeanT_1995 + pre_trend_temp_mean + MeanP_1995 + pre_trend_NDVI + Slope + Elevation + MeanL_1995 + Riv_Dist + Road_dist + pre_trend_precip_mean"
psmRes <- SpatialCausalPSM(dta_Shp,mtd="logit",psmModel,drop="support",visual=TRUE)
drop_set<- c(drop_unmatched=TRUE,drop_method="SD",drop_thresh=0.25)
psm_Pairs <- SAT(dta = psmRes$data, mtd = "fastNN",constraints=c(distance=246),psm_eq = psmModel, ids = "id", drop_opts = drop_set, visual="TRUE", TrtBinColName="TrtBin")
analyticModel <- "NDVI_trend_01_10 ~ TrtBin + terrai_are + Pop_1990 + MeanT_1995 + pre_trend_temp_mean + MeanP_1995 + pre_trend_NDVI + Slope + Elevation + MeanL_1995 + Riv_Dist + Road_dist + pre_trend_precip_mean"
summary(lm(analyticModel, psm_Pairs))