π Features
- [#852] Add google rich text to render library (#902)
- [#722] Add AKHQ as optional tool (#847)
- [#854] Render File from Facebook (#904)
- [#858] Add render rich card (#901)
- [#863] Map metadata to object (#891)
- [#605] Improve chatplugin docs and gifs (#900)
- [#827] Chatplugin uses its own payload (#853)
- [#772] Add Airy Core, Airy Enterprise, Need help? and github links to navigationBar (#838)
- [#794] Introduce channels domain to source specific channel APIs (#836)
- [#729] Make auth header compliant with rfc6750 (Bearer auth) (#830)
- [#833] Bottom space in conversation list (#843)
π Bug Fixes
- [#911] fixed rich card rendering with product requirements (#912)
- [#796] Mv shellsheck installation to workflow (#870)
- [#841] Logout if user auth token is wrong (#857)
- Fix facebook text render (#864)
- [#834]Delete link in old inbox and css fix (#851)
- [#832] Merging messages when loading conversations (#845)
π Documentation
- [#893] Enable showLastUpdateTime (#917)
- [#899] Quickstart with steps (#916)
- [#876] cli install doc revamp (#896)
- [#846] Docs for airy config yaml (#873)
- [#874] Highlight component for docs (#887)
- [#735] Show airy logo on darkmode (#837)
π§° Maintenance
- [#796 ] Add shellcheck lint (#865)
- [#575] Fix window: any type definition (#850)
- [#605] Rename also the charts (#839)
Airy CLI
You can download the Airy CLI for your operating system from the following links: