Log TP-Link HS100/110/v2 switch, voltage, current and power readings to Domoticz.
Based on the original plugin by Dan Hallgren: https://github.com/dahallgren/domoticz-tplink-smartplug/blob/master/plugin.py
A good reference also by lordzurp: https://github.com/lordzurp/domoticz-tplink-smartplug/blob/master/plugin.py
You must have the Domoticz Python Plugin Manager installed for this plugin to work. Refer to https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Python_Plugin_Manager
The plugin.py script should be placed in a appropriately named folder under Domoticz -> plugins. i.e. /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/hs110
To install or update your TP-Link HS100/110/v2 plugin script, do the following.
- Set your user defined variables in plugin.py and save.
- Copy to or update plugin.py in the Domoticz plugins folder
- For new installations, restart Domoticz, then add TP-Link HS100/110/v2 as new hardware in Setup -> Hardware, not via the Python Plugin Manager list.
Change any Domoticz.Debug(...) lines to Domoticz.Log(...) to log specific lines to Domoticz without turning on Debug mode.
If you modify plugin.py after it is installed, restart the hardware plugin on the Domoticz Hardware page. Do this by clicking the Update button with the plugin hardware selected.
Turn Debug on for the plugin hardware in the Domoticz Hardware page to help sort out any issues.
Refer to the Domoticz hardwaretypes.h source code to find and/or experiment with different hardware types and subtypes. Use a hex to decimal converter (or vice versa) if required. https://github.com/domoticz/domoticz/blob/development/hardware/hardwaretypes.h
Refer to the Dommoticz 'Developing a Python plugin' wiki for useful information when modifying a plugin. https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Developing_a_Python_plugin
- Fixed bug incorrectly testing for model#. Bundled HS110 with HS110v2 in parameters, as no difference in code.
- Deleted variable create_device and added this function as a parameter (Mode2) instead. This only needs to be used when installing the plugin (Domoticz -> Hardware), then it can be turned off to prevent errors on startup in future.
- Added the 'create_device' flag to allow new devices to be created. Required on first run for plugin. Domoticz log will show device creation errors on subsequent plugin startup if this is left on, but this should not cause any issues. Set to True if you wish to add a device. Set to False once all devices are created. Restart the plugin Hardware each time it is changed.
Note that you must delete a device if you wish to change its type or subtype or any other parameters. You don't need to delete all of the Devices created by the plugin.
- Updated some of the Domoticz.Debug(...) lines for consistency.