Allows for quick setup and usage of the Infusionsoft XML-RPC API using Python's native XML-RPC support. Find more info at
clone and run: python install
pip install git+
First, make sure you import the Infusionsoft class:
from infusionsoft.library import Infusionsoft
Now set your Infusionsoft account name and API key:
infusionsoft = Infusionsoft(name, api_key)
You can make requests to Infusionsoft services by calling that service as a function and passing the service method as the first argument, with that method's required arguments as the second Python argument:
infusionsoft.service(method, args)
You can accomplish the same thing using the server library method to access the API:
infusionsoft.server().service.method(infusionsoft.key, args)
Using the primary service method:
contact = {'FirstName' : 'John', 'LastName' : 'Doe', 'Email' : '[email protected]'}
print infusionsoft.ContactService('add', contact)
Using the server library method:
contact = {'FirstName' : 'John', 'LastName' : 'Doe', 'Email' : '[email protected]'}
print infusionsoft.server().ContactService.add(infusionsoft.key, contact)
contactList = [123, 456, 789]
fromAddress = '[email protected]'
toAddress = '~Contact.Email~'
ccAddress = ''
bccAddress = ''
contentType = 'Text'
subject = 'This is just a test email, relax!'
htmlBody = ''
textBody = 'This is the contant for the email'
print infusionsoft.APIEmailService('sendEmail', contactList, fromAddress, toAddress, ccAddress, bccAddress, contentType, subject, htmlBody, textBody)
See for more examples