These are the core features of Django-CMS Reversion2
Create PageVersion: Revisions for page drafts in given language (only if changes were made see dirty
Compare the current page with back-up versions.
Revert to PageVersion: Reverting to any previous revision of page
Trash bin: Moves deleted pages to a hidden PageRoot before really deleting it
Experimental feature. All page version can be edited. Work on the hidden drafts of PageVersion in order to realize multi-editor workflow??
Trash bin: Moves deleted pages to a hidden PageRoot before really deleting it
This plugin integrates with the django-cms permissions.
- To be implemented (see Issues on Github
- Auto-Revisions when reverting from unsaved drafts
- Integration with divio/djangocms_moderation once they publish a stable release
- Build a multi-editor djangocms_toolbar and disable buttons that make unwanted changes
This is an experimental plugin.
No software is perfect, everyone's code sucks. Feel free to suggest, criticize and/or contribute.