Arduino Robotic Arm with 2 degrees of freedom controled by MATLAB. Project deverloped with Chris Zachariah as part of the course ECE 5995 Introduction to Robotics at Wayne State from Dr Abhilash Pandya. Documentation available at Repository Wiki Page
- matlab
- letters: Generated handwriting letters .mat files
- pen: Pen Script files
- lexyRobot.m : Robot Class
- LexyRobotGUI.fig : Matlab GUI Figure file
- LexyRobotGUI.m : Matlab GUI Script file
- testLexyRobot.m : Matlab Script for unitary function testing
- Scan COM ports and perform Connection
- Inverse and Direct Kinematics
- Control trough angle and coordinates in cm
- Draw Words
- Path Planning (DStar and PRM)
- Matlab Robotic Toolbox Open Source Toolbox created by @petercorke
- ArduinoIO Arduino Legacy Support for Matlab
- Object Oriented Programing on Matlab Concepts used in the project
- Pen Pen / Mouse draw input template modified for this project