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LifeHelper Mobile Application with Backend MicroServices

Used Technologies:


  • Create The authentication layer
  • Create the Grocery Service
  • Create automatized docker images creation
  • Create Github actions automatized test flow
  • Create Weight tracker Frontend - Alpha version has been released
  • Create BabySleep tracker Frontend - Production version has been released! 2022-07-10
  • Create BabySleep tracker Backend - Production version has been released! 2022-07-10
  • Swagger API documentation
  • Create Weight tracker Backend
  • Create BudgetTracker Frontend
  • Create BudgetTracker Backend



The backend code has been written in NodeJS + TypeScript, C# and Kotlin.

The used NodeJS framework is Hapi.


There are six different microservices.


  • The only exposed service
  • Fordwards the requests between the services and the client side

Auth web process

  • Validate the Login credentials
  • Validate the session Cookie and returns the account informations
  • Database:
    • MySql
    • Redis
    • Store sessions

Auth worker process

  • Handles the email sendings by the forget password requests
  • Handles the email sendings by the registration requests

Grocery Service

Grocery list with shared groups.

It is a basic "To-do-list like" application with backend services.

  • Serve the grocery list by the groupId
  • Create new categories
  • Delete categories
  • Create new items
  • Delete items
  • Create User groups
  • Delete user groups
  • Database:
    • MySql

BabyTracker Service

Main puropose is to Store baby actions's duration like (eat,sleep,walking etc.) and visualize the stored date into specified statistics and charts

  • Store baby actions's duration like (eat,sleep,walking etc.)
  • Manage the latest actions (modify,delete)
  • Register and manage children (Save, modify, remove)
    • Side Note: For etical reason the "remove child" is hidden by default. In the children manager menu the user should tap the header 7 times before it appears
  • Parenthsip Manager:
    • You can invite other user to be a parent of your registerec children via email address
    • You can manage your sent end received pending invitations as well. (Accept, decline or delete)
    • One account can only have one partner.
      • Poligamy not allowed!
    • You can divorce from a partner too in the aplication.
      • After the divorce the partners got acces only the registered children by the users
      • Side note: For etical reason this menu is hidden by default. It will appears after the user tapped the parentship manager menu"s header 7 times

Weight tracker

In development

A weight tracker application with backend service. Store and visualize the progress of your wegith gaining/losing journey.

  • Save and modify your daily weight.
  • Update or delete your already saved records.
  • Visualize your progress via statistics and charts.

Budget Tracker

In development

Track all of your expensies and get visualized statistics and charts.

  • Create, update and delete categories
  • Create, update and delete records
  • Create, update, delete budget warnings with multiple warning limits.
  • Get statistics about your expensies via lists and charts


  • The production environment uses docker images

  • Theese images are size reduced, because of the images has been built by the transpiled javascript code.

  • The images are created automaticly when the code merge has been done to the Master branch.

  • The docker images are tagged with the latest commit hash.


  • If a new Pull Request has been opened to the develop branch, it triggers the test runner.

  • If the master branch gets a new code merge, then the new docker images has been building and tagging them by the latest commit hash.



  • Login:

    • The user can Login into the app. ("Such a feature")
    • Can create a new account.
    • Can send a forgot password request


The following features are done.

  • Grocery List:
    • The user can create user groups and share the items between the groups
    • Can create and delete items
    • Can create and delete categories
    • Can modify categories

  • Baby Sleep Tracker:
    • Main purpose of this application is record the activities of the babies and get propper statistics based on the records
    • The user can register, remove or modify a child/children
    • Start recording the choosen activity automatically.
    • Stop recording the choosen activity automatically.
    • Record the activity manually.
    • Get different statistics based on the activity or the time intervall.
    • Get charts statistics based on the activity or the time intervall.


LifeHelper Mobile App with Backend Services






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