- Heroku (Kotling based)
- Github
- Travis CI
- RestFul API
- Create a react app
- Create dynamic forms
- Spring + react
- Java on Heroku
Master changes are automatically grabbed by Heroku and deployed.
Rest API documentation can be found at http:///swagger-ui.html
Use token:account=pwd as an env variable to enable a new account
$ heroku config
$ heroku config:set token:account=pwd
The slack integration makes sure that the commands are issued by the slack application by checking the signature. Only teams with a configured token are allowed.
token:patxanga=<required for the patxanga slack team>
For development environments the signature validation can be bypassed by adding an environment flag
Create an application and set up the following URL for the command integration,
Use docker-compose to run the application locally,
$ docker-compose up --build
Master branch is integrated with Heroku and it is deployed automatically.