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Import cmake/ from commit 5f82198c in opm-core
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rolk committed Feb 22, 2013
1 parent d2d0c52 commit 2b1c1c7
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Showing 56 changed files with 6,952 additions and 0 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
# -*- mode: cmake; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; truncate-lines: t; compile-command: "cmake -Wdev" -*-
# vim: set filetype=cmake autoindent tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab softtabstop=2 nowrap:

# key information about the library
set (project "opm-core")
set (${project}_NAME "${project}")
set (${project}_DESCRIPTION "Open Porous Media Initiative Core Library")
set (${project}_DIR "opm")
set (${project}_VERSION_MAJOR 1)
set (${project}_VERSION_MINOR 0)
set (doxy_dir "Documentation")

# defines that must be present in config.h for our headers
set (${project}_CONFIG_VAR

# dependencies
set (${project}_DEPS
# compile with C99 support if available
# compile with C++0x/11 support if available
# various runtime library enhancements
"Boost 1.39.0
COMPONENTS date_time filesystem system unit_test_framework REQUIRED"
# matrix library
# Tim Davis' SuiteSparse archive
"SuiteSparse COMPONENTS umfpack"
# solver
# xml processing (for config parsing)
# Ensembles-based Reservoir Tools (ERT)
# DUNE dependency

# C++ project
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
project (${${project}_NAME})
enable_language (C)
enable_language (CXX)

# additional search modules
set (${project}_MODULE_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules")

# print system information to better pinpoint issues from log alone
include (UseSystemInfo)
system_info ()

# very early try to print repo id (to pinpoint version if something goes wrong)
include (UseVCSInfo)
vcs_info ()

# include special
message (STATUS "Enabling backward compatibility modules for CMake ${CMAKE_VERSION}")
list (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${${project}_MODULE_DIR}/compat-2.8.7")

# default settings: build static debug library
include (OpmDefaults)
opm_defaults (${project})
message (STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")

# use tricks to do faster builds
include (UseFastBuilds)

# precompiled headers
include (UsePrecompHeaders)

# macro to set standard variables (INCLUDE_DIRS, LIBRARIES etc.)
include (OpmFind)
find_and_append_package_list_to (${project} ${${project}_DEPS})

# remove the dependency on the testing framework from the main library;
# it is not possible to query for Boost twice with different components.

# don't import more libraries than we need to
include (UseOnlyNeeded)

# put debug information into every executable
include (UseDebugSymbols)

# optimize full if we're not doing a debug build
include (UseOptimization)

# turn on all warnings
include (UseWarnings)

# detect if Boost is in a shared library
include (UseDynamicBoost)

# needed for Debian installation scheme
include (UseMultiArch)

# this module contains code to figure out which files is where
include (OpmFiles)
opm_auto_dirs ()

# put libraries in lib/
opm_out_dirs ()

# identify the compilation units in the library
opm_sources (${project})

# enumerate all testing programs in test/ directory
opm_find_tests ()

# tutorial programs are found in the tutorials/ directory
opm_find_tutorials ()

# example programs are found in the examples/ directory
opm_find_examples ()

### --- begin AGMG specific --- ###
# Algebraic Multigrid must be compiled together with our program;
# if it is not available, then remove our corresponding component
find_package (AGMG)
list (APPEND ${project}_SOURCES ${AGMG_SOURCES})
endif (AGMG_FOUND)
### --- end AGMG specific --- ###

### --- begin opm-core specific --- ###
# these solvers are only compiled in if their dependency is found
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES
if (NOT dune-istl_FOUND)
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES
endif (NOT dune-istl_FOUND)
if (NOT SuiteSparse_FOUND)
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES
list (REMOVE_ITEM tutorial_SOURCES
list (REMOVE_ITEM examples_SOURCES
endif (NOT SuiteSparse_FOUND)

# these files are provided in source control, but can only compile with Matlab
# available; we are not supposed to include the TinyXML test prog. regardless
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES

# remove inline TinyXML if a system version was found
if (TinyXML_FOUND)
file (GLOB_RECURSE _inline_tinyxml "${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/*")
foreach (_file IN LISTS _inline_tinyxml)
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES ${_file})
endforeach (_file)
endif (TinyXML_FOUND)

# anyhow remove it from the header list (so it doesn't get installed)
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_HEADERS "${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/tinystr.h")
list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_HEADERS "${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/tinyxml.h")

# HAVE_ERT is used as an #ifdef, not as an #if in the source code, if it
# is not true, then it should be unset altogether
set (HAVE_ERT)
list (REMOVE_ITEM examples_SOURCES
endif (NOT HAVE_ERT)
### --- end opm-core specific --- ###

# create configuration header which describes available features
# necessary to compile this library. singular version is the names that
# is required by this project alone, plural version transitively
# includes the necessary defines by the dependencies
include (ConfigVars)
list (APPEND ${project}_CONFIG_VARS ${${project}_CONFIG_VAR})
set (CONFIG_H "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h")
configure_vars (
WRITE ${${project}_CONFIG_VARS}

include (UseFortranWrappers)
define_fc_func (

# compile main library; pull in all required includes and libraries
include (OpmCompile)
opm_compile (${project})

# installation target: copy the library together with debug and
# configuration files to system directories
include (OpmInstall)
opm_install (${project})
message (STATUS "This build defaults to installing in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")

# installation of CMake modules to help user programs locate the library
include (OpmProject)
opm_cmake_config (${project})

# routines to build satellites such as tests, tutorials and samples
include (OpmSatellites)

# tutorial programs are found in the tutorials/ directory
opm_compile_satellites (${project} tutorial "" "")
opm_compile_satellites (${project} examples "" "")

# infrastructure for testing
enable_testing ()
include (CTest)

### --- begin opm-core specific --- ###
# conditionally disable tests when features aren't available
macro (cond_disable_test name)
if ((NOT DEFINED HAVE_${name}) OR (NOT HAVE_${name}))
message (STATUS "${name} test disabled, since ${name} is not found.")
string (TOLOWER "${name}" name_lower)
get_filename_component (test_${name}_FILE "tests/test_${name_lower}.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
list (REMOVE_ITEM tests_SOURCES "${test_${name}_FILE}")
endif ((NOT DEFINED HAVE_${name}) OR (NOT HAVE_${name}))
endmacro (cond_disable_test name)
cond_disable_test ("AGMG")
cond_disable_test ("ERT")
### --- end opm-core specific --- ###

# make datafiles necessary for tests available in output directory
opm_data (tests datafiles "${tests_DIR}" "*.xml")
opm_compile_satellites (${project} tests "" "${tests_REGEXP}")

# use this target to run all tests
add_custom_target (check
COMMENT "Checking if library is functional"

# generate documentation from source code with Doxygen;
# setup install target for this documentation
include (OpmDoc)
opm_doc (${project} ${doxy_dir})

# provide compatibility with using this build in dunecontrol
include (DuneCompat)
include (LibtoolArchives)
configure_la (${project} ${${project}_TARGET} ${project}_LIBTOOL_ARCHIVE)

### clean in-source builds ###
include (OpmDistClean)
opm_dist_clean (${project})

# smart wrapper that auto-parallelizes builds
file (COPY
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions CTestConfig.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# this is included after opm-core_NAME is set
set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "${${project}_NAME}")
set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/CDash/submit.php?project=${${project}_NAME}")
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions GNUmakefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# GNUmakefile is processed before Makefile, which is why we arrive here
# first; when we call the other makefile, then we must specify its real
# name with the -f parameter

# figure out the number of processors from the system, add one and round
# to nearest integer. this is the maximum number of processes we want running
# at the same time (one for each core and one stuck on I/O)
# if we are running this is a VM, then /proc won't be mounted and we revert
# to single CPU processing
NUM_CPUS:=$(shell test -r $(CPUINFO) && grep -P -c '^processor\t:' $(CPUINFO) || echo 0)
PROCS:=$(shell echo "("$(NUM_CPUS)+1")"/1 | bc)

# use these utilities if they are available
IONICE:=$(shell test -x "$$(which ionice)" && echo ionice -c2 -n7)
NICE:=$(shell test -x "$$(which nice)" && echo nice)

# we do dependency management the right way; don't attempt to cache

# ignore that there may be files with these names, we are going to call
# the other make regardless
.PHONY: __everything $(MAKECMDGOALS)

# outsource the processing to the real makefile, running in parallel and
# in a nice environment so that it doesn't hog our workstation. if there
# is nothing else happening on the box, then it will run just as fast
# the leading plus makes us run this regardless of options, see
# only put on a parallel flag if there isn't already one; otherwise we
# get the warning "-jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode".
# this have to happen inside the rule, because -j option is removed from
# MAKEFLAGS outside
+@$(IONICE) $(NICE) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f Makefile $(if $(findstring -j,$(MAKEFLAGS)),,-j $(PROCS)) $(MAKECMDGOALS)

# automatically generate all the goals we are asked to make and delegate
# processing of them to the real makefile through the dependency (since
# everything depends on the same thing, then we only call the other make
# once). the dummy command is just there to make sure that make doesn't
# show the "Nothing to do for `foo'" message after processing
$(MAKECMDGOALS): __everything
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions cmake/Modules/AddOptions.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# - Add options without repeating them on the command line
# Synopsis:
# add_options (lang build opts)
# where:
# lang Name of the language whose compiler should receive the
# options, e.g. CXX. If a comma-separated list is received
# then the option is added for all those languages. Use the
# special value ALL_LANGUAGES for these languages: CXX, C
# and Fortran
# build Kind of build to which this options should apply,
# such as DEBUG and RELEASE. This can also be a comma-
# separated list. Use the special value ALL_BUILDS to apply
# to all builds.
# opts List of options to add. Each should be quoted.
# Example:
# add_options (CXX RELEASE "-O3" "-DNDEBUG" "-Wall")

function (add_options langs builds)
# special handling of empty language specification
if ("${langs}" STREQUAL "ALL_LANGUAGES")
set (langs CXX C Fortran)
endif ("${langs}" STREQUAL "ALL_LANGUAGES")
foreach (lang IN LISTS langs)
# prepend underscore if necessary
foreach (build IN LISTS builds)
if (NOT ("${build}" STREQUAL "ALL_BUILDS"))
set (_bld "_${build}")
string (TOUPPER "${_bld}" _bld)
else (NOT ("${build}" STREQUAL "ALL_BUILDS"))
set (_bld "")
endif (NOT ("${build}" STREQUAL "ALL_BUILDS"))
foreach (_opt IN LISTS ARGN)
set (_var "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS${_bld}")
#message (STATUS "Adding \"${_opt}\" to \${${_var}}")
# remove it first
string (REPLACE "${_opt}" "" _without "${${_var}}")
string (STRIP "${_without}" _without)
# if it wasn't there, then add it at the end
if ("${_without}" STREQUAL "${${_var}}")
# don't add any extra spaces if no options yet are set
if (NOT ${${_var}} STREQUAL "")
set (${_var} "${${_var}} ${_opt}")
else (NOT ${${_var}} STREQUAL "")
set (${_var} "${_opt}")
endif (NOT ${${_var}} STREQUAL "")
set (${_var} "${${_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endif ("${_without}" STREQUAL "${${_var}}")
endforeach (_opt)
endforeach (build)
endforeach (lang)
endfunction (add_options lang build)

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