A template structure for writing your Advent of Code puzzle solvers in Go and printing the solution to stdout.
> go run . 1 1 # prints solution for day 1 part 1
Clone the main
branch only (so you don't get my own branches):
git clone --single-branch --branch main https://github.com/al-ce/aoc-go-template.git
├── inputs
│ ├── 1
├── internal
│ ├── helpers
│ │ └── helpers.go
│ └── imports
│ └── imports.go
└── solutions
├── day01
│ ├── day01.go
│ └── test01
│ └── test01.go
Download the input for day N
(no leading zeros) in inputs/
(please note that inputs/
is in .gitignore
so you don't commit the input data).
An example with aocgofetch:
> aocgofetch 2024 1 > inputs/1
Finally, create a new git branch for the year you are solving so you'll have a clean template for next year!
Take the example input from the daily instructions and replace the values for lines
, partOneAnswer
, and partTwoAnswer
in the test template. For example, day 1 of 2024 would look like this:
var lines = strings.Split(`3 4
4 3
2 5
1 3
3 9
3 3`, "\n")
var partOneAnswer = "11"
var partTwoAnswer = "31"
After writing the solution, run the test:
❯ go test go-aoc-template/solutions/day1
ok go-aoc-template/solutions/day1 0.001s
This might not cover any edge cases from the actual puzzle input.
Fill out PartOne()
and PartTwo()
in the day's template with each part's solution. See solutions/day1/day1.go for reference.
Helpers can go in internal/helpers/helpers.go. In main.go
, the provided InputLines()
helper generates the lines from the input file and passes them as a string slice to PartOne()
and PartTwo()
This is the justfile
I use to help my workflow.
set quiet
releasepath := './bin/aocgosolutions'
_dayf := "'$(printf %02d)'"
get year day:
aocgofetch {{year}} {{day}} > inputs/{{day}}
solve day:
mkdir -p bin && go build -o {{releasepath}} go-aoc-template && {{releasepath}} {{day}}
test day:
go run $(printf "./solutions/day%02d/test%02d/test%02d.go" {{day}} {{day}} {{day}})
setup day: # Create template for a specific day (!overwrites current file!)
./setup.sh {{day}}
everyday: # Create template for every day (!overwrites all files!)
bash -c 'for i in {1..25}; do just setup "$i"; done'