rosrun pheromone_controller
- how often we want to update robot's local stigmergy (integer in Hz)
publisher_rate = 2
- resolution of the cells in the stigmergy map and (in meters)
map_resolution = 0.25
- the radius of the trail of a single robot leaves on the pheromone map (in meters)
trail_radius = 0.8
- the value of the robot's trail in the matrix (integer)
robot_trail_value = 75
- the value of the obstacles trail in the matrix (integer)
wall_trail_value = 255
- These are diffusion parameters (Sigma is for gaussian blurr)
diffusion_sigma = 0.75
diffusion_rate = 10
This node needs to run on each robot, including UAVs, ground and pioneers.
Should read it's own namespace
Should listen to the following topics
- It takes in a local pheromone map, calculates the robot's new heading
- It is just a data translation package and as long as it's spitting our floats which are not 0.0 then it's working
- Should Publish to the following topics