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Certainly! Below is the updated README for your laravel-bitmask package, incorporating the renamed trait HasBitmask and ensuring all references and usage examples align with the latest changes. This updated documentation adheres to best practices, provides clear instructions, and showcases the enhanced functionality of your package.

Laravel Bitmask

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Laravel Bitmask is a powerful wrapper package for integrating the functionality of the php-bitmask library into Laravel applications. It leverages Laravel's service container and facades to provide an elegant and intuitive interface for reading, validating, and converting bitmasks. The package also simplifies casting bitmasks to and from enum values, enabling developers to efficiently apply bitmasking techniques while harnessing the full power of Laravel’s ecosystem.


  • Bitmask Reading: Easily retrieve active bits from a given bitmask.
  • Bitmask Validation: Ensure that provided bits and masks are valid, including checks for single-bit settings.
  • Bitmask Conversion: Convert indices to bitmasks and vice versa, along with conversions to binary string representations.
  • Casting for Masks and Enums: Automatically handle the casting of bitmask values to and from enum types, providing a seamless experience when working with enumerated bitmasks.
  • Integration with Laravel: Utilizes Laravel's facade system for seamless integration and easy access.
  • Eloquent Query Scopes: Provides a trait with query scopes for performing bitmask operations directly within your Eloquent models.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require alazzi-az/laravel-bitmask


1. HasBitmask Trait

The HasBitmask trait provides Eloquent query scopes for performing bitmask operations on multiple columns within your models.


The HasBitmask trait allows you to:

  • Check if a specific flag is set.
  • Check if any of a set of flags are set.
  • Check if all of a set of flags are set.
  • Check if specific flags are not set.


To use the HasBitmask trait in your Laravel models, follow these steps:

  1. Import and Use the Trait

    namespace App\Models;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Traits\HasBitmask;
    use App\Enums\ArchiveDataFlag;
    use App\Enums\UserPermissionsFlag;
    class Archive extends Model
        use HasBitmask;
         * Define the bitmask columns and their associated Enums (optional).
         * @var array<string, string|null>
        protected array $bitmaskColumns = [
            'archive_data_flag' => ArchiveDataFlag::class,
            'user_permissions_flag' => UserPermissionsFlag::class,
  2. Define Bitmask Columns

    In your model, define the $bitmaskColumns property as shown above. This property is an associative array where keys are the column names storing bitmask values, and values are the corresponding Enum classes. If no Enum is associated, you can set the value to null.

Usage Examples

Assuming you have an Archive model with archive_data_flag and user_permissions_flag columns, here are some usage examples:

a. Querying for a Single Flag

Objective: Retrieve all Archive records where the HOTELS flag is set in the archive_data_flag column.

use App\Models\Archive;
use App\Enums\ArchiveDataFlag;

// Using Enum
$archivesWithHotels = Archive::whereHasFlag('archive_data_flag', ArchiveDataFlag::HOTELS)->get();

// Using integer
$archivesWithHotels = Archive::whereHasFlag('archive_data_flag', 64)->get();
b. Querying for Multiple Flags (Any)

Objective: Retrieve all Archive records where any of the specified flags (HOTELS or CITIES) are set in the archive_data_flag column.

use App\Models\Archive;
use App\Enums\ArchiveDataFlag;

$archives = Archive::whereHasAnyFlags('archive_data_flag', [
c. Querying for Multiple Flags (All)

Objective: Retrieve all Archive records where all of the specified flags (HOTELS and CITIES) are set in the archive_data_flag column.

use App\Models\Archive;
use App\Enums\ArchiveDataFlag;

$archivesWithBoth = Archive::whereHasAllFlags('archive_data_flag', [
d. Querying Across Multiple Bitmask Columns

Objective: Retrieve all Archive records where the HOTELS flag is set in archive_data_flag and the ADMIN flag is set in user_permissions_flag.

use App\Models\Archive;
use App\Enums\ArchiveDataFlag;
use App\Enums\UserPermissionsFlag;

$archives = Archive::whereHasFlag('archive_data_flag', ArchiveDataFlag::HOTELS)
                   ->whereHasFlag('user_permissions_flag', UserPermissionsFlag::ADMIN)
e. Excluding Flags

Objective: Retrieve all Archive records where the HOTELS flag is not set in the archive_data_flag column.

use App\Models\Archive;
use App\Enums\ArchiveDataFlag;

$archivesWithoutHotels = Archive::whereHasNoFlag('archive_data_flag', ArchiveDataFlag::HOTELS)->get();

2. EnumBitmaskCast


EnumBitmaskCast is a custom attribute casting class that converts a bitmask integer into an enum-based object. This allows you to leverage PHP enums in your models for cleaner and more expressive code.


To use EnumBitmaskCast in your model, specify the cast in the $casts property:

use Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Casts\EnumBitmaskCast;

class YourModel extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'permissions' => EnumBitmaskCast::class . ':App\Enums\YourEnumClass',


$yourModel = YourModel::find(1);
$permissions = $yourModel->permissions; // Returns an instance of EnumBitmaskHandler

3. BitmaskCast


BitmaskCast is another custom attribute casting class that handles integer bitmask values. It allows you to work with bitmask values more easily in your models.


To use BitmaskCast in your model, specify the cast in the $casts property:

use Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Casts\BitmaskCast;

class YourModel extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'flags' => BitmaskCast::class . ':8', // Optional maxBit


$yourModel = YourModel::find(1);
$flags = $yourModel->flags; // Returns an instance of BitmaskHandler

4. BitmaskHandler

The BitmaskHandler class provides an interface for managing bitmask operations in a Laravel application. It allows for the manipulation of bitmasks through various methods, including adding, deleting, and checking for specific bits.

use Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Facades\BitmaskFacade;

// Create a BitmaskHandler instance with the combined permissions
$permissions = 1 | 2 | 4;
$bitmask = BitmaskFacade::bitmaskHandler($permissions);
$maskValue = $bitmask->getValue(); // Returns 7

// Create a BitmaskHandler with an initial mask of 0
$bitmaskHandler = BitmaskFacade::bitmaskHandler(0);

// Create a BitmaskHandler with an initial mask and a highest bit
$bitmaskHandlerWithLimit = BitmaskFacade::bitmaskHandler(0, 7);

// Returns the current mask (e.g., 0)
$currentValue = $bitmaskHandler->getValue();
// Returns the binary string representation
$binaryString = $bitmaskHandler->toString(); 

// Adds bits 1 and 2 to the current mask
$bitmaskHandler->add(1, 2);

// Deletes bit 1 from the current mask

// Returns true if bits 1 and 2 are set
$hasBits = $bitmaskHandler->has(1, 2); 

5. EnumBitmaskHandler

The EnumBitmaskHandler class provides an interface for managing bitmask operations specific to enumerations in a Laravel application. It allows manipulation of bitmasks using enums, enabling you to add, delete, and check for specific bits represented by these enums.

use Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Facades\BitmaskFacade;

enum YourEnum: int {
    case FIRST = 1;
    case SECOND = 2;
    case THIRD = 4;

// Create an EnumBitmaskHandler with specific bits set
$enumBitmaskHandler = BitmaskFacade::enumBitmaskHandler(YourEnum::class, YourEnum::FIRST, YourEnum::SECOND);

// Returns the current mask value (e.g., 3)
$currentValue = $enumBitmaskHandler->getValue(); 

// Add bits to the current mask

// Delete a bit from the current mask

// Check if specific bits are set in the current mask
$hasBits = $enumBitmaskHandler->has(YourEnum::SECOND, YourEnum::THIRD);

// Convert the current mask to an array representation
$arrayRepresentation = $enumBitmaskHandler->toArray(); // e.g., ['first' => false, 'second' => true, 'third' => true]

Example Usage

Here's an example that illustrates how to use the EnumBitmaskHandler class:

use Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Facades\BitmaskFacade;

enum YourEnum: int {
    case BIT_ONE = 1;
    case BIT_TWO = 2;
    case BIT_THREE = 4;

// Creating an instance with no bits set
$bitmaskHandler = BitmaskFacade::enumBitmaskHandlerFactory()

// Adding bits
$bitmaskHandler->add(YourEnum::BIT_ONE, YourEnum::BIT_TWO);

// Checking current value
$currentValue = $bitmaskHandler->getValue(); // Returns 3

// Checking if specific bits are set
$hasBitOne = $bitmaskHandler->has(YourEnum::BIT_ONE); // Returns true

// Converting to an array
$arrayRepresentation = $bitmaskHandler->toArray(); // ['bit_one' => true, 'bit_two' => true, 'bit_three' => false]

Note on toArray Method

If you want to customize the keys in the resulting array from the toArray method, consider implementing the Alazziaz\LaravelBitmask\Contracts\MaskableEnum interface for your enum. You can define a toMaskKey method to specify custom keys for each enum value. For example:

public function toMaskKey(): string
    return match ($this) {
        self::READ => 'read_permission',
        self::WRITE => 'write_permission',
        self::EXECUTE => 'execute_permission',

With this approach, the toArray method in EnumBitmaskHandler can utilize the toMaskKey method to generate a more descriptive and meaningful array representation of the current mask.

6. Additional Bitmask Class Methods

1. Exposing BitmaskConverter Methods

  • indexToBitMask(int $index): int
    Converts an index to its corresponding bitmask.

    BitmaskFacade::indexToBitMask(3); // Output: 8
  • bitMaskToIndex(int $mask): int
    Converts a bitmask to its index.

    BitmaskFacade::bitMaskToIndex(8); // Output: 3
  • getEnumMaxBitValue(string $enum): int
    Retrieves the maximum bit value for the given enum.

  • bitMaskToArray(int $mask): array
    Converts a bitmask into an array of active bit values.

    BitmaskFacade::bitMaskToArray(10); // Output: [2, 8]
  • arrayToBitMask(array $bits): int
    Converts an array of bit values to a bitmask.

    BitmaskFacade::arrayToBitMask([2, 8]); // Output: 10

2. Exposing BitmaskReader Methods

  • getActiveBits(int $bitmask): array
    Retrieves the active bit values from a bitmask.

    BitmaskFacade::getActiveBits(10); // Output: [2, 8]
  • getActiveIndexes(int $bitmask): array
    Retrieves the active bit indexes from a bitmask.

    BitmaskFacade::getActiveIndexes(10); // Output: [1, 3]
  • countActiveBits(int $bitmask): int
    Counts the number of active bits in a bitmask.

    BitmaskFacade::countActiveBits(10); // Output: 2
  • getMostSignificantBitIndex(int $bitmask): int
    Returns the index of the most significant active bit.

    BitmaskFacade::getMostSignificantBitIndex(10); // Output: 3
  • getLeastSignificantBitIndex(int $bitmask): int
    Returns the index of the least significant active bit.

    BitmaskFacade::getLeastSignificantBitIndex(10); // Output: 1
  • convertToBinaryString(int $bitmask): string
    Converts a bitmask to its binary string representation.

    BitmaskFacade::convertToBinaryString(10); // Output: '1010'

3. Exposing BitmaskValidator Methods

  • validateBit(int $bit): void
    Validates a single bit to ensure it's valid.

    BitmaskFacade::validateBit(2); // No exception
  • validateBits(array $bits): void
    Validates an array of bits to ensure all are valid.

    BitmaskFacade::validateBits([2, 8]); // No exception


You can run the package's test suite using Composer:

composer test


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