Signapse Thomas Gallaudet
Check out Signapse v2.0-beta!
This release adds a bunch of features:
- Our video processing architecture has been re-designed to make use of callback routines (#15). This allows for much better object encapsulation and a more modular code-base.
- A User interface has been wireframed (#3) and integrated into the codebase (#16 #18). Built in Qt, the GUI allows users a much more intuitive experience interacting with Signapse and shows live feedback in real-time as well as a progress-bar to make learning more fun.
- 29 unit tests have been written using the google-test framework (#4) these are called with our continuous integration github action to ensure code integrity throughout development (#13).
- We have added our python scripts used for training the neural network used (#9). This allows transparency with network generation and translation to a format suitable for the OpenCV runtime. We hope that making our training scripts public will allow for members of the community with CNN expertise to help develop the next generation of sign-language models.
- Known bugs in the software have been addressed (#14).
There's lots more to come, please check out our new release and let us know how you get on!