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v0.2 - PyQt
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Changed from Tkinter to PyQt
Used QtDesigner for the UI
  • Loading branch information
albano-a committed Mar 24, 2024
1 parent 3d815bb commit b8d69af
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Showing 101 changed files with 6,944 additions and 2,682 deletions.
Binary file added __pycache__/about.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file added __pycache__/app_functions.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file added __pycache__/icons_rc.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/kraken.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/main.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/main_window.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file added __pycache__/maingui.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file added __pycache__/manage_files.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/plot.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file added __pycache__/plot_tendencia_window.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/pressure_plot.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file added __pycache__/simple_plot_window.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/utilities.cpython-312.pyc
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMessageBox

def pressure_gradient_classification(data, kmeans_number, pressure_unit,
superior_title, x_axis, y_axis):
prof = data.iloc[:, 0]
pressao = data.iloc[:, 1]

def calculate_slope(ps_a, ps_b):
if len(ps_a) != len(ps_b):
raise ValueError("ps_a and ps_b must have the same length")
coefficients = np.polyfit(ps_a, ps_b, 1)
return coefficients[0]

slopes = []
slope_indices = {}
for i in range(len(prof) - 1):
x_values = np.array([prof[i], prof[i + 1]])
y_values = np.array([pressao[i], pressao[i + 1]])
slope = calculate_slope(x_values, y_values) * -1
slope_indices[slope] = [i, i + 1]

# Convert the list of slopes to a numpy array
slopes_array = np.array([slopes, slopes])

# Perform KMeans clustering on the slopes
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=kmeans_number, random_state=0).fit(slopes_array.T)

# Classify the data based on the clusters
classified_data = [list(kmeans.labels_)[0]] + list(kmeans.labels_)

def convert_classification(class_data):
if class_data[0] == 1:
return [1 - label for label in class_data]
return class_data

# Convert the classification labels if necessary
converted_data = convert_classification(classified_data)

# Separate the data into two groups based on the classification
top_values = [(prof[i], pressao[i]) for i, label in enumerate(converted_data) if label == 1]
bottom_values = [(prof[i], pressao[i]) for i, label in enumerate(converted_data) if label == 0]

# Calculate the line of best fit for each group
top_prof, top_pressao = zip(*top_values)
bottom_prof, bottom_pressao = zip(*bottom_values)

slope_top, intercept_top = np.polyfit(top_prof, top_pressao, 1)
slope_bottom, intercept_bottom = np.polyfit(bottom_prof, bottom_pressao, 1)

pressure_unit = pressure_unit
# four pressure units to choose from (psi/ft, psi/m, Kgf/cm2/m, bar/m)

fluid_pressure = {
"dry_gas_zero": {"name":"Dry gas zero","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.0,"psi/m":0.0,"kgf/cm2/m":0.0,"bar/m":0.0}},
"dry_gas": {"name":"Dry gas","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.0,"psi/m":0.0,"kgf/cm2/m":0.0,"bar/m":0.0}},
"wet_gas": {"name":"Wet gas","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.140,"psi/m":0.459,"kgf/cm2/m":0.030,"bar/m":0.032}},
"oil_limit": {"name":"Oil limit","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.300,"psi/m":0.984,"kgf/cm2/m":0.069,"bar/m":0.069}},
"oil_60": {"name":"Oil 60°","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.387,"psi/m":1.270,"kgf/cm2/m":0.089,"bar/m":0.087}},
"oil_20": {"name":"Oil 20° (heavy)","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.404,"psi/m":1.325,"kgf/cm2/m":0.093,"bar/m":0.091}},
"fresh_water": {"name":"Fresh water","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.433,"psi/m":1.421,"kgf/cm2/m":0.100,"bar/m":0.098}},
"sea_water": {"name":"Sea Water","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.444,"psi/m":1.457,"kgf/cm2/m":0.102,"bar/m":0.101}},
"salt_sat_water": {"name":"Salt sat. Water","gradient":{"psi/ft":0.520,"psi/m":1.706,"kgf/cm2/m":0.120,"bar/m":0.118}},
"salt_max": {"name":"Salt sat. Water Max","gradient":{"psi/ft":100.000,"psi/m":100.000,"kgf/cm2/m":100.000,"bar/m":100.000}}

# Get a list of all fluid keys
fluid_keys = list(fluid_pressure.keys())

# Initialize an empty dictionary for pressure values
pressure_values = {}

# Iterate over each pair of consecutive fluids
for i in range(len(fluid_keys) - 1):
# Get the top and bottom fluids
top_fluid = fluid_keys[i]
bottom_fluid = fluid_keys[i + 1]

# Get the pressure gradient values for the top and bottom fluids
top_pressure = fluid_pressure[top_fluid]["gradient"][pressure_unit]
bottom_pressure = fluid_pressure[bottom_fluid]["gradient"][pressure_unit]

# Store the pressure values in the dictionary
pressure_values[top_fluid] = [top_pressure, bottom_pressure]

# Remove the first key-value pair from the dictionary
first_key = next(iter(pressure_values))

# Initialize the top fluid
top_fluid = 0

# Find the fluid that matches the top slope
for fluid, pressures in pressure_values.items():
if -1.*round(slope_top,4) >= pressures[0] and -1.*round(slope_top,4) < pressures[1]:
top_fluid = fluid

# Find the fluid that matches the bottom slope
for fluid, pressures in pressure_values.items():
if -1.*round(slope_bottom,4) >= pressures[0] and -1.*round(slope_bottom,4) < pressures[1]:
bottom_fluid = fluid

# Get the names of the top and bottom fluids
top_fluid_name = fluid_pressure[top_fluid]['name']
bottom_fluid_name = fluid_pressure[bottom_fluid]['name']

# Print the names of the top and bottom fluids
print(top_fluid_name, "|", bottom_fluid_name)

x_intercept = (intercept_bottom - intercept_top) / (slope_top - slope_bottom)
y_intercept = slope_top * x_intercept + intercept_top
print('O ponto de interseção das retas é',x_intercept,y_intercept)

diff = np.diff(top_prof)

# Extended top curve
mean_cota_top = np.mean(np.diff(top_prof))
extended_cota_top = [(np.abs(mean_cota_top) + np.max(top_prof))] + list(top_prof)
extended_pressure_top = np.array(extended_cota_top)*slope_top + intercept_top

# Extended bot curve
mean_cota_bot = np.mean(np.diff(bottom_prof))
extended_cota_bot = list(bottom_prof) + [(np.min(bottom_prof) + mean_cota_bot)]
extended_pressure_bot = np.array(extended_cota_bot)*slope_bottom + intercept_bottom

# Calculate the line of best fit for the top and bottom fluids
line_top = slope_top * np.array(top_prof) + intercept_top
line_bottom = slope_bottom * np.array(bottom_prof) + intercept_bottom

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(13,5))
fig.suptitle(superior_title, fontsize=16)

messages = []
messages.append(f"Fluido do topo: {top_fluid_name} | Fluido da base: {bottom_fluid_name}")
messages.append(f"O ponto de interseção das retas é {x_intercept:.2f} {y_intercept:.2f}")

# First subplot - just the data itself
axs[0].plot(top_pressao,top_prof,'o',c="C0",label='top curve '+str(round(slope_top,4)))
axs[0].plot(bottom_pressao,bottom_prof,'o',c="C3",label='bot curve '+str(round(slope_bottom,4)))
# axs[0].grid()

# Plot the data points for the top and bottom fluids
axs[1].plot(top_pressao, top_prof, 'o', c="C0", label=top_fluid_name)
axs[1].plot(bottom_pressao, bottom_prof, 'o', c="C3", label=bottom_fluid_name)
axs[1].plot(line_top, top_prof, c="C9", label=f'{top_fluid_name} {round(slope_top, 4)}')
axs[1].plot(line_bottom, bottom_prof, c="C1", label=f'{bottom_fluid_name} {round(slope_bottom, 4)}')

axs[2].plot(extended_pressure_top,extended_cota_top,c="C9",label=bottom_fluid_name+" "+str(round(slope_bottom,4)))
axs[2].plot(extended_pressure_bot,extended_cota_bot,c="C1",label=top_fluid_name+" "+str(round(slope_top,4)))
axs[2].plot(y_intercept,x_intercept,'s',c="k",label="Intersection "+str(round(x_intercept,4)) )

return fig, axs, messages

def open_file_for_plotting(header_lines, selected_file, file_type_button_text):
if header_lines != '':
skiprows = int(header_lines)
skiprows = 0

if file_type_button_text == 'csv':
dataframe = pd.read_csv(f'uploads/{selected_file}',
names=["prof", "pressao"],
return dataframe
except Exception as e:
QMessageBox.critical(None, "Error", f"Um erro ocorreu: {e}")
return pd.DataFrame()

elif file_type_button_text == 'txt':
dataframe = pd.read_csv(f'uploads/{selected_file}',
names=["prof", "pressao"],
return dataframe
except Exception as e:
QMessageBox.critical(None, "Error", f"Um erro ocorreu: {e}")
return pd.DataFrame()

elif file_type_button_text == 'xlsx':
dataframe = pd.read_excel(f'uploads/{selected_file}',
names=["prof", "pressao"])
return dataframe
except Exception as e:
QMessageBox.critical(None, "Error", f"Um erro ocorreu: {e}")
return pd.DataFrame()
174 changes: 0 additions & 174 deletions

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Binary file removed components/__pycache__/about.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed components/__pycache__/files_frame.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed components/__pycache__/help_window.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed components/__pycache__/manage_files.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed components/__pycache__/menubar.cpython-312.pyc
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Binary file removed components/__pycache__/new_window.cpython-312.pyc
Binary file not shown.
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