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Releases: albar965/littlenavmap

Version 3.0.7.rc1

21 Jun 11:36
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Version 3.0.7.rc1 Pre-release

Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.7.rc1-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.7.rc1.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.7.rc1-1_amd64.deb

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.7.rc1-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.7.rc1.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.7.rc1-1_amd64.deb

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.7.rc1 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations


This is a release candidate of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds a few
improvements and new features.

Note that the program translations and the user manual have not been updated yet.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

Reload the scenery library to see fixes like the duplicate COM frequencies for MSFS airports.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7.rc1

Flight Plan Loading and Export

  • Added export option for MSFS KLN 90B #1136
  • Added multiexport option for MSFS JustFlight BAE-14. This uses the QualityWings format.
  • Made loading of MSFS PLN flight plan files more tolerant for missing altitude in element
  • Fixed issue where a wrong error message about invalid procedures appeared after loading a MSFS
    PLN file. The message appeared when saving loaded PLN as LNMPLN.
  • Better cruise altitude estimate if altitude could not determined from the flight plan after
    loading. Altitude is rounded up to 2000 ft to the maximum of departure and destination elevation if
    all else fails.
  • Changed file extensions in multiexport to be untranslatable for local language to avoid issues.
  • Now adding STAR entry waypoint plus airway to MSFS PLN export in certain cases. Removing
    destination runway waypoints from MSFS PLN export if STAR is used.


  • Added interpolated weather reports for for NOAA, VATSIM, IVAO and X-Plane weather. These appear
    at airports having no METAR reports. Note that this does not cover cloud layers.
  • Added wind display for landing and takeoff runway in flight plan table header. This uses station
    or interpolated winds as as selected in menu Weather -> Airport Weather Source.
  • Added support for Active Sky FS (MSFS).
  • Fixed issue where ActiveSky weather was not updated.
  • Fixed crash that happened randomly when updating METAR data or switching between simulators with
    weather enabled.
  • Added sunrise and sunset to weather report page in information dock window.
  • Now showing weather stations with invalid reports crossed out on the map.
  • Fixed wrong time zone for METAR reports from FSX/P3D.
  • Better error messages for METAR decoding and outdated weather.
  • More optimizations to weather handling.

Random Flight Generation

  • Added shortcut to random flight creation: Menu Flight Plan -> Generate Random Flight. This
    opens the search dock window and activates the controls to generate a random flight.
  • Added a dialog window where a user can select either a fixed departure or a fixed destination
    airport for the random flight generation. Add at least one airport to your flight plan to enable this
    function. #1013
  • Random flight generation now puts the change on the undo/redo stack once the user accepts a
    generated flight. This is the same behavior as used in the flight plan route description which
    allows to restore a previous flight plan and its changes.
  • Adjusted the maximum distance for random flight plan to realistic values.
    The maximum is 10.800 NM.
  • Fixed the minimum and maximum distance for random flight search not being saved on exit.
  • Performance improvements and random selection for departure and destination functionality
    by u-an-i.

Procedures and Runway Selection

  • Improved procedure search. Now showing the first and last waypoint of procedures in the procedure
    tree. Also showing the first and last waypoint of a selected procedure in the header. The header
    shows first and last for the full path including the procedure when selecting a transition.
  • Search now also looks for first and last waypoint of procedures. Procedures and and transitions
    are hidden if no criteria match text search. Procedures are expanded if a transition matches the
    search text. This allows to find matching STAR for a selected approach and vice versa, for example.
  • Procedure view now tries to keep content when switching simulators, provided the airport exists
    in both simulators.
  • The procedure search tab now expands procedure branches already added to the flight plan.
    Procedures and/or respective transitions are expanded when showing procedures for departure or
    destination airport.
  • Runway selection dialogs windows now have the current runway end from the flight plan preselected.
  • The selection in procedure search is not saved anymore when changing airports to avoid unwanted
    highlighting on the map.
  • Added Shift+F5 shortcut for procedure search.
  • Fixed issue where switching between simulator databases left the procedure search in an invalid
    state resulting in a crash.
  • Fixed issue where the show procedure menu item was not enabled in map context menu and others.
    Example: Weston (EIWT) on X-Plane. #1154
  • Procedures for a clicked airport can now be shown with checkbox Airports disabled in options on
    page Map Tooltips and Clicks.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts in procedure search. Hit Return to show a procedure or a waypoint in
    the tree. Use the Down key to activate the tree from text input field.


  • Added cruise altitude from used flight plan to logbook table. The logbook table layout is reset
    back to default.
  • Logbook cleanup method improved. Extended function to cleanup off-airport coordinates like
    2956N10702E 4831N12255W in addition to empty airport idents.
  • Optimizations for aircraft trail loading and display for logbook entries.

Map Display

  • Added warning dialog if aircraft trail is too long after startup as a hint for performance
    issues. Also showing warning if trail was truncated after loading a GPX file.
  • Fixed issue where updated maximum number of trail points was not applied until restart.
  • Fixed crash when fetching tooltip information for short aircraft trails.
  • Fixed disappearing flight plans and aircraft trails on high zoom distances or long flight plans.
  • Fixed display issue where userpoints without type were hidden. Optimized code for userpoint
  • AI/multiplayer aircraft labels not have a appended if labels texts are suppressed due to higher
    zoom distances Reworked aircraft label code.
  • Added internal object ID as optional aircraft label for AI/multiplayer. Enable this in options on
    page Map Labels in branch AI, Multiplayer and Online Client Aircraft.
  • Fixed wrong bearing for nearest radio navaids of airport in information dock window. Used wrong
    magnetic declination instead of airport value.
  • Attempt to fix not updating sun shading. #1125
  • Optimizations for airspace name and aircraft trail display.

Scenery Library

  • Now bailing out early when reading malformed BGL files from MSFS resulting in endless loop.
    Example: Broken UWLS.bgl.
  • Fix for crash when reading BGL files having invalid airports.
  • Fixed COM frequency duplicates in MSFS scenery library with Navigraph navdata update installed.
    Reload the scenery library to see the fix.

Information and Aircraft Progress

  • Now keeping airport, VOR, NDB, procedure, waypoint, userpoint and logbook information when
    switching between simulators.
  • Omitting wrong X-Plane propeller ice indications for jets in user aircraft progress now.
  • Better formattin...
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Version 3.0.6

31 Mar 14:44
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Version 3.0.6


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds a few
improvements and new features.

Notable changes: New add-on airport filter modes in menu View.
Airport and navaid links in aircraft progress tab.
Logbook status and collected aircraft performance now kept between restarts.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6

Flight Plan and Procedures

  • Fixed wrong warning for runway mismatches in procedure search. Showed unneeded mismatch warning
    for runways without procedure. Example: KSTK.
  • Fixed issue where SID/STAR could not be reloaded due to wrongly detected runway mismatch when
    using the MSFS scenery library. Example: EDDE ERNE1V EDDK/I14L
    could not load ERNE1V when loading the flight plan for MSFS.
  • Flight plan name now updated in window title bar when using Save or Save as.
  • Now correctly assigning ALL as runway designator to SID/STAR having no runway assignments in MSFS.
    Reload the scenery library if you use MSFS.
  • Fixed issue where STAR could not be loaded from MSFS PLN file. Example: KIAD/30 ANJLL4.DNERO KLAX/06L.
  • Fixed crash when modifying flight plan.

Flight Plan Route Description

  • Fixed issue where STAR keyword was not generated from flight plan in route description.
    Now always adding generic SID/STAR keywords in export formats like the Rotate MD-80 .txt format
    to avoid issues when loading plan in FMC.
  • Fixed issue with alternate airports having the same STAR as destination.
    Example: KVHN SSO SUNSS8 KDVT KPHX showed a wrong error message and used KPHX as destination.
  • Fixes in route description where description MUHA EPMAR3 MAXIM SNDBR3 KMIA was not recognized
  • Added Ctrl+Return shortcut to create flight plan from route description.
  • Fixed issues where airways were not recognized. Example: KCNM WHOLE EWM J4 SUNSS8.SSO KDVT where
    J4 was added as a far off NDB.
  • Fixed plan reset to VFR in route description. Flight plan type is now set from current flight plan
    type in window Flight Planning when clicking Load from Flight Plan.

Flight Plan Export

  • Reverted change for degree sign ° vs. * in MSFS PLN flight plan files to avoid issues with
    third-party software not capable to read this MSFS compatible format.
  • Added new multiexport format Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 format using "*" as degree sign
    for cases where the simulator or add-ons cannot deal with the ° sign.
  • Removed obsolete annotated PLN export. Little Navmap can still read this format from old flight

Map Display

  • Added three add-on airport map display options to menu View and toolbar.
    See User Manual - View Menu - Airports.
    1. Add-on no override (Ctrl+Alt+O): Add-on airports are shown like normal airports.
    2. Add-on override zoom (Ctrl+Alt+Z): Add-on airports override zoom distance only but filters
      like Soft Surface can still be used to hide them.
    3. Add-on override zoom and filter (Ctrl+Alt+Y): Add-on airports override zoom distance and
      filters, i.e. are always shown. Filters like Soft Surface have no effect on add-on airports.
  • Added airport filter preset Show only add-on airports in menu View and toolbar.
  • Map theme shortcuts for included themes can now be defined in DGML file.
  • Assigned shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+0 to Ctrl+Alt+7 for all default free included map themes.
    These do not change when adding additional themes.
  • Fixed disappearing related navaids when drawing procedures. This happened when navaid was outside
    the bounding box of the flight plan.
  • Added options for airport runway labels and taxiway label size on page Map Display in section

User Interface

  • Replaced outdated airway types Victor and Jet with Low and High everywhere in the program.
  • Fixed too small table cell height on Windows with the high DPI option switched off.
  • Now also closing the startup image splash window in all dialog windows to avoid being hidden.
    As a result, the program looked like frozen since the hidden dialog window blocked input.
  • Fix in Dutch shortcut translation ('Ctrl+D' vs. 'Ctrl+Down') which overlapped with other keys.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Minimum number of trail points lowered to 1000.

Aircraft Progress

  • Added map, information and procedure links in progress tab for destination airport, top of climb,
    top of descent, next waypoint and related navaids.
  • Fixed wrong next waypoint indication when flying missed approach.


  • Logbook takeoff and landing detection is now kept for program restart.
  • Improved logbook entry creation to avoid creating of unneeded entries. A flight can now be continued
    after program restart and logbook entry is updated accordingly.
  • Now detecting off-airport takeoff and landing. Logbook entries get coordinates in degree/minute
    format as departure and landing position in this case.


  • Translations updated. Thanks to Flavio, Patrick and Ricardo!
  • Updated user manual for new features and changes.
  • The aircraft performance collection now keeps results on restart. Note that you have to restart
    the collection manually by clicking in menu Aircraft -> Restart Aircraft Performance Collection,
    the button in the window or File -> Reset all for a new Flight.
  • Now adding backup log file abarthel-little_navmap.log.1 to issue and crash reports
  • Added new X-Plane 12 VASI types APAPI_L and APAPI_R.
  • Fixed issue where X-Plane airways had wrong type assigned. Example:
    EVMON to PAPAL airway Z8 was wrongly declared Jet. #1111
  • Corrected VOR range for X-Plane data to use 130 NM for "unspecified but likely high power VOR".

🐇🐇🪺🪺 Happy Easter! 🪺🪺🐇🐇

See the included CHANGELOG.txt or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.

Version 3.0.5

12 Mar 14:24
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Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.5-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-3.0.5.tar.gz

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.5-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-3.0.5.tar.gz

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.5 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations

This is a hotfix for Little Navmap which fixes a problem loading MSFS flight plan files.

Little Navmap 3.0.4 released
or below for the full changelog from 2.8.12.

Changes from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5

  • Hotfix to avoid error message Caught exception: Invalid lat/long format
    when loading the new MSFS PLN files with * as degree sign, as used since 3.0.4.
  • Fixed missing navaids in tabs Airport -> Nearest and added missing links to navaids.

Version 3.0.4


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.

Notable changes: Direct to waypoint function, search refined and simplified,
convert procedure to waypoints for editing, route description using runways and approaches,
load and save aircraft trail as GPX, search in options dialog window, hints in options,
wind in runway and procedure selection, install Little Xpconnect from menu Tools,
crash and issue reports, colored aircraft trail and more.

Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them.
Little Navmap will show a notification dialog if you use an outdated version of Little Xpconnect.
You can update and install Little Xpconnect from the menu Tools in Little Navmap now.

Little Navmap will show a reminder to reload the scenery library databases to get improvements.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 2.8.12 to 3.0.4

See below for changes from 3.0.3.rc1 to 3.0.4.

User Manual and FAQ

  • Frequently asked questions updated.

  • Revised the user manual. Added more tips, hints and screenshots.

  • User manual is updated for all new functions. All help buttons and links point to the right chapters.

  • Added sub-menu User Manual - Helpful Chapters with important help links in main menu.

  • Removed offline PDF manual in program and installer. You can download the user manual in PDF and other
    formats from the page User Manuals. This page is also linked
    from the menu Help -> Download User Manuals.

Map Display and Map Context Menu

Flight Plan Route Description

User Interface

New Menu Items

Aircraft Trail


Changed Search



  • Updated Italian translation by Flavio Borgna.
  • Updated translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo Vitor.
  • Updated French translation by Patrick.
  • Updated German translation.

Flight Plan

  • Added direct to function to all related context menus in flight plan table, map and search result
    table. This function is only enabled if you are connected to a simulator. You can select a direct
    to any waypoint ahead of the active leg, the destination airport or an alternate airport.
    Furthermore you can direct to any position, navaid or airport which are not a part of the flight
    plan. Using Direct to adds a waypoint PPOS (present position) at the aircraft location and a
    direct line to the clicked position.
  • Added function to convert procedures into a list of waypoints. Right click on a procedure leg in
    the flight plan table or the map display and select Convert to Waypoints. A warning will be shown
    to indicate limitations of the conversion. After converting you can edit the procedure waypoints
    like any other flight plan w...
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Version 3.0.4

11 Mar 14:23
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Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.4-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-3.0.4.tar.gz

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.4-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-3.0.4.tar.gz

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.4 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.

Notable changes: Direct to waypoint function, search refined and simplified,
convert procedure to waypoints for editing, route description using runways and approaches,
load and save aircraft trail as GPX, search in options dialog window, hints in options,
wind in runway and procedure selection, install Little Xpconnect from menu Tools,
crash and issue reports, colored aircraft trail and more.

Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them.
Little Navmap will show a notification dialog if you use an outdated version of Little Xpconnect.
You can update and install Little Xpconnect from the menu Tools in Little Navmap now.

Little Navmap will show a reminder to reload the scenery library databases to get improvements.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 2.8.12 to 3.0.4

See below for changes from 3.0.3.rc1 to 3.0.4.

User Manual and FAQ

  • Frequently asked questions updated.

  • Revised the user manual. Added more tips, hints and screenshots.

  • User manual is updated for all new functions. All help buttons and links point to the right chapters.

  • Added sub-menu User Manual - Helpful Chapters with important help links in main menu.

  • Removed offline PDF manual in program and installer. You can download the user manual in PDF and other
    formats from the page User Manuals. This page is also linked
    from the menu Help -> Download User Manuals.

Map Display and Map Context Menu

Flight Plan Route Description

User Interface

New Menu Items

Aircraft Trail


Changed Search



  • Updated Italian translation by Flavio Borgna.
  • Updated translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo Vitor.
  • Updated French translation by Patrick.
  • Updated German translation.

Flight Plan

  • Added direct to function to all related context menus in flight plan table, map and search result
    table. This function is only enabled if you are connected to a simulator. You can select a direct
    to any waypoint ahead of the active leg, the destination airport or an alternate airport.
    Furthermore you can direct to any position, navaid or airport which are not a part of the flight
    plan. Using Direct to adds a waypoint PPOS (present position) at the aircraft location and a
    direct line to the clicked position.
  • Added function to convert procedures into a list of waypoints. Right click on a procedure leg in
    the flight plan table or the map display and select Convert to Waypoints. A warning will be shown
    to indicate limitations of the conversion. After converting you can edit the procedure waypoints
    like any other flight plan waypoint list.
  • Added preferred runway indication in departure and destination runway selection dialog window.
    This is based on the selection in menu Weather -> Airport Weather Source and shows the best
    runways for wind and the used weather source. Also showing head and crosswind for each runway in
    the selection table.
  • Less important columns are now hidden in the flight plan table per default. You can bring these
    back in the flight plan table context menu item Flight Plan Table Display Options or in the main
    menu Tools -> `Flight Plan Table Display O...
Read more

Version 2.8.12

16 Jul 13:42
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Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-2.8.12-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.12.tar.gz

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-2.8.12-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.12.tar.gz

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 2.8.12 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Box / Dropbox /


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.

Notable changes: Windows Installation program, Prepar3D v6 support,
fix for MSFS waypoint moved to North issue, Little Navconnect tray icon and more.

Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them to
avoid crashes that were introduced with 2.8.12.rc1.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 2.8.11 to 2.8.12

Installation and Startup

  • Added Inno Setup installer packages. This installs
    Little Navmap for all users in the folders Program Files for the 64-bit package or
    Program Files (x86) for the 32-bit package. Both can be installed in parallel. The installer
    creates start menu entries for all included programs as well as most important files and links.
    File types can optionally be associated with Little Navmap which allows to load a flight plan by
    double clicking on a LNMPLN file in Windows Explorer or other file managers. Little Navmap is
    then either started or a running instance is used to load a plan. See
    Little Navmap User Manual - Installation.
    Note that there is no need to install or modify any files in the installation folder. See also
    Little Navmap User Manual - Map Themes.
  • Removed restart requirement after installing MSVC Redistributables in 64-bit Windows
    installer (from 2.8.12.rc1).
  • Improved the detection of an already running instance of Little Navmap. Removed warning dialog
    for Program is already running situation. Instead the Little Navmap window is brought into
    foreground and any file passed to the program is opened. Furthermore, all files passed on the
    command line without parameters are checked for type and are loaded accordingly. This is working
    on Windows, macOS and Linux. See also
    Little Navmap User Manual - Command Line Options.
  • Now allowing to run more than one Little Navmap instance when using separate configuration folders.
  • Updated MSFS SimConnect DLL to the latest version


  • Added configuration option for degree grid in view menu. Select menu View ->
    Show Map Grid Configuration to change color of grid lines and labels.
  • Fixed issue where split user aircraft trails from previous version 2.8.10 were read wrongly
    and appeared all connected to one.
  • Corrected loading of oceanic tracks to avoid disappearing flight plan after load.
  • Now creating two backups for main trail file little_navmap.track to avoid data loss on update.
  • Now backing up configuration and track files with ..._update-backup.N suffix after installing
    and starting a new version to avoid data loss.
  • Corrected issue where map grid was drawn below landmass in some offline maps.
  • Menu and toolbar items for airspace altitude filter are now correctly selected again after
  • Fixed missing flight plan waypoint tooltips and click spots with airway or track display enabled.
  • Added theme open flightmaps to included map themes.
    This is a modified version of the map theme by
    AmbitiousPilots including changes
    from b-faller.
  • Now showing top level map image tile correctly for open flightmaps instead of an black area.
  • Fixed more issues with the external map theme folder where maps having more than one layer like
    the open flightmaps map theme could not be used.
  • Updated map theme file example.dgml.
  • Corrected checking for duplicate elements of sourceDir in map theme DGML files for maps having
    more than one layer. This avoids the issue where different map themes might overwrite data in the
    cache folder.

Userpoint and Logbook

  • Fixed problem where no error was shown when importing invalid userpoint or logbook CSV files.
  • Fixed issue where an aborted CSV import might corrupt the undo data in some cases.
  • Update CSV import and export for userpoints to allow unit suffixes in altitude. Now detecting
    suffixes m for meter and f for feet to import altitude in respective units. Feet is
    default when using no suffix.
  • Fixed various issues with units in userpoint edit dialog. Now correctly setting and displaying
    metric units for Visible from and Elevation or altitude. Corrected Visible from display in
    userpoint search result table. Now using more precision in userpoint altitude to avoid rounding
    errors between units.

Flight Plan and Export

  • Corrected wrong error message for procedures having a MAP lower than airport elevation.
    Example: FAUP RNAV UP1F1 (R35)
  • Fix in flight plan export for MSFS where several waypoints are moved to North. Thanks to Github user
    eaides for the hint. #1038
  • Added selection box for IFR or VFR flight plan type to route description.


  • Fixed issues where X-Plane simulator weather was not loaded from manually set folder without a
    X-Plane installation. The weather was not loaded and wrong warning dialog was shown.
    This is the case when Little Navmap runs on an networked or remote computer and the weather
    is loaded from a shared network drive from the flying computer.
  • Flight plan route description dialog is now updated on style change.
  • Moved AI and online aircraft menu items to sub-menu in View to avoid menu size limitation.
  • More fixes in weather to skip unneeded reading of ActiveSky weather files. These are now read
    on demand if ActiveSky sky options like tooltips are enabled.
  • Fixed crash when copying log file on size overflow which was introduced with 2.8.12.rc1.
    This resulted in a random crash to desktop while loading the scenery library.
  • Fixed crash when loading Active Sky files if Active Sky file path was set manually and removed
    later on.
  • Corrected menu items and toolbar buttons which remained disabled after connecting to simulator.

Little Navconnect Version 2.8.7

  • Added support for system tray icon. Close button on window frame now optionally minimizes window
    to system tray. Enable this in menu Window -> Minimize to system tray. The tray icon is always
    visible. System tray icon shows last five messages from log in tooltip. #712
    See Little Navconnect User Manual - Tray.
  • Tray icon has a context menu to restore window, show settings and more. Left click on the tray icon
    to restore or minimize the Little Navconnect window.
  • New option Window -> Start minimized to system tray to start program without opening a window.
  • Fixed various issues with text field updates causing warnings in log file.
  • Updated user manual.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.

Version 2.8.11

18 Jun 11:38
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Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit (MSFS and X-Plane) -
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.11.tar.gz

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta or development releases:

Box / Dropbox / / OneDrive

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit (only for FSX and P3D) -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.11.tar.gz


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and crashes and adds
improvements as well as new features.

Note that the installation of map themes has changed. Furthermore, there are changes in the scenery library
menu and in the flight plan route description. See below for more information.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 2.8.10 to 2.8.11

Flight Plan and Export

  • Now recognizing runway assignments from SimBrief when downloading flight plans. This fixes the
    random runway assignment after import.
  • Now resolving SID and STAR transitions when loading MSFS PLN flight plan files. This also works
    for the SimBrief exported plans where the STAR name is omitted on the first waypoint. Note that
    this is not 100 percent reliable due to deficits in the MSFS PLN file format design.
  • Trying to automatically select approach transitions for matching STAR waypoint similar as
    MSFS if an approach procedure is selected when importing MSFS PLN files.
  • Improved X-Plane FMS export. Airports with procedures are now always saved with keywords ADEP or
    ADES to allow manual departure or arrival procedure selection in the GPS or FMS.
  • Added warning if the scenery library mode Use Navigraph for all Features is enabled when
    exporting X-Plane FMS files to avoid issues when selecting procedures in the FMS or GPS.
  • Fixed wrong error message when calculating elevation profile due to required vertical angle
    conflicting with an altitude restriction. Example: Airport LTFM with approach I17LX and other
    ILS at LTFM. Vertical angle is now ignored in such cases.
  • Fixed issue with excessive fight plan altitude on loading causing program freeze and crash.
    This can happen when importing a flight plan using a format which does not provide cruise altitude
    information like FMS in some cases or FSC PLN.
  • Now using best guess to set cruise altitude automatically after loading flight plan format without
    support for cruise altitude. This is based on procedure and airway restrictions.
  • Added warning dialog if cruise altitude cannot be loaded from flight plan and has to be estimated.
  • Applying best guess now for flight plan type (IFR/VFR) when loading flight plan formats not
    supporting this.
  • Now attempting to load SID, STAR and respective transitions from FSC PLN files.
  • Added workaround for broken X-Plane FMS flight plans having partially invalid altitude information.
  • Rounding error related procedure altitude violations corrected when using metric altitude.
  • Fixed issues with wrong flight plan cruise altitude when using metric altitude.
    Rounding errors in cruise altitude when loading and saving plans with metric altitude are minimized now.
  • Added new optional element CruisingAltF to LNMPLN file format to avoid rounding errors when using
    metric units.
  • Now using metric speed and altitude designators in route description if units are set accordingly
    in options on page Units.
  • Fixed issue where imported flight plan (for example in FMS or PLN format) could be overwritten with the
    LNMPLN format after updating the plan from a route string.
  • Fixed issues with default filename generation having CRUISEALT parameter. Now using local altitude
    unit as set in options.
  • Adjusted route string reader to prefer a close VOR or waypoint before a NDB with the same ident.
  • Fixed flight plan export and save functions to avoid suggesting filenames containing /, \
    or other invalid characters.
  • Fixed issue where airway information in flight plan at STAR entry was dropped after manually
    adding a STAR.
  • Now removing first waypoint RW from X-Plane FMS 11 if a departure runway is selected. This avoids
    confusing the stock FMS and GPS which gave wrong turn indications.

Flight plan route description

  • The lower part of the input field can now be used as a scratch pad. The upper bold highlighted
    section separated by an empty line is the current route description which is read and interpreted.
    The lower gray description texts are a part of the scratch pad. These are saved on program exit but
    ignored apart from that.
  • The function Create flight plan now reads the first paragraph in the input field, i.e. until
    the first empty line.
  • 'Load from flight plan' inserts the route description on top of the input field and leaves other
    texts below intact.
  • Added undo/redo buttons to route description dialog window.
  • Fixed issues where airways and waypoints were dropped in some cases.

Scenery Library

  • Added optional automatic navdata selection depending on simulator and AIRAC cycle. The new option in
    menu Scenery Library -> Navigraph -> Select Automatically is enabled per default and selects
    the right navdata mode when switching between simulators or after compiling the database. The automatically
    selected mode can be seen in the disabled menu items in menu Navigraph or in the window title bar.
    Little Navmap User Manual - Navigraph
  • The mode Use Navigraph for all Features is now enabled per default on first run after a fresh
    installation to have airports available if the simulator database is empty This is independent of
    the AIRAC cycle.
  • Added option to include extra directories for scenery library scanning. Extra folders extending
    MSFS Community, X-Plane Custom Scenery or FSX/P3D Addon Scenery can be added in
    options on page Scenery Library Database in the top list. #959
    Little Navmap User Manual - Scenery Library Database
  • Added message in dialog window Load Scenery Library indicating excluded folders. This is a
    hint since wrong and unintended exclusions can often cause issues like missing airports.
  • More cleanup for MSFS airport names. Now removing leading and trailing space from all names to
    allow search since some airport names are entered wrongly with spaces.
  • Fixed issue where MSFS navdata update was recognized despite having its folders excluded.
  • Fixed country names appearing as language keys when compiling MSFS. Names are now empty again
    since MSFS does not provide these.
  • Corrected detection and reading of Navigraph navdata update in MSFS. Now reading airports from
    update. Navdata and procedures are omitted. Wrongly excluded package is now read. Speed up for
    reading scenery library by ignoring unused procedures from navdata update. #1019
  • Workaround for missing aircraft model translations since MSFS SU12.
  • Now adding start positions for runways and parking spots in Navigraph navdata compiler to allow
    departure parking selection for runways as well when using mode Use Navigraph for all Features.
    This change will appear with future Navigraph navdata updates.
  • Updated included Navigraph cycle 1801 to cover above mentioned database changes.
  • X-Plane 12 manually corrected localizers file is now read.
  • Corrected overzealous filter for MSFS airport dummy structures which removed add-on helipads or
    airports. Example add-on: willicopta-spital-la-chaux-de-fonds-lsh9 which did not show up.


  • Added quick Mark Airport as Add-on function in all related context menus in map, flight plan
    table and airport search result table. This inserts a userpoint of type Addon without additional
    editing. The labels of this userpoint type (yellow ring) are not shown on map to avoid overlap
    with the airport labels. You can add your own types starting with text Addon. These will be
    treated the same way.
    Little Navmap User Manual - Mark Airport as Add-on
  • Added cl...
Read more

Version 2.8.10

07 Apr 14:58
Choose a tag to compare

Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit (MSFS and X-Plane) -
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.10.tar.gz

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta or development releases:

Box / Dropbox / / OneDrive

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit (only for FSX and P3D) -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.10.tar.gz


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes small bugs, crashes and adds small improvements.

X-Plane: Update your Little Xpconnect installation as well with the included version 1.0.37 to
fix issues with AI injection tools.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Special thanks to Max Hille for finding the issue with Xpconnect on Linux and X-Plane 12!

MSFS Notes

The active pause problem was fixed with the MSFS version SU12.

Loading a flight plan with user-defined points placed at the at the North Pole has been fixed
with MSFS version SU12.

See also MSFS Common Problems in the FAQ.

Changes from 2.8.9 to 2.8.10

  • Navigraph selection is now remembered for each simulator selection separately. This means that
    the Navigraph selection is automatically changed when switching between simulators. The simulator
    and Navigraph selection is reset on the first startup on update. Use the menu item
    Scenery Library -> Validate Scenery Library Settings to check your settings.
  • Created a clone of the scenery library settings validation menu item Scenery Library ->
    Validate Scenery Library Settings on the toolbar.
  • Added support for ActiveSky for X-Plane 12. Little Navmap detects the ASX 12 files
    automatically when selecting the X-Plane 12 scenery library.
  • Changed flight plan export for TDS GTNXi to add waypoint coordinates for disambiguation as well
    as procedures. This should help with flight loading issues due to navdata cycle mismatches.
  • Added TDS GTNXi export using waypoints only.
  • Density altitude added to airport weather report in window Information on tabs
    Airport -> Weather.
  • Added density altitude to aircraft progress if aircraft is on ground. This is disabled per
    default and can be enabled in the menu Tools -> Aircraft Progress Display Options by checking
    Density Altitude in branch Environment.
  • ILS, GLS and RNP approach slopes in elevation profile can now be forced to display for all
    approach types:
    • Disable ILS or GLS/RNP on the toolbar or in the menu View -> Navaids to see only flight
      plan related navaids on the map and approach related navaids in the elevation profile. This means
      you won't see an ILS slope for a VOR approach, for example.
    • Enable ILS to see slopes in the elevation profile independent of the approach type. A
      destination runway or an approach has to be selected to see the slope.
  • Menu item Map -> Remove all Highlights and Selections (shortcut Ctrl+H) now also clears
    the multi procedure preview (Preview all Procedures in procedure search context menu).
  • Added link Show Procedures besides link Map to related airport information tabs to avoid
    context menu use for departure or destination airport.
  • Now copying flight plan cruise altitude over to the flight plan calculation window when opening
    or changing it in flight plan window.
  • More accuracy for flight plan calculation preference slider.
  • Added blue question mark help buttons to information and aircraft progress windows linking to the
    related user manual chapters.
  • Fixed userpoints category not being enabled after assigning a new type to a userpoint.
    This avoids the confusing disappearance of a userpoint after changing the type.
  • Added workaround for missing translations in MSFS for AI or multiplayer aircraft. Needs a reload
    of the scenery library.
  • Adjusted airport rating calculation for MSFS. Now setting airports having only automatically
    generated apron snippets to zero rating which equal to Empty Airport. Fix needs reloading
    the scenery library.
  • Now using correct localizer width in map for Navigraph and MSFS navaids. Localizer width added to
    ILS information display in tab Navaids and map display depiction. Note that this is only
    available for FSX, P3D, MSFS and future Navigraph databases. Needs a reload of the scenery
    library. #1011
  • Wind pointer size on top of map now depends on set font size for map.
  • Corrected VOR to/from courses which were omitted before or after procedures.
  • Fixed crash when using the MSFS toolbar plugin or other web services of Little Navmap.
  • Fixed issue with Italian translation using wrong units in search window. #1012
  • Issue with disappearing navaids being part of missed approach selection fixed.
  • Updated included SimConnect.dll in 64-bit build for MSFS to SDK
  • Other corrections to map drawing of procedures and selected legs.
  • Updated user manual for functionality changes.

Little Xpconnect X-Plane plugin Version 1.0.37

  • Fixed fetching of aircraft registrations/tailnumbers for AI and online aircraft.
  • Better logic to read AI aircraft from add-ons where some use the new TCAS interface and some the
    old multiplayer interface.
  • Added version number to menu item Little Xpconnect.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.

Version 2.8.9

06 Mar 14:27
Choose a tag to compare

Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit (MSFS and X-Plane) -

► macOS -

► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.9.tar.gz

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta or development releases:

Box / Dropbox / / OneDrive

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit (only for FSX and P3D) -

► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.9.tar.gz


This is a stable release of Little Navmap fixing crashes and other bugs.

X-Plane: Update your Little Xpconnect installation as well with the included version 1.0.34 to
fix wrong TAS and GS speeds.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag for Little Xpconnect on update. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See important known issues below for MSFS.

The online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Special thanks to Max Hille for finding the issue with Xpconnect on Linux and X-Plane 12!

Known Issues MSFS

Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect even when restarting Little Navmap.
This is a MSFS issue. Use the key Esc for normal pause or click the toolbar button for pause to avoid problems.
Note that you can also start active pause the usual way (keyboard or joystick) but end it with the MSFS toolbar button.
This keeps the connection intact.

The active pause problem was fixed with the MSFS SU12 Beta version.

Loading a flight plan containing user defined points (coordinates) results in some positions of the plan
placed at the North Pole. Note this was fixed with the MSFS SU12 Beta.

See also MSFS Common Problems in the FAQ.

Changes from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9

Map Display

  • AI aircraft with unreliable on-ground status injected by third party traffic tools are now
    corrected if there is vertical speed or ground speed. This helps to avoid flying aircraft
    hidden wrongly on the map.
  • Changed speed display for AI and user aircraft. Now showing ground speed on ground in map display
    labels and progress tab for AI if user and AI aircraft are moving. Disabled wrong IAS and TAS display
    labels for user aircraft on ground.
  • Fixed en-route holdings drawn with the wrong turn direction.
  • Added turn direction for en-route holding tooltips and information window.
  • Fixed issue where map highlights remained after putting a dock widget like search to the bottom
    of dock stack.
  • Added margins to map display text labels to improve readability.
  • Airport diagrams now shown earlier on map when zooming in.
  • Updated map themes on Little Navmap Downloads - Map Themes.
  • Removed unneeded Marble map theme legend files.
  • Increased maximum number of entries in map position history.
  • More adjustments and fixes for better drawing.

Flight Plan and Export

  • Corrected loading of flight plan routing network which was incomplete due to new MSFS RNAV waypoint type.
    This resulted in calculated flight plans using too many direct-to instead of airways when using
    Do not use Navigraph Database in the scenery library menu. #1001
  • Better error checking for flight plan export file pattern in multi export options. Added
    validation and error messages for export file patterns and file extensions. A file pattern with
    errors is now always highlighted red also if not selected for export.
  • Now resetting empty file patterns in multiexport to default values on loading. This fixes issues where
    the configuration was not migrated correctly from earlier versions and exported files used a flight
    plan name without file extension.
  • Now falling back to correct default file pattern on flight plan export if the pattern in the
    multi export options dialog is empty.
  • Fixed crash when loading X-Plane FMS files with negative airport elevation. Made flight plan
    loading more robust in general.
  • Increased maximum length for user waypoint names to 80 characters in MSFS PLN flight plan file export
    to allow descriptions.
  • Fixed inconsistencies for course display in flight plan leg in table, aircraft progress,
    elevation profile and the map.
  • Removed not applicable inbound and outbound VOR course display in aircraft progress at procedure legs.

User Interface

  • Fixed issue where the wrong runways were fetched for ILS in information and tooltips. As a
    result ILS were declared Offset to Runway showing the wrong runway heading.
  • Corrected airport ident to use displayed value from map and flight plan table in context menus
    to avoid confusing mismatches of airport idents between map and context menu. Now additionally
    showing display ident and internal ident in airport search context menu.
  • Added menu item Tools -> Files and Directories -> Show Map Installation Directory
    to ease installation of new map themes.
  • Changed reading of MSFS scenery library. Now also reading manifest content type AIRCRAFT since
    aircraft add-ons may contain airports as well.
  • Fix for stacked dock windows appearing in the wrong order after un-minimizing main window. #1000
  • Updated user manual for customization, map theme installation, SimBrief changes and cold weather
    altitude correction.
  • Fixed elevation profile losing display reverting to a gray area when resetting view after vertical zoom.
  • Fixed issues with dock windows moved to the wrong screen on multi screen configurations.
  • Added to airport link list.
  • Fixed regression where red warning text for empty database was missing in status bar.
  • Several other small text fixes.


  • Fixed several issues with warnings about X-Plane weather files. Now warning
    if simulator is not installed or weather files are missing. Dialogs can be disabled.
  • Adapted to read new winds aloft file names from X-Plane which were introduced with version 12.04b2.
  • Made reading of GRIB wind files more error tolerant. Checking for wrong or empty files now.

X-Plane and Little Xpconnect Version 1.0.35 and 1.0.36

  • Fixed ground speed used wrongly as true airspeed for X-Plane AI and multiplayer aircraft.
    Ground speed is now correctly shown.
  • Added fix from Max Hille ( to avoid X-Plane 12 issues
    with light colors and ignored exclusion regions on Linux after installing plugin. #983

See the included CHANGELOG.txt or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.

Version 2.8.8

18 Jan 19:00
Choose a tag to compare

Hotfix for issues with Little Xpconnect and X-Plane 12 on Linux

Use on of the two Little Xpconnect builds below if you see issues like wrong colors or ignored exclusion regions in X-Plane 12:

► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleXpconnect-linux-22.04-1.0.35.tar.gz
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleXpconnect-linux-20.04-1.0.35.tar.gz

Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit (MSFS and X-Plane) -
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.8.tar.gz

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta or development releases:

Box / Dropbox / / OneDrive

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit (only for FSX and P3D) -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.8.tar.gz


This is a stable release of Little Navmap fixing crashes and other bugs.

X-Plane: Update your Little Xpconnect installation as well with the included version 1.0.34 to avoid wrong timezone calculations.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag for Little Xpconnect on update. See Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

See Screenshots of new 2.8 Features for an overview of new features.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See important known issues below for MSFS.

The user manual is available here: Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads: User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect even when restarting Little Navmap.
This is a MSFS issue. Use the key Esc for normal pause or click the toolbar button for pause to avoid problems. You can restore the connection by toggling active pause on the toolbar button.

See also MSFS Common Problems in the FAQ.

Changes from 2.8.7 to 2.8.8

Flight Plan and Export

  • Added export option for X-Plane CIVA Navigation System. Files exported as FMS 3 split up into
    partitions containing nine waypoints. Procedure waypoints are included.
  • Fixed issues with multi export file selection that appeared when using a file export pattern
    without suffix.
  • Made loading of X-Plane FMS plans more tolerant for invalid files. Now throwing error messages in
    case of invalid coordinates to avoid crash.
  • Adjustments for flight plan calculation for better results with less airway usage at the right of
    the slider Prefer.
  • Updated NAT track download address to new to avoid error
    messages on download. Addresses can be changed in little_navmap.ini in section [Track].
  • Fixed wrong flight plan read while importing from SimBrief and changing plan with download dialog open.

Flight Plan Route Description

  • Corrected reading of a flight plan having SID and STAR with the same transition waypoint
    resulting in incomplete plans from SimBrief import. Example: MUHA EPMAR3 MAXIM SNDBR2 KMIA KMCO. #975
  • Fixed crash while typing when entering incomplete route description texts.
  • Fixed several issues when reading and writing a route description using space separated transitions.
    This avoids error messages when reading flight plans from SimBrief.
  • Flight plan cruise altitude is now adjusted to adhere to airway and procedure altitude
    restrictions. This avoids creating new plans with initial restriction errors.
  • Tear off drop down menu in route description dialog can now be reopened again after closing dialog.

Map Display and Elevation Profile

  • Fixed issue with disappearing aircraft trail and other map lines near anti-meridian. #976
  • Now suppressing VASI display in elevation profile if approach has a large offset course compared
    to the runway. The VASI slope cannot be used in these cases.
  • Omitting wrong X-Plane runway shoulders for water runways on map.
  • Moved flight plan table colors to little_navmap_mapstyle.ini. Added new section [FlightPlan].

Online Flying

  • Fixed crash because of missing icon for unknown aircraft types. #973
  • Added white aircraft icon with question mark for invalid aircraft types like online boats.
  • Now ignoring boat traffic in aircraft shadow resolution.
  • Adjusted shadow aircraft detection online vs. simulator to better resolve duplicate aircraft when
    flying online.

Scenery Library

  • Fixed several issues with new X-Plane 12 runway surface types. Runways were previously dropped
    for unknown surface types. This resulted in airports registered without runways and having a
    helipad symbol assigned in some cases.
  • Now reading new X-Plane asphalt and concrete textures.
  • Corrected behavior when clicking Load Scenery Database which could open the loading dialog
    again and crash while still waiting for confirmation on database usage.
  • Fixed issue with mapped drives on Windows where add-on airports were not detected if having MSFS
    installed on such a drive. #967

User Interface and Other

  • Corrected window order when using Keep in Foreground to avoid blocked or hidden dialogs after
    loading scenery library.
  • The Keep in Foreground status is now applied to all non-blocking dialog windows like 'Flight
    Plan Calculation' and 'Flight Plan Route Description' to avoid windows being blocked and hidden
    by main window.
  • Added userpoint type Addon to highlight airports with a yellow ring similar to detected add-on
  • Fixed issue where bearing and distance to user aircraft was not updated in tooltips for parking spots.
  • Fixed regression where tooltips disappeared quickly when being connected to a simulator.
  • Now correcting logbook time if off by one day at arrival due to wrong time and date jumps while
    flying (caused by warp or similar tools). This previously resulted in negative travel times.
  • Corrected logbook and userpoint import functions where first row in CSV files caused an error message
    if using quoted names.
  • Fix for wrong names in options dialog. #965
  • Fixes to avoid crash with duplicate ids when adding userpoints or logbook entries after import. #985
  • Solved issue with crash when doing undo or redo quickly using keyboard shortcut repeats.
  • Wind calculation functions are now more tolerant for invalid coordinates to avoid crashes.
  • Corrections to statusbar and time. Time now correctly suffixed with UTC.
  • Updated program translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo.
  • Disabled Spanish translation since it did not receive updates for a long time and has other issues.
  • Reverted workaround for MSFS unreliable on-ground indication for user aircraft.
  • Updated SimConnect.dll to latest from SDK version
  • Corrected SSL library in Linux package to fix SSL handshake errors. Now adding correct OpenSSL
    version 1.1 to the folder lib to avoid loading of a wrong system library version 3. #974

X-Plane and Little Xpconnect

  • Fixed wrong date and timezone calculation in Little Xpconnect 1.0.34 which resulted in wrong or
    jumping endurance and turn anticipation display.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.

Version 2.8.7

22 Dec 18:46
Choose a tag to compare

Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit (MSFS and X-Plane) -

► macOS -

► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.7.tar.gz

► Linux SSL Handshake hotfix - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.7-openssl-1.1.tar.gz

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta or development releases:

Box / Dropbox / / OneDrive

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit (only for FSX and P3D) -

► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.7.tar.gz

🎄🎁 Wishing you all a magical holiday season and best wishes for a happy New Year! 🎁🎄


This is a stable release of Little Navmap.

Screenshots of new 2.8 Features
for an overview of new features.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See important known issues below for MSFS.

The updated user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

This changelog also explains new or moved/changed features.
First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

X-Plane users: Reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package to get but fixes and changed.
Otherwise fuel flow calculation, X-Plane weather information or other functions might not work
correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
Use the key Esc for normal pause to avoid problems.

Changes from 2.6.19 to 2.8.7

This list describes the most obvious changes. See below for details and changes between the beta
and candidate releases as well as links to the related user manual chapters.

See Screenshots of new 2.8 Features
for an overview of new features.


  • Updated English user manual:
    Little Navmap - User Manual.
    Adapted to new features and is available online as well as included as PDF
    (see User Manuals - Stable Releases).
  • Now automatically using HTML help files from folder help/en or other supported language codes
    if installed. Download help from
    User Manuals - Stable Releases
    and extract the zip file to .../Little Navmap/help/en to use the offline user manual.
  • Added changelog item to help menu.
  • Removed built-in map legend. This now available either online or in the included PDF user manual.
    See online
    Little Navmap User Manual - Legend
    or from the menu Help.

Windows Builds

There are two builds of Little Navmap and Little Navconnect for Windows available now:

  • Windows 64-bit: For MSFS and all X-Plane versions.
  • Windows 32-bit: For FSX and Prepar3D.

See Little Navmap User Manual - Windows Builds for details.

User Interface

  • Changed status bar to avoid growing and shrinking fields. Now keeping maximum size to avoid
  • Added option to hide dock window title bars in menu Window -> Show Dock Window Title Bars.
    Uncheck this to get more screen space inside the main window.
  • Added airport transition level for X-Plane and Navigraph data.
  • Resetting flight plan table, airport search result table and navaid search result table view on
    update now to avoid display of wrong columns or missing table columns.
  • Added introductory dialog for first time users explaining further steps.
  • Swapped Shift+F11 and F11 functions. Fullscreen is now F11 since this is a common shortcut
    for most applications.
  • All actions for None and All in toolbar button dropdown menus can now toggle between states
    none, all and last selected state. Click All a second time to revert to the previous selection.
  • Now checking for base folder structure (Little Navmap Documents) only on first startup to avoid
    issues when changing language. Folder structure can be now be created manually from Tools ->
    Create Directory Structure. #782
  • Added warning message when using scenery library with not matching simulator in connect dialog.
    This shows up when connecting to MSFS with an active X-Plane scenery database, for example.
  • Separated tab bar reset into a new menu item Reset Tabs to Default in menu Window. Window
    layout and and tabs can now be reset separately.
  • Added show map cache to menu Tools -> Files.
  • Changed symbol for nautical miles to correct official NM.
  • Fixed issues with macOS aliases. These can now be used in X-Plane Custom Scenery to link to
  • Default style on macOS after first start is now Fusion and also reset on update since the default
    macOS style is too clunky.
  • Removed check for wrong macOS version on program startup to avoid false warnings.
  • Raised macOS minimum requirement to 10.13 High Sierra.
  • Updated French translations by Patrick.
  • Updated Italian translations by Flavio.

Flight Plan

  • Flight plan is now saved to a temporary file on exit. This avoids the question dialog when
    exiting the program after building or modifying a plan. This means: You create a new flight plan
    from scratch or modify a present one and Little Navmap will not ask to save the plan when exiting.
    Instead the same plan is reloaded on next startup. Continue editing without saving and the changed
    plan will be reloaded on next startup. You can still use the Save and Save as functions as
    before. You can disable this behavior on options page Startup and Updates by disabling Load last used flight plan. The temporary plan is stored in the settings folder as file
    little_navmap.lnmpln besides little_navmap.ini.
  • Avoid overwriting Flight Plan with not matching departure and destination now enabled per
    default on new installations. You can disable this setting in the options dialog on page Flight Plan if needed.
  • Now allowing arbitrary points for departure and destination. This covers all navaids, user points
    and coordinates which can be used as start or destination points. The elevation profile is now
    calculated without error messages for these kind of flight plans. Note that you have to install the
    GLOBE elevation data to get the correct elevations for these points. You have to use the Add to flight plan menu item, the Append to flight plan menu item, the keyboard shortcut
    Ctrl+Alt+Click (add), Shift+Alt+Click (append) or the drag and drop flight plan editing to add
    arbitrary points as departure or destination. Note these flight plans are not supported by all
    simulators or add-ons.
  • Magnetic course of flight plan legs is now always calculated using normal magnetic declination.
    VOR calibrated declination is ignored. Other options to display VOR inbound and outbound magnetic
    course are now available. See
    Little Navmap User Manual - Magnetic Declination.
  • Added optional inbound and outbound VOR course to aircraft progress display considering VOR
    calibrated declination. This is always shown when the next or last waypoint is a VOR, VORDME or
    VORTAC. Enable this in Tools -> Aircraft progress display options -> branch Next Waypoint ->
    Leg course from and Leg course to.
  • Removed Ignore declination of VOR and other radio navaids on options page Flight Plan since
    there are other ways to display VOR inbound and outbound magnetic course now.
  • Removed merging (e.g. grouping of multiple deletions into one) of same changes for undo or redo
    in flight plan operations. Now single changes can be undone.
  • Changed flight plan calculation to a normal non-blocking dialog window also to avoid the short
    popping up on start. Note that these non-blocking dialog windows can be put behind the main window
    and show up in the Windows or other task lists as well.
  • Highlight of active in flight plan table can be disabled in options on page Flight Plan. #785
  • Removed forced assignment of runways if no parking...
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