Bitcoin and Altcoins Publickey subtracter
Generate multiple but different "copies" of a publickey, Actually Added and substracted publickeys.
Download, clone this repository:
git clone
This copies are generated at different offset of the orginal publickey.
For example to make 100 copies of the puzzle 120 you need to execute the next command:
./keysubtracter -p 02ceb6cbbcdbdf5ef7150682150f4ce2c6f4807b349827dcdbdd1f2efa885a2630 -n 100 -b 120
this will create 100 subtracted publickeys, well this is 50 Added publickeys and 50 substracted publickeys
Almost the half of those publickey will land in the 120 bits space -b 120
becuase the input publickey supposedly is located in bitspace 119-120
And the 50 Upper keys are distributed in the 120 bit space divided by 50 upper the Original publickey And the 50 Lower keys are distributed in the 120 bit space divided by 50 lower the original publickey
Well to avoid add extra modifications to the code for now this need to be calculated with the current parameters.
if you want to generate 10 publickeys separated each with 10 of difference you need to specify a range of 100 divided by 2 with -r 0:32
32 hexadecimal is 50 decimal
./keysubtracter -p 02ceb6cbbcdbdf5ef7150682150f4ce2c6f4807b349827dcdbdd1f2efa885a2630 -n 10 -r 0:32
Example output:
023e40191ed19ba1c82d3948ffad7d11efc7352e8a071b09750fc0a62cba295f15 # - 10
02ad82cfd538d8f9a98ea7d2393a958962d3dd783456284353084ad74e459ca98c # + 10
029649575661e11d5c7c277d008c7a6d6a56c14824e31673a5a49809f94777858e # - 20
02a1c7e1fffa740388689234491047208e0f7c23a9bee61b61ef035a6d016a709c # + 20
02a3c299147e9cb77fc03b13712700361b6175e3fa3521a297854c73f680f8b389 # - 30
028a6ee5e557bf738107e02cf5533dd40d6390f4a4a1539092774246c1352583b8 # + 30
03911f949fe7d1c81152974161306cda43c810ec50839cee0ff1fd047b25eb95bf # - 40
0311d6b86415d2122e4103d63906cfda90f9f6359f2b90887839b25a2fe7e6de6b # + 40
02c234090ac778e0e311d4306a9ba41e042900f44f7166e3a17786e4376bfdfabf # - 50
039f147c6939d4d3b66eb7ae37f67652d1b4e28794a55ca39e22db6eb2c8949505 # + 50
02ceb6cbbcdbdf5ef7150682150f4ce2c6f4807b349827dcdbdd1f2efa885a2630 # target
Not clear how to calculate the range this is the formula
(number keys that you want * expected difference ) bewteen two
You can use it in any program that accept multiple publickeys for cracking, kangaroo, BSGS of JPL or in my keyhunt with modes bsgs
or xpoint
Yes with -R
but is a slow method because it use Scalar multiplication instead Point Addition
With the parameter -f rmd160
you can select the format of the output
682c50abbc29474dba1f5a5b49e8a2cdc8ec9515 # - 10
6aca33ba1636394c01606fb15ed4e3ca90d62267 # + 10
4c8a3be7643ac4fa10380f74fa32e02ec9751a4e # - 20
e5a8c3aade6998a2890ade3bdba058eaf3f76c3e # + 20
03f9243592bf038dc4bbbb5a1f7f91dbc52f4971 # - 30
44e75c4a6fcece151aa47ebf6a1381c959ecc337 # + 30
4edcf7c0078162514b645acd7073dcc63735f12e # - 40
22510f1ed8898ebb0f084ceda94b3c284ddbe05a # + 40
eabea28b06974094a9b5be9bc89d3b53c346a13e # - 50
ca051a1de4828bfab450b5f4570869187dc05138 # + 50
4b46e10a541aeec6be3fac709c256fb7da69308e # target
With the parameter -f address
you can select the format of the output
1AVpN26dFDuMS2YwseUMaJ794XjMxb14ry # - 10
1AjerabryCRsi8PQmyeqVmwqn5jMVGrf1j # + 10
17yhxFFoMHRqCpk2qwmCYU4shZFz7Pq9Bd # - 20
1MwKut3gKEqTctLL8SL1M5gPG5PsW3ntat # + 20
1N1VE8aLcq9TiBQZVetFVT2F9nrnWVxQu # - 30
17HL7FmQ61r5ieDhbDh6WEKZBKcohmux9U # + 30
18BzR5E6vsweQpwJcJb9ov2c2BWTxZ11Yd # - 40
148T5c5SLwDK4uGKhGHRy3x4y7wBQrYmRC # + 40
1NQDVSGomQk3hWhc5yVrXjpPJTDX83bqCb # - 50
1KRBcFAXzd3ij9BxjyM5gFreDZc2tpcNw8 # + 50
17s2b9ksz5y7abUm92cHwG8jEPCzK3dLnT # target
Just add the parameter -x
to hide the comment from the output. For non random substraction this will be ok, but for Random substractions you need to keep that information of the offset because if you hit some privatekey you need that information to get the targer privatekey back.
./keysubtracter -p 02ceb6cbbcdbdf5ef7150682150f4ce2c6f4807b349827dcdbdd1f2efa885a2630 -n 10 -r 0:32 -f address -x
In case of hit one privatekey the information that you need to calculate the target privatekey back is the next:
- original publickey target
-p publickey
- range
-r A:B
or bit number-b number
- number of items requested
-n number
- privatekey found
I will make some other tool in this project to calculate back the target privatekey in case of hit one of the subtracted values.
- BTC: 1Coffee1jV4gB5gaXfHgSHDz9xx9QSECVW
- ETH: 0x6222978c984C22d21b11b5b6b0Dd839C75821069
- DOGE: DKAG4g2HwVFCLzs7YWdgtcsK6v5jym1ErV
- BCB: bcb_3rf4pzhrdeziygir8t5pmep4xdwqwyk1xgmytzyo991gdez1sgq1ehb3a8jh