The guiding questions:
- At what stage of your project you introduce testing automation?
- Unit testing, Integration Testing, API, UI, smart contract business logic testing, penetration testing. What is missing?
- Developer performance, Smart Contract Optimization, Security. What are other goals of testing?
- does your team use Quviq, plutip, tasty, Quickcheck?
- What stack are you using? Do you use native testing tools in your stack?
- When you create transactions, do you do it on Backend or FrontEnd?
- How do you ensure correctness of Datum and Redeemer?
- Do you perform input type validation and what tools are you using?
- What black box testing tools and techniques do you use?
- What testing tools or features could be added that could make your life easier as a developer
- How are we testing the on-chain code?
- How existing tools can be integrated with each other?
- How do we facilitate development of the set of best practices for testing similar to Cardano Well-Architected Framework?