Telerehabilitation project using Unity and a Wireless IMU network
Alejandro Astudillo V., Industrial Control Research Group (GICI) - Universidad del Valle -
Juan M. Luna L., Industrial Control Research Group (GICI) - Universidad del Valle
A portable system for lower limb movement capture oriented to the execution of movement therapies that can be followed by the physiotherapist remotely after the session has finished, was developed. This system is designed to allow any patient to do its therapies without the presence of a physiotherapist just using the developed inertial sensor nodes and his PC with an internet connection. Each of the seven nodes placed in the pelvis and lower limbs send inertial and kinematic raw data to a master node that is directly connected to a PC via its USB interface.
This data contains accelerations, angular velocities, magnetic field intensities and orientation represented in quaternions. The user can visualize in the smartphone screen its movements being followed by a 3D avatar and is able to choose four variables to plot in real time. The session data can be then uploaded to a server to let the physiotherapist make a control of the patient's exercises using the same application running in his smartphone or PC. This system adds the benefits of virtual reality to human gait rehabilitation activities, providing the patient with biofeedback, in addition to the possibility of performing such activities at home and not in a rehabilitation centre.
The folder TeleRehab_Unity_project includes the desktop application developed in the cross-platform game engine Unity.
The software that runs in the microprocessors assigned as master or sensor nodes, is included in the microprocessors_Code folder.
- Industrial Control Research Group (GICI):
- Postgraduate Program in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (PPIEE):