Settings Overhaul
Settings Changes
This new release of Mixture brings a whole new settings system for the graph. It is a lot more flexible and easy to use than before.
Here's a view of the new settings:
The toolbar was improved with a global setting button to configure the default node settings and the size + dimension of the texture were moved to the middle of the toolbar to be more accessible.
For the node settings, there is now 3 inherit mode: Parent
, Child
and Graph
which helps you control how the node will react.
- When the node is in
Inherit From Parent
mode, it will take the settings of the first node connected to its inputs. - For the
Inherit From Child
it's the first node connected to the output of the node. - And finally for the
Inherit from Graph
, it takes directly the value in the graph settings (toolbar).
There is also a Width/Height/Depth scale parameter to modify the inherited size of the node, the default value is 1 (center of the slider) so it doesn't affect anything.
Everything else
You can see the complete changelog here: