SubimeText2 Cheat Sheet
Many thanks to @jdsharp for accidentally finding (via google search) and sharing this Google Docs Spreadsheet with the twitter community.
- Fork this project.
- Add a helpful shortcut.
- Commit
- Make a Pull Request.
- find super+f
- find in files super+shift+f
- replace super+alt+f
- find_next super+g
- find_prev super+shift+g
- find the next occurrence of the word under the caret (and won't show the find panel) super+alt+g
- find the previous occurrence of the word under the caret (and won't show the find panel) super+alt+shift+g
- slurp_find_string super+e
- Incremental find super+i
- Search and replace ctrl+h
- Move left by subword ctrl+alt+shift+left
- Move right by subword ctrl+alt+shift+right
- Redo or repeat super+y
- Soft Undo super+u
- Soft Redo super+shift+u
- scroll 1 line up ctrl+alt+up
- scroll 1 line down ctrl+alt+down
- next_view_in_stack (next tab) ctrl+tab
- prev_view_in_stack (previous tab) ctrl+shift+tab
- Paste & indent super+shift+v
- split_selection_into_lines super+shift+l
- expand selection super+l
- expand selection (of each occurance of that word) super+d
- expand selection (to scope) super+shift+space
- expand selection (to brackets) ctrl+shift+m
- Swap Line Up ctrl+super+up
- Swap Line Down ctrl+super+down
- select_lines up ctrl+shift+up
- select_lines down ctrl+shift+down
- select matching words, higlight word, then command+g
- alt or command + left click. (click in each region where you require a cursor)
- Select lines then shift+command+l
- Place cursor over word, ctrl/command+d repeatetly.
- Type Ctrl+Command+G (alt+f3 on windows)
- insert best completion enter
- Auto complete ctrl+space
- Go to anything super+shift+p
- Go to Files super+t
- Go to Symbol super+r
- Go to line ctrl+g
- Go to Word super+p & then type :
- Show console ctrl+`
- Build super+b
- Transpose ctrl+t
- Go to file ctrl + p
- Indent super+]
- Unindent super+[
- Uppercase super+k
- Full screen super+ctrl+f
- Distraction free super+ctrl+shift+f
- Layout
- Single super+alt+1
- Two columns super+alt+2
- Three columns super+alt+3
- Four columns super+alt+4
- Two rows super+alt+shift+2
- Three rows super+alt+shift+4
- Grid 4 super+alt+5
- Toggle bookmark super+F2
- Next bookmark F2
- Prev bookmark shift+F2
- Folding
- Fold super+shift+j
- Unfold all super+j
- Rebuild tags ctrl+alt+shift+t
- Find definition of word under caret ctrl+] (return to previous position after find definition) ctrl+[