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The purpose of this repository is to improve understanding of Rust programming language concepts through coding, using the official Rust book as a foundation.

Please note that the repository does not contain any production-ready implementations and is not intended to be a complete project.

Therefore, the codebase structure does not follow any design patterns and is kept as simple as possible, with scope-based delimiters being used in most places.

Internal Structure

The repository consists of several workspaces:

  • rust_book_runner - serves as the workspace entry point and is responsible for enumerating and running a specific chapter.
  • rust_book - contains implementations for each chapter.
  • The other workspaces are chapter-specific implementations where the workspace is a more convenient way to represent a code sample compared to a module or a single rs-file.

Each chapter has a corresponding rs-file (rust_book/src/ that contains a public function named pub fn run(subchapter: u32). This function serves as the entry point for the chapter and encapsulates sub-chapter calls.

Each subchapter corresponds to a function in the format fn chapter_m_n(), where m is the chapter index, and n is the subchapter index.


$ rust_book_runner --help

Run specific chapter and subchapter.

To run a specific chapter and subchapter, you should specify the chapter ID in the format X.Y, where X is the chapter index and Y is the subchapter index.

For example, to run Chapter 3, Subchapter 2, you would specify 3.2:

$ rust_book_runner -c 3.2

If the chapter ID consists of a single number, that means all subchapters under the specified chapter number will be run.

If no chapter ID is specified, the most recent chapter will be run.

Usage: rust_book_runner [OPTIONS]

  -c, --chapter-id <CHAPTER_ID>
          Chapter ID. For example, `10.1`
          [default: "ChapterID (0, 0)"]

  -l, --list
          List available chapters

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


A coding experience based on Rust Book materials







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