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alexlag edited this page Dec 24, 2014 · 3 revisions

Assuming you have created virtual machine vmname with Ubuntu 12.04

1. Preparing Environment

You need to install git and other dependencies:

sudo apt-get install autoconf bison curl gawk sqlite3 libtool build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libsqlite3-dev git-core

2. Ruby

You need to install ruby 2.1.0+. You can use any method, here are some examples

3. AnnotameLE gem installation

Clone AnnotameLE repo

git clone

Build and install gem (you might add sudo to install command, depending on ruby installation)

cd annotamele
gem build annotamele.gemspec
gem install annotamele-0.1.0.gem

Version of gem file may vary.

4. Configuration

To create AnnotameLE instance, use annotamele -f path/to/config.json

Configuration file with comments(not copy-ready, json files don't support comments):

  # Either 'gem' or 'sudo gem', depends on Ruby install
  # Either 'rake' or 'sudo rake', depends on Ruby install
  # Name of you application, currently for creating app directory
  # main AnnotameLE config
  "annotamele": {
    # Array of types for questions
    "types": [ 
        # Either singlelabel or multilabel currently
        "name": "singlelabel",
        # Parameters for type
        "params": [
          # Question to be asked
          "Classification question?",
          # Array of answer options as strings
          ["Answer 1", "Answer 2"]
    # Absolute path to dataset file
  # Pick either you provide email options or not. Currently emails are only used in password recovery for users
  # Common options
  "email_config": {
    "sender": "[email protected]",
    "smtp": "",
    "port": 25,
    "username": "",
    "password": "" 
  # Production settings, also currently irrelevant
    # url to be used as base, * for our cloud
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