The goal of this project is given a list of available developers and open issues in a Github repository to predict which issue is best suited for each developer to work on next.
This project accomplishes this by data-mining the previous contributions by each developer and finding patterns in what they other issues they have succesfully completed. The idea is that someone who has worked on similar features in the past will complete the new issues more quickly and with fewer defects.
This project uses a few different techniques to determine similarity between two texts:
- Transform each text into a set of words and find how many words are shared between the texts
- The Levenshtein edit distance between the texts
- Cosine similarity between the raw texts
- Cosine similarity between the texts after they have been stemmed and tokenized
The Statistics page steps through time to make a guess with only the data available at the time that the issue was available to work on. It outputs the amount of correct guesses that it made and can give an indication of confidence for predicting the current dataset.
Not all projects remeber to include the issue number in each pull request so many projects are missing significant amounts of data that could help build the prediction model.
This project uses vagrant for testing and developing
Change the secret key in predictor.wsgi
Change the MySQL password in the vagrant/
Change the GitHub user and password in the
Change the MySQL password in the
Go to the vagrant folder and run:
vagrant up
After the virtual machine is up:
vagrant ssh
Get the machines IP from ifconfig
Change the IP in /etc/apache2/sites-available/Predictor.conf
to your IP
sudo service apache2 restart
Congrats, you are running the predictor
Under this tab, you can import a project by its full Github name. IE: bbeck13/RhythmRunner
This step takes a long time for large projects
Under this tab, you can pick from available developers, and available issues and it will produce in order the most relevent issues for the developer to work on.
This tab will produce a CSV file of the confidence ratings from each prediction model for each issue that has already been completed.
This tab will produce the number of correct predictions the predictor has made on the project
Delete the current project
Switch between already imported projects