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Advanced Lane Finding Project

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images.
  • Apply a distortion correction to raw images.
  • Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image.
  • Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view").
  • Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary.
  • Determine the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center.
  • Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.
  • Output visual display of the lane boundaries and numerical estimation of lane curvature and vehicle position.

1. Code And Data Setup

What? File
code: main script bin/
code: helper module lib/
code: tracking class lib/
calibration images etc/camera_cal/*
input test images inp/img/test_images/*
input test videos inp/vid/*
output test images out/img/*
output test videos out/vid/*

2. Usage

usage: [-h] [--image [PATH]] [--video [PATH]]
                              [--startTime [INT]] [--endTime [INT]]
                              [--visLog INT] [--format STRING] [--outDir PATH]
                              [--calDir PATH]

a tool for detecting lane lines in images and videos

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --image  PATH      image from a front facing camera. to detect lane lines
  --video  PATH      video from a front facing camera. to detect lane lines
  --startTime INT    while developing the image pipeline it can be helpful to
                     focus on the difficult parts of an video, so to start
                     processing at a certain time eg. 25 seconds
                     after video begin.
  --endTime INT      to end processing video at a certain time. 30 ends
  					 30 seconds after video begin.
  --visLog INT       for debugging or documentation of the pipeline you can
  					 output the image at a certain processing step.
  					 1=undistorted image
  					 3=binary mask magnitude sobel xy
  					 4=hls binary mask
  					 5=combination of binary masks
                     6=unwarped binary with polygon
                     7=warped binary with polygon
                     8=warped binary
                     10=detected lines
                     11=undistorted with detected lines
                     12=result with text
  --format STRING    to visualize the single steps of the image pipeline
  					 in one single image. use --format=collage4 for a
  					 4-image-collage and --format=collage9 for a 9-image-collage
  --outDir PATH      directory for output data. must not exist at call time.
  					 default is --outDir=output_directory_<time>
  --calDir PATH      directory for camera calibration images. directory must
                     only contain chessboard 9x6 calibration images.
                     default is --calDir=etc/camera_cal

example call for processing an image:
python bin/ --image inp/img/test_images/test1.jpg

example call for processing an image. This outputs a certain step of the image pipeline:
python bin/ --image inp/img/test_images/test1.jpg --visLog 4

example call for processing a video:
python bin/ --video inp/vid/project_video.mp4

example call for processing only the part of a video between 38 and 45 seconds:
python bin/ --video inp/vid/project_video.mp4 --startTime 38 --endTime 45

example call for processing a video. This outputs a video of a certain step of the image pipeline:
python bin/ --video inp/vid/project_video.mp4 --visLog 4

example call for processing a video. This outputs a video of 4 important steps of the image pipeline:
python bin/ --video inp/vid/project_video.mp4 --format collage4

example call for processing a video. This outputs a video of 9 important steps of the image pipeline:
python bin/ --video inp/vid/project_video.mp4 --format collage9

3. Camera Calibration

The code for this step is contained in the 'calibrateCamera' function in the lines 852 through 923 of the file 'lib/'.

I start by preparing "object points", which will be the (x, y, z) coordinates of the chessboard corners in the world. Here I am assuming the chessboard is fixed on the (x, y) plane at z=0, such that the object points are the same for each calibration image. Thus, objp is just a replicated array of coordinates, and objpoints will be appended with a copy of it every time I successfully detect all chessboard corners in a test image. imgpoints will be appended with the (x, y) pixel position of each of the corners in the image plane with each successful chessboard detection.

I then used the output objpoints and imgpoints to compute the camera calibration and distortion coefficients using the cv2.calibrateCamera() function. I applied this distortion correction to a calibration image itself using the cv2.undistort() function and obtained this result:

alt text alt text

After a successful calibration procedure, the return value, camera calibration matrix, distortion coefficients, the rotation and the translation vectors (ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs) are written to a pickle file '.calibration.pkl' and placed in the directory, where the calibration images reside. The next time the program is called with the same calibration images, the calibration step will be skipped and the precalculated calibration parameters will be read from the pickle file.

4. Pipeline (single images)

The image pipeline is shaped by 12 image processing steps. The high level code for the image pipeline is contained in the 'laneLinePipeline' function in the lines 64 through 255 of the file 'lib/'. The pipeline transforms an input image to an image with the found lane in it.

Input Output

Step 1. Distortion Correction

This step uses the the cv2.undistort function with the camera calibration matrix and the distortion coefficients to undistort the image (line 92 of 'lib/').

Input Undistort

Step 2. Grayscale Image

The Image is converted to grayscale. This version is needed for some subsequent processing steps (line 102 of 'lib/').

Undistort Grayscale

Step 3. Binary Mask Of B Of The LAB Colorspace

The undistorted RGB image is converted to the LAB colorspace. From the LAB colorspace, the thresholded B-Channel results in a binary mask image (line 135 of 'lib/').

Undistort Binary B of LAB

Step 4. Binary Mask Of L Of LUV Colorspace

The undistorted RGB image is converted to the LUV colorspace. From the LUV colorspace, the thresholded L-Channel results in a binary mask image (line 146 of 'lib/').

Undistort Binary L of LUV

Step 5. Combined Binary Mask Of 'Binary Mask Of B Of The LAB Colorspace' And 'Binary Mask Of L Of LUV Colorspace'

The binary masks from step 3 and step 4 are combined in a single binary mask in line 157 of 'lib/'.

Binary Combination

Step 6. Perspectively Skewed Rectangle

A perspectively skewed rectangle is placed on the image in line 168 of 'lib/'.

Binary Combination Skewed Rectangle

Step 7/8. Birds Eye View

I hardcoded the source and destination points in the following manner:

This resulted in the following source and destination points:

Source Destination
200, 720 300, 720
1080, 720 980, 720
685, 460 980, 0
595, 460 300, 0

I verified that my perspective transform was working as expected by drawing the src and dst points onto a test image and its warped counterpart to verify that the lines appear parallel in the warped image. (line 168 of 'lib/').

Skewed Rectangle Birds Eye View

Step 9. Histogram

The Pixels in the lower half of the warped combined binary image are counted with a histogram. The lines are at these x positions where the most white (binary!) pixels are found (line 195 through 202 of 'lib/').

Birds Eye View Histogram

Step 10. Detecting Lane Lines

From step 9 we know the x-positions of the lines in the lower half of the image. From there we detect the upper area of the lines with a sliding window approach. In each y-bin the bright pixels are counted and the mean x-position is where the line is situated in the current window. Then we fit the lane lines with a 2nd order polynomial (line 215 through 220 of 'lib/').

Sliding Window

Step 11. Overlay Detected Lines

The found lines and the lane is being drawn onto the undistorted rgb image (line 250 of 'lib/').

Colored Lane

Step 12. Overlay Text - Result

The curvature of the detected lane and the vehicle-deviation from the lane center is being calculated and written onto the image (line 266 of 'lib/').


5. Pipeline (video)

5.1 Result Of Project Video

You find the result of project video here out/vid/project_output.mp4

Advanced Lane Finding

5.2 Result Of Project Video With Image Pipeline Visualization

You find the result of project video with pipeline visualization here out/vid/project_collage4_output.mp4

Advanced Lane Finding

6 Discussion

6.1 Problems / Issues

  • One problem that I experienced was, that in the project video the left line jumped to the left when the vehicle drove over the brighter road surface.

I solved that problem by changing the destination points in the step 7 "Birds Eye View". When transforming the image I zoomed more in and got rid of the irritating pixels that made my line jump.

  • Another problem was, that in some frames of the project video the right line has been improperly detected and wandered off even beyond the left line.

I solved this problem by instead of working with the fitted polynomial, I calculated the mean of the last 5 frames. This solved the 'jumping-lane' problem.

6.2 Where Will The Pipeline Likely Fail?

My current pipeline will fail on roads with color edges that run parallel to the lane lines, like in video inp/vid/challenge.mp4. These edges will be falsely detected as lane lines and make the pipeline fail.

6.3 Improve Robustness

These improvements would make the pipeline more robust:

  • tracking the lane width could detect errors and jumping lines
  • if only one line wanders off or jumps and the other one stays pretty much in the same place, this line could use the polyfit coefficients of the correct line to augment a line for some frames.