LeSite Custom bar module in topnav Magento module that will display a small bar at the top of the page.
Composer Installation Go to your magento root path
Add this repository to your composer.json https://github.com/alfredolopeznunes/Magento2-module-customBar.git Run composer Example:
"repositories": [
"url": "https://github.com/alfredolopeznunes/Magento2-module-customBar.git",
"type": "git"
Run bin/magento module:enable LeSite_CustomBar
Run your magento deployment procedure (setup:upgrade, setup:di:compile) Configurtion.
In Magento admin go to LESITE CUSTOMBAR > General Configuración to Enable or disable the module.
You must assign a client group for the user (When creating a user your default group is general).
If the customer changes their group, they must log back in to apply the changes.