- Content_service 是模型拉取及配置通知agent,跟预测服务同机部署,同时可以单独部署为一致性灰度模型验证服务。
- Predictor_platform 为预测服务的开放平台,用来对模型,服务,机器,权重,线程池,模型负责人等进行简单的可视化配置,查看服务模型加载状态,机器状态。同时支持包括集群调整,自动压测,自动权重,一键降级等控制功能。
$ git clone https://github.com/algo-data-platform/PredictorManagement.git
$ git clone https://github.com/algo-data-platform/Predictorservice.git
$ cd PredictorService/runtime
$ sh ./start_predictor.sh
(assuming you are at the repo base dir: PredictorManagement/
$ cd predictor_platform
$ sh ./init_test_db.sh
(assuming you are at the repo base dir: PredictorManagement/
$ cd predictor_platform
$ sh ./build.sh
(assuming you are at the repo base dir: PredictorManagement/
$ cd predictor_platform/server
$ sh ./run.sh
it should print out a message with an url to see the server status, such as:
login in predictor platform http://local_host:10008/
username: admin
password: admin
(assuming you are at the repo base dir: PredictorManagement/
$ cd content_serivce
$ sh ./build.sh
(assuming you are at the repo base dir: PredictorManagement/
$ cd content_serivce/
$ sh ./run.sh
it should print out a message with an url to see the server status, such as:
check predictor status on http://local_host:10018/server/status
after 30s content_service will notify predictor to load models, then predictor service should print out a message with an url to see the model status, such as:
check model status on http://local_host:10048/get_service_model_info
至此,通过predictor platform控制,content_service拉取模型并通知Predictor service,实现了动态的上线模型及注册服务。