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Releases: algolia/laravel-scout-settings


30 Jul 16:23
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  • Add compatibility with Laravel Scout 5.0


21 Mar 16:39
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2.0.0 🚀

  • Better message in console

  • Do not use prefix in file names

    In a typical workflow, you would use a different scout.prefix for
    each environment. Generally, you work on dev env, tweak settings in the
    dashboard, save them to your project with php artisan algolia:settings:backup
    and push them to your new index with you go to prod env.
    Because in v1 we would link all resources to the full index, if you
    use a different prefix, you weren't able to do this.
    In case you want to keep the behavior like in v1, pass the --prefix option
    to the 2 commands.

    See issue #14

  • Introduce new IndexResourceRepository service class

    This service allows you to read and write files with your settings,
    synonyms, rules via simple methods. This class doesn't interact with
    Algolia's API but with files in your resources folder.
    Thanks @qrazi


27 Feb 11:32
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  • Move UserAgent definition to ServiceProvider
  • Add compatibility with Scout ^4.0 (Thanks to @tomcoonen)


19 Oct 08:53
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🎉 Initial stable release 🎉

Handles settings, settings for replicas, synonyms and query rules.


27 Jul 16:08
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Create directory if necessary

Very first version

26 Jul 15:46
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Improved all the things!