Linked Data Reactor (LD-Reactor or LD-R) is a framework to develop reactive and reusable User Interface components for Linked Data applications. LD-Reactor utilizes Facebook's ReactJS components, Flux architecture and Yahoo!'s Fluxible framework for isomorphic Web applications. It also exploits Semantic-UI framework for flexible UI themes. LD-Reactor aims to apply the idea of component-based application development into RDF data model hence enhancing current user interfaces to view, browse and edit Linked Data.
You should have installed NodeJS, npm and Webpack on your system as prerequisite, then:
Clone the repository: git clone
and simply run ./install
Fill in general settings for your application at configs/general.js
Fill in appropriate values for server port, URLs of your SPARQL endpoint and DBpedia lookup service at configs/server.js
Fll in appropriate settings for your UI reactors at configs/reactor.js
Fill in appropriate settings for the faceted browser at configs/facets.js
npm run build
check server at localhost:4000
npm run dev
check server at localhost:3000
Check out for detailed documentation.