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Simple IoT project - Pub/Sub to MQTT broker over Websocket and some charting

In this project I used a MQTT broker (EMQX). For getting Temperature and Humidity data, I used an Arduino with DHT11 sensor. The data is read through Serialport and published to the MQTT broker running on a docker container. On the clientside the data is read over Websocket by subscribing to the MQTT Topic(s).

EMQX Dashboard

Arduino scheme


  • Linux Machine (Mapping serialports on docker containers works like a charm)
  • Visual Studio Code (or similiar)
  • Arduino IDE
  • Node.js & NPM
  • Docker and Docker Compose


Open Arduino IDE and Upload the .ino file to your Arduino UNO. Don't forget to adjust your serialport:

const publisher = new SerialPortPublisher("/dev/ttyACM0", 9600, true);

Run the application using:

docker-compose up

Then visit localhost:3000 in your browser (your Arduino has to be plugged in and running)
EMQX Dashboard is available under: localhost:18083 --> default login credentials: admin:public