Editable Text Component for React Applications
This project is generated from react-typescript-library template.
npm install --save react-editext
Or with yarn:
yarn add react-editext
EdiText is highly customizable. You can see more examples here. Here is a basic usage:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import EdiText from 'react-editext';
function Example(props) {
const [value, setValue] = useState('What is real? How do you define real?');
const handleSave = (val) => {
console.log('Edited Value -> ', val);
return (
<div className="container">
<EdiText type="text" value={value} onSave={handleSave} />
There is also a codesandbox template that you can fork and play with it:
You can customize almost everything based on your needs. Please navigate to Props section. I mean, just scroll down.
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Note |
value | string | Yes | Value of the content and input [in edit mode] | |
onSave | function | Yes | Function will be called when save button clicked. value and inputProps are passed to cb. |
type | string | No | text | Input type. Possible options are: text , password , number , email , textarea , date , datetime-local , time , month , url , week , tel |
hint | node | No | '' |
A simple hint message appears at the bottom of input element. Any valid element is allowed. |
inputProps | object | No | Props to be passed to input element. Any kind of valid DOM attributes are welcome. | |
viewProps | object | No | Props to be passed to div element that shows the text. You can specify your own styles or className |
containerProps | object | No | Props to be passed to div element that is container for all elements. You can use this if you want to style or select the whole container. | |
editButtonProps | object | No | Props to be passed to edit button. | |
validation | function | No | Pass your own validation function. takes one param -> value . It must return true or false |
validationMessage | node | No | Invalid Value | If validation fails this message will appear |
onValidationFail | function | No | Pass your own function to track when validation failed. See Examples page for the usage. | |
onCancel | function | No | Function will be called when editing is cancelled. value and inputProps are passed as params. |
saveButtonContent | node | No | '' |
Content for save button. Any valid element is allowed. Default is: ✓ |
cancelButtonContent | node | No | '' |
Content for cancel button. Any valid element is allowed. Default is: ✕ |
editButtonContent | node | No | '' |
Content for edit button. Any valid element is allowed. Default is: ✎ |
saveButtonClassName | string | No | Custom class name for save button. | |
cancelButtonClassName | string | No | Custom class name for cancel button. | |
editButtonClassName | string | No | Custom class name for edit button. | |
viewContainerClassName | string | No | Custom class name for the container in view mode.See here |
editContainerClassName | string | No | Custom class name for the container in edit mode. Will be set to viewContainerClassName if you set it and omit this. See here |
mainContainerClassName | string | No | deprecated . Custom class name for the top-level main container. See here |
hideIcons | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you don't want to see default icons on action buttons. See Examples page for more details. |
buttonsAlign | string | No | after |
Set this to before if you want to locate action buttons before the input instead of after it. See here. |
editOnViewClick | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want clicking on the view to activate the editor. |
editing | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want the view state to be edit mode. |
onEditingStart | function | No | Function that will be called when the editing mode is active. See here | |
showButtonsOnHover | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want to display action buttons only when the text hovered by the user. See here |
submitOnEnter | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want to submit the form when Enter is pressed. Be careful if you have multiple instances of <EdiText/> on the same page. |
cancelOnEscape | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want to cancel the form when Escape is pressed. See here |
cancelOnUnfocus | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want to cancel the form when clicked outside of the input. See here |
submitOnUnfocus | bool | No | false |
Set it to true if you want to submit the form when clicked outside of the input. See here |
startEditingOnFocus | bool | No | false |
Activates the edit mode when the view container is in focus. See here |
startEditingOnEnter | bool | No | false |
Activates the edit mode when the Enter key is pressed. See here |
tabIndex | number | No | An helper shortcut in case you want to pass the same tabIndex to both viewProps and inputProps . |
renderValue | function | No | Custom render method for the content in the view mode.Use this prop to customize the displayed value in view mode. See here | |
canEdit | function or boolean | No | true |
A function or boolean prop that returns a boolean. If it returns true the input will be editable. If it returns false the input will be read-only. |
You can style your <EdiText/>
components with styled-components
or similar libraries. You can either target internal HTML elements by their type
( or order
) , or you can select them by attribute values.
Each customizable HTML element has a editext=xxx
attribute. Use below as a reference table:
Attr. Value | Description |
view-container |
the container in view mode |
edit-container |
the container in edit mode |
button-container |
the container for the save and cancel buttons |
edit-button |
use this to style the edit button |
save-button |
use this to style the save button |
cancel-button |
use this to style the cancel button |
input |
There is only one input. You can select it directly or just use this attr value. |
hint |
To style the hint container. |
button[editext='cancel-button'] {
&:hover {
background: crimson;
color: #fff;
div[editext='view-container'] {
background: #6293c3;
padding: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
color: #fff;
textarea {
/** or input[editext="input"] {} */
background: #1d2225;
color: #f4c361;
font-weight: bold;
border-radius: 5px;
See the example code.
![]() Chrome |
![]() Firefox |
![]() Safari |
![]() iOS Safari |
![]() Opera |
![]() Edge |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
nix-shell --pure
This will start a tmux session for both library and example app.
Install dependencies and start the rollup watch process.
yarn install
yarn start
Navigate to example/
folder and repeat the above steps.
cd example
yarn install
yarn start
Now open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
MIT © alioguzhan