Convert HTML into Gutenberg Blocks with PHP
You can install the package via Composer:
composer require alleyinteractive/wp-block-converter
This project is built to be used in a WordPress environment, so it is recommended to use this
package in a WordPress plugin or theme. Using it in isolation is not supported at this time. This
package does not use any NPM library such as @wordpress/blocks
to convert HTML to blocks.
Use this package like so to convert HTML into Gutenberg Blocks:
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block_Converter;
$converter = new Block_Converter( '<p>Some HTML</p>' );
$blocks = $converter->convert(); // Returns a string of converted blocks.
The blocks can be filtered on a block-by-block basis or for an entire HTML body.
Filter the generated block for a specific node.
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block;
add_filter( 'wp_block_converter_block', function ( Block $block, \DOMElement $node ): ?Block {
// Modify the block before it is serialized.
$block->content = '...';
$block->blockName = '...';
$block->attributes = [ ... ];
return $block;
}, 10, 2 );
Filter the generated blocks for an entire HTML body.
add_filter( 'wp_block_converter_document_html', function( string $blocks, \DOMNodeList $content ): string {
// ...
return $blocks;
}, 10, 2 );
When converting HTML to blocks, you may need to attach the images that were sideloaded to a post parent. After the HTML is converted to blocks, you can get the attachment IDs that were created or simply attach them to a post.
$converter = new Block_Converter( '<p>Some HTML <img src="" /></p>' );
$blocks = $converter->convert();
// Get the attachment IDs that were created.
$attachment_ids = $converter->get_created_attachment_ids();
// Attach the images to a post.
$parent_id = 123;
$converter->assign_parent_to_attachments( $parent_id );
You can extend the converter with macros to add custom tags that are not yet supported by the converter.
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block_Converter;
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block;
Block_Converter::macro( 'special-tag', function ( \DOMNode $node ) {
return new Block( 'core/paragraph', [], $node->textContent );
} );
// You can also use the raw HTML with a helper method from Block Converter:
Block_Converter::macro( 'special-tag', function ( \DOMNode $node ) {
return new Block( 'core/paragraph', [], Block_Converter::get_node_html( $node ) );
} );
Macros can also completely override the default behavior of the converter. This is useful when you need to make one-off changes to the way the converter works for a specific tag.
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block_Converter;
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block;
Block_Converter::macro( 'p', function ( \DOMNode $node ) {
if ( special_condition() ) {
return new Block( 'core/paragraph', [ 'attribute' => 123 ], 'This is a paragraph' );
return Block_Converter::p( $node );
} );
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
This project is actively maintained by Alley Interactive. Like what you see? Come work with us.
The GNU General Public License (GPL) license. Please see License File for more information.