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This Flutter project integrates with Storyblok, a headless CMS, to dynamically fetch and render content.


This package contains an SDK for Storyblok Content Delivery API to fetch stories, datasources, links etc.

It is designed to be used with the Code generator but one can opt to not use it as well.


flutter pub add flutter_storyblok


// With Code generator
final storyblokClient = StoryblokClient(
  accessToken: "<public_access_token>",
  storyContentBuilder: (json) => Blok.fromJson(json),

// Without Code generator
final storyblokClient = StoryblokClient(
  accessToken: "<public_access_token>",
  storyContentBuilder: (json) => json,

final story = await storyblokClient.getStory(id: StoryIdentifierID(12345));

// ...

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  // With code generator, Exhaustiveness checking and automatic, type-safe, null-safe serializing.
  return switch (story.content) {
    DefaultPage page => Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text(,
      body: Center(child: Text(page.body)),
    UnrecognizedBlok _ => const Placeholder(),

  // Without code generator, no Exhaustiveness checking, manual serializing.
  return switch (story.content["component"]) {
    "default-page" => Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text(,
      body: Center(child: Text(story.content["body"] is String ? story.content["body"] : "--")),
    _ => const Placeholder(),

Check out the Example project for more advanced usage. The Example project can be run as-is and will display Storyblok's standard Demo Space project.

API Documentation

Refer to the following Storyblok API documentation for more details: