Yes, it's BASIC, but it's not an usual BASIC and even it's not Dartmouth BASIC or True BASIC, it's the nasty one, it's based on Altair BASIC, that BASIC that you should to use line numbers, that basic that has GOSUB and a lot of GOTOs. It's the BASIC that Bill Gates and Paul Allen made for creating their empire so, let's see if that's helping me with my empire almost 50 years later.
Well, let's going to the point.
BASIC. You can parse and run code like this:
10 LET X = 10
30 X = X - 1
40 IF X > 0 THEN 10
Yes! Oh! You know this language and you think my code is nasty, well, it's the idea, of course you can write it in a more elegant way:
10 FOR N = 10 TO 1 STEP -1
Better? Oh! You think you can do it even better, how dare you! Challenge
accepted, send me your code and I'll put it as a test in the test/code
directory for ensuring that is working as expected ;-)
Ah! Is that important? I didn't know, I was bored and I wanted to start again coding as I was 12, 1992, and I wanted to publish some challenges online with easter eggs hidden, if you want to see one of them, again, send me a message via Twitter (@MRonErlang) or email, or whatever else.