This responsitory is the code and review paper for Certifying robustness of neural networks via optimization. It is mainly based on material in Wong and Kolter (2018); Raghunathan et al. (2018b); Fazlyab et al. (2020); Batten et al. (2021). We try to illustrate the methodology, provide further exposition and connections between those works, and reconstruct the methods and show them in examples.
The overall code and input data is from the codebase of Raghunathan et al.
The addition is:
- code/ auto compute the optimal value for many test examples.
- code/matlab_lp.m: matlab implementation of LP relaxation
- code/matlab_SDP3.m: Matlab implementation of SDP3 and SDP4 relaxation
- review_verification_for_NN.pdf: review report
The modification is:
- since in sdp formulation, we want to know the lower bound and upper bound of activated value,
in LP relaxation and layer-based SDP, we want to get the lower bound and upper bound of input of activation function,
python --checkpoint ../models/{network}.ckpt --model_json ../model_details/{network}.json
--test_input ../mnist_permuted_data/test-0.npy --true_class 8 --adv_class 0 --epsilon 0.1 --matlab_folder matlab
network could be {nips_lp, nips_sdp, nips_pdg}
You should have mosek in your matlab and tensorflow.
Feel free to contact me if you have trouble running the algorithm:D.