- George RR Martin, A Feast for Crows*
Wildfire is a secure deletion library for Windows and .NET-executible environments. Using SP800-88 conformant methods, Wildfire destroys accessible files locally or over a network to resist an adversary's attempts to recover data. These procedures ensure data is unrecoverable even if the file is stored on storage media or a filesystem that does not immediately overwrite data marked for deletion (a common characteristic of most file and storage systems).
Wildfire supports two modes of secure file deletion:
Zeroing: Wildfire 'zeroes' a file by overwriting all of its contents with '0' at the byte level. This can be configured to run multiple times, such that a file is zeroed multiple times.
Cryptoshredding: Wildfire implements secure deletion using the AES-256 GCM algorithm. It encrypts data at the byte level using ephemeral and cryptographically random keys, then deletes the file.
Sanitizer.cs: This class contains the code for performing data sanitization via single pass and multi-pass zeroing.
Cryptoshredder.cs: This class contains the code to performing cryptoshredding via AES-256 GCM, including ephemeral key material generation and management.
CLI.cs: This is a simple testing CLI for executing secure deletion.
Wildfire and its source code are licensed under the MIT License.