A curated list of articles that cover the software engineering best practices for building machine learning applications.
A curated list of awesome Recommender System (Books, Conferences, Researchers, Papers, Github Repositories, Useful Sites, Youtube Videos)
A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by
😎 A curated list of awesome MLOps tools
Kubernetes community content
MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit Fork and make pull requests!
Python code for part 2 of the book Causal Inference: What If, by Miguel Hernán and James Robins
The Fuzzy Labs guide to the universe of open source MLOps
Time series Timeseries Deep Learning Machine Learning Python Pytorch fastai | State-of-the-art Deep Learning library for Time Series and Sequences in Pytorch / fastai
Advbox is a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PaddlePaddle、PyTorch、Caffe2、MxNet、Keras、TensorFlow and Advbox can benchmark the robustness of machine learning mode…
Software Engineering for Machine Learning
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Generate embeddings from large-scale graph-structured data.
A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
A machine learning package for streaming data in Python. The other ancestor of River.
Home to the design and engine of the @Lux-AI-Challenge Season 1, hosted on @kaggle
Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python, ML, visualization and exploration of big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
Links to works on deep learning algorithms for physics problems, TUM-I15 and beyond
Version-bump your software with a single command
📝 Design doc template & examples for machine learning systems (requirements, methodology, implementation, etc.)
SOTA low-bit LLM quantization (INT8/FP8/INT4/FP4/NF4) & sparsity; leading model compression techniques on TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX Runtime
An implementation of a deep learning recommendation model (DLRM)
🚀 Accelerate inference and training of 🤗 Transformers, Diffusers, TIMM and Sentence Transformers with easy to use hardware optimization tools
Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust