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Data chunking for humans, particularly for data engineers. Makes batched data processing less painful and a little bit more joyful.


datachunks requires Python 3.8 or newer. Install it from PyPI:

$ pip install datachunks


datachunks implements two chunking strategy:

  1. "Pull" strategy. Wrap your source stream with chunks generator and consume a chunked data stream.
  2. "Push" strategy. Create a special "feeder" object that will send data chunks to a specified consumer function.

First strategy is simple an sutable for most of applications, but second gives more flexibility in building non-trivial in-memory processing pipelines.

chunks and achunks functions

These functions implement the "pull" chunking strategy resectively for synchronous and async/await apllications.

from datachunks import chunks

for chunk in chunks(range(12), 5):

Expected output:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[10, 11]

Asynchronous version example:

import asyncio
from datachunks import achunks

async def arange(*args, **kwargs):
    for i in range(*args, **kwargs):
        yield i

async def achunks_demo():
    async for chunk in achunks(arange(12), 5):

Expected output:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[10, 11]

Using "push" strategy

"Push" strategy is implemented in ChunkingFeeder and AsyncChunkingFeeder objects.

Consider the situation we decided to process odd and even numbers separately. For this purpose we create two feeders and put into them odd and even values.

from datachunks import ChunkingFeeder

with ChunkingFeeder(lambda c: print(f'evens: {c}'), 5) as print_evens_feeder, \
        ChunkingFeeder(lambda c: print(f'odds: {c}'), 5) as print_odds_feeder:
    for i in range(25):
        if i % 2 == 0:

Expected output:

evens: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
odds: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
evens: [10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
odds: [11, 13, 15, 17, 19]
odds: [21, 23]
evens: [20, 22, 24]

Additional features:

  • It is guarandeed that all data is delivered to the callback functions after the context exit.
  • It is possible to produce additional items in callback function. It allows to build flexible and even recursive data processing, but of course it is your responsibility to avoid infinite recursion.
  • By default ChunkingFeeder calls its chunk consumer synchronously. To use multithreading specify the workers_num parameter.
  • To use multiprocessing set the multiprocessing parameter to True in addition to workers_num parameter.
  • The AsyncChunkingFeeder also supports the workers_num parameter, but does not support multiprocessing.

ETL example

Consider a simple ETL task: we have an orders.jsonl file that we need to upload to some Mongo database. Sending objects one-by-one is too slow, and file is too big to opload it in one big batch. So we are going to split this data to chunks of reasonable size.

Function read_jsonl reads the file and yields objects one-by-one:

import json

def read_jsonl():
    with open('orders.jsonl', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as jsonl:
        for jsoned_obj in jsonl:
            if jsoned_obj:
                yield json.loads(jsoned_obj)

The following function pulls objects through chunks generator and send objects to some MongoDB:

from datachunks import chunks

def transfer_orders(db_connection):
    for chunk in chunks(read_jsonl(), chunk_size=200):

After a while we decided to store purchase and sales orders into different MongoDB collections, so let's use two chunking feeders:

from datachunks import ChunkingFeeder

class TransferOrders():
    def __init__(self, db_connection):
        self.db_connection = db_connection

    def store_purchase_orders(self, chunk):

    def store_sales_orders(self, chunk):

    def do_transfer(self):
        with ChunkingFeeder(self.store_purchase_orders, 100, workers_num=1) as purchase_feeder, \
                ChunkingFeeder(self.store_purchase_orders, 500, workers_num=1) as sales_feeder:
            for order in read_jsonl():
                if order.get('order_type') == 'purchase':
                elif order.get('order_type') == 'sales':

def transfer_orders(db_connection):

The pymongo library is thread-safe, so it makes sense to speed up our process by storing data in separate threads.


datachunks Python library







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