This package provides tools to adapt surface code patches to the presence of non-operational qubits and gates. Based on a list of defective components, the code will define stabilizers, build stim circuits, and simulate them to get logical error rates. We used these tools to generate the code patches for the manuscript ``Snakes and Ladders: Adapting the surface code to defects''.
Examples on how to use this software can be found in the notebook examples/snakes_n_ladders.ipynb
READMEs can be found in the different submodules of this package. For more details you can e-mail Catherine Leroux [].
This repo is archived and will not be maintained.
When using 'Snakes and Ladders: Adapting the surface code to defects', please cite our publication:
title={Snakes and Ladders: Adapting the surface code to defects},
author={Catherine Leroux and Sophia F. Lin and Przemyslaw Bienias and Krishanu R. Sankar and Asmae Benhemou and Aleksander Kubica and Joseph K. Iverson},
journal={arXiv prepring arXiv:2412.11504},
Catherine Leroux, Sophia F. Lin, Przemyslaw Bienias, Krishanu R. Sankar, Asmae Benhemou, Aleksander Kubica, Joseph K. Iverson.
This repo won’t be updated in order to reproduce results as they appear in the paper.
We do not accept external contributions.
This library is licensed under the Creative Common Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 License.