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Releases: ambiere/genesis


15 Feb 15:39
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v0.8.1.latest (2024-02-15)

Patch Changes

  • genesis: display help text when genesis run without command


15 Feb 12:59
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v0.8.0.latest (2024-02-15)

Minor Changes

  • prompt-questions: added prompt for gh repo creation (1df6b20).
  • prompt-logger: made prompt-logger UI pretty (a66da87)
    Displays a structured and responsive table containing
    project information provided interactively by the user in the terminal.
  • prompt: prompt user to create gh repo (4e67efe)
    Create public github repository if user agree
  • create-repo: creates public github repository (73d2353).
    Initialize git repository and create a public github repository from
    the project source/cwd. The util assume that the project was generated
    in the repository where .git file does not exist.


10 Feb 16:45
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genes v0.7.0.latest (2024-02-10)

For simplicity, genes can generate projects interactively in your terminal in v0.7.0.
To generate projects interactively run genes generate in your terminal and genes CLI
will walk you through.


  • prompt:
    A genes terminal prompt module for interactively projects generation (d4ad0a5).
    Added important questions into genes CLI to help generation of projects seamly (465a7da).
    Log project info provided interactively in the terminal (40f1f0b).
    Show activity indicator, when genes CLI is processing project info (c070ee6).
  • package: updated package info method to log updated project info (e556ed6)
  • genes: support generation of projects interactively (870bef2)
  • plus: util fn that generates plus sign for terminal log (f57cbde)
  • genes: updated genes terminal logs (a9700c3)

genes 0.6.0

27 Jan 08:58
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Full Changelog: 0.6.0...v0.6.0


25 Jan 19:41
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0.4.0 (2024-01-25)


  • install: run husky install
  • fastify-package: updated husky prepare script
  • express-package: updated husky prepare script


25 Jan 18:47
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0.3.0 (2024-01-25)


  • In CI servers, only dependencies are installed, the prepare: husky script fails because husky won't be installed.
  • To avoid installing Git Hooks on CI servers, we check the CI env before installing the hook.