Encrypt/decrypt string using Vigenere Cipher algorithm
composer require amculin/vigenere-cipher
use amculin\cryptography\classic\VigenereCipher;
$data = 'testtheencryptionprocess';
$key = 'thisisthekey';
//Basic mode only support lowercase alphabet
//You can use alpha_numeric mode for wider supported characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
$encrypted = VigenereCipher::encrypt($data, $key, 'basic');
echo "Plain text: {$data}\n";
echo "Key: {$key}\n";
echo "Cipher Text: {$encrypted}\n";
Plain text: testtheencryptionprocess
Key: thisisthekey
Cipher Text: mlalbzxlrmvwiaqgvhkvgowq
use amculin\cryptography\classic\VigenereCipher;
$data = 'mlalbzxlrmvwiaqgvhkvgowq';
$key = 'thisisthekey';
$decrypted = VigenereCipher::decrypt($data, $key, 'basic');
echo "Cipher text: {$data}\n";
echo "Key: {$key}\n";
echo "Plain Text: {$decrypted}\n";
Cipher Text: mlalbzxlrmvwiaqgvhkvgowq
Key: thisisthekey
Plain text: testtheencryptionprocess
- Support basic mode/lowercase alphabet only
- Support alpha-numeric mode (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
- Unit test
- Comply PHPStan Level 10
- Add ASCII mode to support file encryption/decryption
- Add Base64 mode to support Base64 string