منابع پر کابرد برای برنامه نویس ها. سایت های کابردی برای اخبار و یاد گرفتن چیز های جدید هستند. این یک لیست غیر کامل از آنها است. این لیست آپدیت خواهد شد. شما نیز میتواند به گسترش لیست کمک کنید
Note : نسخه اصلی-انگلیسی
Note : نسخه چینی
- وقتی گیر کردید
- اخبار
- مجلات
- تمرین برنامه نویسی برای تازه کار ها
- رمزارز - کریپتوکارنسی
- برای آن افرادی که پروژه کوچک میخواهند ولی ایدهای ندارد.
- توصیه های برنامه نویسی
- سبک برنامه نویسی
- ابزار عمومی
- بش و شل
- آماده شدن برای مصاحبه
- مستند ها
دوره های آزاد آنلاین برای یادگیری چیز های جدیدسایت های مربوط به زبان برنامه نویسی ترجیحییادگیری هوش مصنوعیسمینار، نوشتن مقاله و سخنرانی هاهمهچیزدریکجاکانال های یوتوبمقالات خوباسکریپت نویسی برای بش و شلپادکستساختن یک کامپایلر/مفسر سادهدیدن کد نویسی دیگرانآموزش هاچه چیزی باید یک برنامه نویس بداندبرنامه نویسی رقابتیکتاب های برنامه نویسیدوره های ویدیوییکامپایلر های آنلاین و اشتراک تکه کدوبلاگ های برنامه نویسی هابرای بهبود انگیلیسیوقتی از چیز های مربوط به علوم/مهندسی کامپیوتر خسته می شویدوبسایت های منبع باز (اوپن سورس)کار آموزیکار
- Codementor : انجمن منتور برای یادگیری از دولوپر های دیگر بطور زنده و خصوصی.
- devRant : انجمنی برای غر زدن و رها سازی استرس
- Learn Anything : انجمنی با گراف های مسیر اموزش همه چیز
- Quora : جایی برای اشتراک گذاری علم برای فهم بهتر دنیا.
- Stack Overflow : به نامه هفتگی آبونه شوید و هر موضوع دیگری که بخواهید.
- ACM TechNews : اخبار تکنولوژی
- Stratechery : Stratechery توسط بن تامسون
- AlternativeTo : الترناتیو های برنامه توسط رای گیری
- Ars Technica : پست های خاص و با کیفیت
- Better Dev Links : لینک های هفتگی برای تبدیل شدن به برنامه نویس بهتر
- Better Programming : مقاله های روزانه برای دولوپر های بهتر
- Daily.Dev : افزونه کروم که اخبار و مقالات ارائه میدهد
- DevOpsLinks : انجمن انلاین دولوپر های دوآپس
- Frontend Focus Newsletter : اخبار، آموزش و مقالات هفتگی فراند اند
- GSMArena.com : اخبار گوشی و اندروید
- Hacker News Digest : اتوماتیک انتخاب شده و در وقت دلخواه فرستاده می شوند
- Hacker News : منبع کامل اخبار
- Hacker Newsletter : دستی انتخاب میشوند، هفتگی
- Hacker Noon : چگونه هکر های بعد از ظهرشان را می گذرانند
- High Scalability : داستان موفقیت شرکت ها و اپ ها
- Lobsters : انجمن با تمرکز روی تکنولوزی و اخبار
- product hunt : محصولات مورد علاقهتان را بیابید
- Recode : اخبار تکنولوژی با تمرکز بر روی بیزنس
- Reddit.com/r/programming : ساب رددیت برنامه نویسی
- Slashdot : اخبار، اخبار اجتماعی
- StackShare : چیز استفاده شده توسط برنامه نویس ها و شرکتهایشان
- TechCrunch : برای نظارت بر روی استارت آپ ها و اخبار تکنولوژی
- The DEV Community : جایی که برنامه نویس ها ایده هایشان را به اشتراک میگذارند و به همدیگر کمک می کنند
- The Verge : اخبار با تمرکز به محصولات
- WCCF Tech : اخبار نرم افزار و سخت افزار
- XDA : اخبار توسعه دهندهی اندروید
- Hashnode : انجمن دوستانه برنامه نویس ها
- MIT Technology Review : نقد تکنولوژی ام ای تی
- Nautilus : مانند مجله نیویورکر برای برنامه نویسی
- LWN : اخبار هفتگی که اوپن سورس و برنامه نویسی را پوشش میدهد.
- freeCodeCamp : اموزش برنامه نویسی رایگان
- Blackbird School : پلتفرم برای شروع برنامه نویسی
- Glitch : بهترین جا برای بازی کردن با کد
- Reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer : چالش های برنامه نویسی جایی که حتی اگر حل نکردید هم میتوانید از کد دیگران یاد بگیرید.
- Programming by Doing : بهترین سایت برای یادگیری پایه ها
- CodeAbbey - a place where everyone can master programming : بهترین سایت برای شروع حل مسله مشکلات به مرور سخت تر می شوند.
- Exercism.io : سوالات اموزشی با ۵۰ زبان
- InterviewBit | Coding Interview Questions : تجربه بازی مانند برای حل کردن مسله های استخدامی
- karan/Projects-Solutions : حل سوالات ذکر شده در لینک بالا
- Lod - Cloud : دیاگرام داده های لینک شده
- Cave of programming : برنامه نویسی یادبگیرید، مهارت هایتان رو تقویت کنید.
- Vim adventures : ادیتور ویم VIM را یاد بگیرید.
- Programming Tasks : مجمومه برنامه های کوچک
- Pramp : مصاحبه کننده باشید
- Paqmind : راهنما و چالش های یادگیری برنامه نویسی
- gitignore : مجموعه فایل های گیت ایگنور و تنظیمات مختلف سیستم ها
- Codeacademy : کد نویسی را رایگان یاد بگیرید
- treehouse : راه سریع، ساده و به صرفه یادگیری
- GeeksforGeeks : یادگیری کد و برنامه نویسی رقابتی
- edabit : برنامه نویسی را با چالش های کوچک یاد بگیرید
- Blockchain demo : دمو بصری بیتکوین
- Coin demo : رمو رمز ارز ها
- Lopp Bitcoin Resources : منابع بیتکوین
- Blockchain Basics : مقدمه به بیتکوین
- GitCoin : درامد از اوپنسورس
- Lite Paper : امورش راحت رمز ارز
- Learn Me A Bitcoin: بیتکوین رمز ارز و بلاکچین در انگلیسی ساده
- freeCodeCamp | React project ideas : ۲۷ ایده برنامه برای یادگیری React
- martyr2s-mega-project-ideas-list : ۱۲۵ ایده از مبتدی تا متوسط
- karan/Projects : مجموعه پروژه های ساده برای شروع
- Wrong "big projects" for beginners : از کجا شروع کنیم
- vicky002/1000-Projects : مگا لیست پروژه های عملی که با تمام زبان ها پیاده سازی می شوند
- reddit.com/r/AppIdeas : جایی برای بحث کردن در مورد ایده های برنامه، برای کسانی که حوصلهشان سر رفته
- reddit.com/r/SomebodyMakeThis : برای کسانی که هزینه، وقت یا مهارت ندارند
- 10-ways-to-be-a-better-developer : تبدیل شده به دوبوپر بهتر
- Code Review Best Practices : بلاگ کوین لندن
- Design Patterns : الگو های طراحی با جزئیات توضیح داده شدهاند
- Develop for Performance : تکنیک های برنامه های سرعت بالا برای معمار ها و توسعه دهنده های نرم افزار
- How to become a programmer or the art of Googling well : برنامه نویسی بهتر شدن با گوگل کردن بهتر
- How to escape tutorial purgatory as a new developer — or at any time in your career : گذر از اموزش ها به برنامه نویس
- JS Project Guidelines : بهترین عادت ها برای پروژه های جاوااسکریپت
- Learn to Code With Me : لیست کامل سایت هایی انتخاب شده توسط لورنس بردفورد برای برنامه نویسی های که میخواهند وارد بازار کار شوند
- Lessons From A Lifetime Of Being A Programmer : درسهایی از زندگی برنامه نویس
- Programming Principles : مرور اصول و الگو های برنامه نویسی طبقهبندی شده
- Software Architecture Guide : سایتی توسط مارتین فالور برای الگو ها و عادت های ساختن نرم افزار
- Software design pattern : مجموعه کامل الگو های طراحی
- Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code — Free Code Camp : چیز هایی که میخواستم کسی به من میگفت
- What every computer science major should know : اصول برنامه نویس خوب شدن
- Working as a Software Developer : بلاگ هنریک وارن
- The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) : OSWAP انجمن آزاد که تمرکز به کمک کردن به سازمان ها برای توسعه، تقویت، یادگیری، عمل و نگه داری برنامه
- Airbnb JS Style Guide : روش منطقی جاوااسکریپت نوشتن
- Airbnb Ruby Style Guide : سبک نوشتن روبی توسط AirBnB
- Ruby coding style guide : انجمن سبک کد نویسی روبی
- Angular 1 Style Guide : سبک نوشتن رسمی توسط جان پاپپا
- CS 106B Coding Style Guide : برای اسپاگتی نویس ها
- Debugging Faqs : اموزش دیباگ کردن
- Directory of CS Courses (many with online lectures) : دوره علوم کامپیوتر
- Directory of Online CS Courses : دوره علوم کامپیوتر رایگان
- Good C programming habits. • /r/C_Programming : عادت های نوشتن برنامه در سی
- Google C++ Style Guide : سبک سی پلاس پلاس گوگل
- How to Report Bugs Effectively : ریپورت کردن باگ
- What are some bad coding habits you would recommend a beginner avoid getting into? : عادت بدی که باید اجتناب کنید
- PEP8 - Style Guide for Python Code : سبک نوشتن پایتون
- Standard JS Style Guide : سبک نوشتن جاوااسکریپت با لینتر و کد فیکس اتوماتیک
- Google Python Style Guide : سبک نوشتن پایتون توسط گوگل
- Aurelia Style Guide : سبک نوشتن اوریلیا توسط بهزاد عباسی
- Source Making : الگو های طراحی و ریفاکتور کردن
- Refactoring Guru: الگو های طراحی و ریفاکتور کردن ۲
- Google Java Style Guide: سبک نوشتن جاوا توسط گوگل
- Rust Coding style: سبک نوشتن راست
- CodePad : مصاحبه های تلفنی و سریع
- CodePen : محل بازی توسعه دهندهی فرانتاند
- Crontab Guru : Quick and simple editor for cron schedule expressions
- Devicons : کاغذ تقلب برای ایکون ها
- Diagrams.net : ابزار کشیدن UML
- FreeFor.Dev : لیست رایگان منابع و ابزار ها
- regex101 : تست و دیباگ انلاین RegEx
- regexr : تست و دیباگ انلاین RegEx ۲
- Wit AI : درک زبان طبیعی برای دولوپر ها
- Seymour : برنامه نویسی زنده در کلاس درس
- Code share : اشتراک Real-time کد
- Solid Tools for Developers : ابزار انلاین دیباگ برای سیس ادمین ها
- OS Query : سوالات در مورد سیستم عامل های مک، ویندور و لینوکس
- LaunchPad : لانچپد برای تست کردن کوری های گرافکیوال
- GraphOnline : ابزار تعاملی و بصری گراف ها
- Data Structure Visualization : وبسایت بصری نشان دادن روش الگوریتم ها
- IDE Onlang : نوشتن در یک زبان و خروجی در چند زبان
- PullRequest : کد ریویو توسط کد ریویو کنند های حرفهاای
- Python Visualizer : اجرای خط به خط کد در پایتون، جاوا، سی پلاس پلاس و ...
- Extends Class : ابزار انلاین دولوپر ها: مانند کلاینت رست و سواپ، مرورگر اس کیوال لایت و تستر
- EmailDrop: ارائه دهندهی ایمیل
- Repl.it: پروتوتایپ ساختن با قابلیت ها دسترسی
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide : هنر اسکریپت نوشتن در بش
- Bash Guide for Beginners : راهنمای بش
- Bash Programming : راهنمای بش توسط مایک میکی
- Bash Reference Manual : مرجع بش
- BashGuide : راهنمای بش ۲
- Conquering the Command Line : دستورات لینوکس و یونیکس برای دولوپر ها
- Airbon OS : الترنایو به گوگل داکس شخصی
- Commandlinefu : توضیحات یک خطی برای نجات دادن جانتان
- /r/cscareerquestions : لیست کامل سوالات مصاحبه
- 10 Frequently asked SQL Query Interview Questions : ۱۰ سوال اسکیوال
- A Collection of Quant Riddles With Answers : معما
- Algorithm design canvas : تختهی طراحی الگوریتم
- Aptitude Questions and Answers : سوالات ازمونی
- A site for technical interview questions, brain teasers, puzzles, quizzles : سوالات تکنیکی و معما ها
- Big collection of interview preparation links • /r/cscareerquestions : ساب رددیت سوالات مصاحبه
- Big-O Algorithm Complexity Cheat Sheet : کاغذ تقلب یبگ-او
- BIG O Misconceptions : باور های غلط در مورد بیگ-او
- Bitwise tricks : فوت و فن های کار با بیت ها
- ChiperSoft/InterviewThis : سوالاتی که شما باید هنگام مصاحبه بپرسید
- Code Project : برای کد نویس ها
- Core Java Interview questions - Interview question on each topic : سوالات مصاحبه جاوا
- C PUZZLES, Some interesting C problems : سوالات/پازل های سی
- CS9: Problem-Solving for the CS Technical Interview : حل مسله برای مصاحبه تکنیکی
- Delightful Puzzles : پازل های زیبا
- Determining the big-O runtimes of these different loops? : سوالات استک اورفلو مربوط به پیچیدگی زمان اجرا
- five-essential-phone-screen-questions - steveyegge2 : ۵ سوال پایهای برای مصاحبه تلفنی
- Freshers Interviews : مرور مصاحبات
- Gainlo : مصاحبه ها برای افراد حرفهای
- GeeksforGeeks | A computer science portal for geeks : برای خبرنامه به فیدشان ثبتنام کنید.
- github.com/odino/interviews : سوالات مهم مصاحبه
- Give your résumé a face lift : فیس لیف کردن رزومه
- Here's How to Prepare for Tech Interviews • /r/cscareerquestions : اماده شدن به مصاحبه تکنیکی
- How to Answer "Tell Me a Little About Yourself" | The Art of Manliness : جواب دادن به بخش «در مورد خوتان بگویید» مناسب
- How to Answer the Toughest 40 Job Interview Questions | ICS Job Portal : ۴۰ تا از سخت ترین مصاحبه ها
- How to Break Into the Tech Industry - a Guide to Job Hunting and Tech Interviews : راهنمای کار یابی
- How to interview : چگونه مصاحبه شویم
- How to prepare for an interview - 1 : آماده شدن به مصاحبه
- IIT Delhi Placement Experience
- samwincott/Internship-Guide :لینک های کارآموزی
- Interviewing At Jane Street : مصاحبه در خیابان جین
- Interview Archives - Java Honk : ارشیو مصاحبه
- Interview Cake : دوره های رایگان و پولی برای مصاحبه
- Job Interview: How to Ace a Job Interview | The Art of Manliness
- Job interviews News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker
- Job Interview Questions and Best Answers
- kimberli/interviews : منبع مصاحبه
- LeetCode : راه جدید اماده شدن به مصاحبه
- Mission-peace/interview problems : سوالات مصاحبه
- Pramp | A free on demand interview practice platform for Software Engineers : تمرین مصاحبه با افراد واقعی
- Problems | LeetCode OJ : تمرین کد برای مصاحبه
- Programmer And Software Interview Questions Answers
- Reddit.com/user/ashish2199/m/puzzles : پازل های منطق
- SQL interview questions : تست اسکیوال
- SQL Joins explained using venn diagram
- svozniuk/java-interviews : سوالات مصاحبه جاوا
- Techie Delight : اماده شدن به مصاحبه تکنیکی
- The 25 most difficult HR questions
- Top 10 Algorithms for Coding Interview : الگوریتم برای مصاحبه ها
- Unix / Linux Cheat Sheet
- Unsolicited_advice_for_job_seekers_and_employers
- Visualising Data Structures and Algorithms through Animation
- We Help Coders Get Hired : وبسایت کمک برای کاریابی
- what_are_your_goto_questions_for_the_do_you_have?
- Why You Make Less Money • /r/cscareerquestions
- wu :: riddles(hard) : معما و پازل
- What I Learned from Interviewing at multiple AI Companies and Start-Ups
- Breaking the Code : بیوگرافی الن تورینگ
- Cracking The Code Interview : یادگیری مصاحبهی کد زنی
- Cracking the Coding Interview : یادگیری مصاحبه کد زنی برای فول استک
- Download: The True Story of the Internet : پلی-لیست مستندات اینترنتی
- Harvard CS50 - Asymptotic Notation (video) : آنالیز های مجانبی توسط هاروارد
- How does CPU execute a program (video) : چگونه سی پی یو یک برنامه را اجرا میکند
- Machine Code Instructions (video) : کد ماشینی (سطح پایین)
- ماشینی که دنیا را تغییر داد - مستندی در مورد کامپیوتر ها
- بخش ۱ موجود نیست به دلیل کپی رایت
- Part 2: Inventing the Future
- Part 3: The Paperback Computer
- Part 4: The Thinking Machine
- Part 5: The World at Your Fingertips
- Mechanical Computer (All Parts) : فیلمی از ۱۹۵۰ که روش کار کامپیوتر را نشان میدهد
- Project Code Rush : شروع نت اسکیپ و موزیلا
- Revolution OS Linux Documentary : تاریخ لینوکس، گنو و اوپن سورس
- Teach Yourself Computer Science : علوم کامیپوتر را یادبگیرید
- The Code : داستان تاریخ لینوکس
- Triumph of the Nerds : پلی لیست
- The Internet's Own Boy : داستان ارون سووارتز
- Class Central : a directory of 100,000+ student reviews of thousands of MOOCs.
- Classpert : a website that gathers MOOCs and online courses from several providers, focusing on computer science and data science courses.
- Computer Science Resources : list of MOOCs for autodidacts
- Coursera.org : Take the world's best courses, online.
- CS50 : A set of goods tutorials from cs50
- edX : Free Online Courses, Advance Your Career, Improve Your Life.
- Kadenze | Creative Programming : Programming courses focused on art and creativity
- MIT OCW Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- MOOC.fi : Free online courses from the University of Helsinki
- NPTEL : Free online courses by IIT with certificates
- prakhar1989/awesome-CS-courses : List containing large amount of CS courses
- Best books for learning java must read : Get basics of Java
- Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ : The C++ FAQ
- Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ : The C++ FAQ
- C++11 - the new ISO C++ standard : The C++11 FAQ
- Compilers (video) : A set of videos on how the GC works
- Deep Dive Java : Garbage Collection is Good!
- Free Online Chapters of Inside the Java Virtual Machine by Bill Venners : Java Corner
- How Garbage Collection Works : Java memory management
- Implementation of Algorithms and Data Structures, Interview Questions and Answers
- IntelliJ Keyboard Shortcuts : Keyboard shortcuts to enhance your productivity when working in IntelliJ.
- Java Corner at Artima.com : Java Corner at Artima.com
- Java Lecture Notes : Java Student's Resource
- Java Off Heap : Java Off the Heap house
- Java Revisited : good for learning about Java Language and interview preparation.
- Java-source : Java source
- Java Visualizer : helps visualize references, values of variables, etc
- JournalDev - Java, Java EE, Android, Web Development Tutorials : Java, Java EE, Android, Web Development Tutorials
- Learning Java : a free online textbook for learning Java
- Netbeans Keyboard Shortcuts : Keyboard shortcuts to enhance your productivity when working in Netbeans.
- Search Open Source Java API : view source of java library and learn how things are implemented.
- The C++ Programming Language : The C++ Programming Language.
- The Java Memory Model: The Java Memory Model
- The Java™ Tutorials : The best tutorials for Java.
- Understanding JVM Internals : Understanding JVM Internals
- what-is-garbage-collection : Demystify the garbage collection
- JavaWorld : Welcome to Javaworld
- XyzWs Java FAQs : large collection of java interview questions
- JavatPoint : Best website to get a basic Java programming tutorial
- The Rust Programming Language Book : Explains the Rust programming language
- Rust Cookbook : Quickly get an overview of the capabilities of the Rust crate ecosystem
- aima : The leading textbook in Artificial Intelligence (4th most cited publication of the century). Includes Github repositories and more AI resources!
- fast.ai : Free practical deep learning course for coders without grad-level maths!
- grakn.ai : The Database for AI
- Robots that learn : Robots that Learn
- Unsupervised Sentiment Neuron : Unsupervised Sentiment Neuron
- What's the difference between AI- DP and ML? : Difference artificial intelligence, machine-learning, deep-learning-ai
- TensorFlow : An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence
- Scikit-learn : A Python module for machine learning build on top of SciPy
- DeepLearning.ai : Deep Learning course by Andrew Ng, Founder of Coursera
- Coding the History of Deep Learning : Coding the History of Deep Learning
- Serpent AI : Game Agent Framework. Helping you create AIs / Bots to play any game you own! BETA
- Blog Floydhub : Colorizing B&W Photos with Neural Networks
- MLCOURSE.AI : Open Machine Learning course by OpenDataScience
- Elements of AI : A free course for AI basics by Reaktor and University of Helsinki
- Advice on Research and Writing : A collection of advice about how to do research and how to communicate effectively (primarily for computer scientists).
- PHD MS Articles : articles and views
- Seminar and reports : Everyone must read this tiny book before writing the seminar report
- Latex reference : Arbitrary reference
- Begin Latex in minutes : Brief Intro to LaTeX for beginners that helps you use LaTeX with the ease
- Lshort : The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2ε
- API Documentation : A one-place well-known API Documentation with a searchable interface
- Baeldung : Step-by-step guides for Spring, rest, Java, security, persistence, Jackson, HTTP client-side and Kotlin
- cheat.sh :
curl cheat.sh
— the only cheat sheet you need — instant answers on programming questions withcurl
- Developer Roadmaps : Step by step guides and paths to learn different tools or technologies
- DevURLs : Developer news aggregator
- MDN Web Docs : A place with all the documentation of the web standards
- Rico's cheatsheets : A set of good cheatsheets
- Programming Subreddits : a multisubreddit of all subreddits of topics related to computer science and programming.
- Websites a programmer should visit : Response on Quora by ashish2199
- C++Now (BoostCon) : C++Now (previously BoostCon) conference
- code::dive conference : code::dive conference organized by NOKIA Wrocław Technology Center
- Coding Blocks : Tutorials, how to's, tips and tricks
- Computerphile : Must watch for every CS student
- ComputerHistory : for those who like to know how we reached where we are.
- CppCon : C++ Conference
- Facebook Developers
- Google Developers
- GoogleTechTalks : videos on trending topics and cool stuff happening in the tech industry.
- Gynvael Coldwin : Awesome reverse engineering and hacking(CTF) videocasts. Every Wednesday is new live streams.
- HowToBecomeTV : contains good interviews of developers and people related to the tech industry.
- Java : talks related to java
- JavaOne : Java Conference
- javidx9 : Game and graphics tutorials
- Meeting C++ YT Kanalseite : Talks on C++
- MIT OpenCourseWare : MIT OpenCourseWare for learning in-depth algorithms, data structures, and computer engineering
- Murtaza's OpenCV Robotics and AI: OpenCV, Self Driving, Robotics and AI tutorials.
- Netflix UI Engineering : great videos to watch for web developers, mobile developers and those interested in some of Netflix's tech stack
- O'Reilly : interviews and talks of the world's best technical writers.
- Placement Grid : Interview and campus placement experience
- Scott Meyers: Past Talks
- Siraj Raval : Artificial Intelligence and deep learning tutorials videos
- ThinMatrix : blogs and tutorials developer making a 3d game in Java using OpenGL
- thoughtbot : talks on various topics
- Traversy Media :Web development and programming
- yegor256
- GOTO Conference : tech talks from the GOTO Conference by Developers for Developers
- freeCodeCamp : freecodecamp youtube channel
- Bo Qian : Learn advanced c++
- Geeksforgeeks : geeksforgeeks youtube
- Hacker earth : Hacker earth youtube
- Hak5 : Put together by a band of IT ninjas, security professionals, and hardcore gamers, Hak5 isn't your typical tech show. We take on hacking in the old-school sense.
- Khan Academy : Khan Academy youtube
- LearnCode.academy : 100% FREE Web Development tutorials, web site design tutorials, and more. Including, but not limited to: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS Layouts, Responsive Design, React.js, Node.js, Angular.js, Docker, Dev
- Rachit Jain : competitive programming
- sentdex : Python Programming tutorials, going further than just the basics. Learn about machine learning, finance, data analysis, robotics, web development, game development, and more.
- Steve Griffith : The videos on this channel are largely about web design & development with a good dose of mobile development thrown in just for fun.
- The Coding Train : In this YouTube channel I publish "creative coding" video tutorials every week. Subjects covered range from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript (with p5.js) and Java (with Processing) to generative algorithms like physics simulation, computer vision, and data visualization.
- TheHappieCat : Videos on technology, storytelling, and being happie.
- Tutorials Point (India) Pvt. Ltd. : Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. We bring simple to understand Text and Video tutorials at zero cost and cover many subjects including IT, Engineering, MBA, MCA, Management, Various Exams Preparation, and Academic subjects. If you are not extravagant and willing to save your money and time then we recommend you to try our tutorials.experience
- Udacity : Udacity, a pioneer in online education, is building "University by Silicon Valley", a new type of online university
- V. Anton Spraul : Videos for people who want to understand the software better, including explanations of how the software performs some of its most important jobs and tools programmers can use to solve programming problems.
- xdadevelopers : You have found the world-famous XDA-Developers.com YouTube Channel, known as XDA TV. We cover Android and Windows Mobile from HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, and more. Learn about rooting your Android, how to build applications, and more.
- KudVenkat : Microsoft .NET technologies and SQL Server tutorials.
- The Net Ninja: Web development tutorials
- Web Dev Simplified: Tutorials based on Web development from basic to advanced.
- 14 Things I Wish I’d Known When Starting with MongoDB
- 40 Keys Computer Science Concepts Explained In Layman’s Terms
- A Gentle Introduction To Graph Theory
- A programmer-friendly language that compiles to Lua.
- A Software Developer’s Reading List : Some good books and links in there.
- Code a TCP/IP stack : Let's code a TCP/IP stack, 5: TCP Retransmission
- Codewords.recurse : The language of choice
- Data structure and Algorithms : List of some algorithms and data structures with their solutions.
- Dive into the byte code
- Expectations of a Junior Developer
- Getting Started with MongoDB – An Introduction
- Linux Inside
- List of algorithms
- Step by Step Guide to Database Normalization: A guide to database normalization.
- The Key To Accelerating Your Coding Skills
- Unicode
- We are reinventing the retail industry through innovative technology
- What every programmer absolutely, positively needs to know about encodings and character sets to work with text
- What every programmer should know about memory - PDF
- qotoqot - improving-focus : How I got to 200 productive hours a month
- Pixel Beat - Unix : Parallel processing with Unix tools
- Learning Vim : What I Wish I Knew
- Write a Kernel : Kernel 101 – Let’s write a Kernel
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns : the online version of the Learning JavaScript Design Patterns published by O'Reilly, released by the author Addy Osmani under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
- Working with Webhooks : a comprehensive guide on webhooks
- How I got TensorFlow Developer Certified : Step By Step guide to pass Tensorflow Developer Certification
- Coding Blocks : A podcast covering topics such as best programming practices, design patterns, coding for performance, object-oriented coding, database design and implementation, tips, tricks and a whole lot of other things.
- Developer On Fire : A podcast that shares the humanity of developers and tells stories of some of the amazing people in software, hosted by Dave Rael.
- Developer Tea : A podcast for developers designed to fit inside your tea break.
- Front End Happy Hour : A podcast featuring a panel of Software Engineers from Netflix, Evernote, Atlassian & LinkedIn talking over drinks about all things Front End development.
- Full Stack Radio : Everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.
- Groovy Podcast : A podcast dedicated to the Groovy programming language and its ecosystem.
- IPhreaks : A weekly group discussion about iOS development and related technology by development veterans. We discuss Apple, tools, practices, and code.
- JavaScript Jabber : A weekly discussion about JavaScript, front-end development, community, careers, and frameworks.
- Learn To Code With Me Podcast : A Season by season of tech podcast episodes by Laurence Bradford with topics ranging from Career in Tech to lessons in doing tech business
- LispCast : A podcast by Eric Normand, a functinal programming expert talking about FP concepts.
- MS Dev Show : Jason Young and Carl Schweitzer talk about the latest in developer news covering topics such as the Azure cloud, Windows, Windows Phone, Visual Studio, and cross-platform development using the Microsoft platform.
- React Native Radio : A weekly discussion of the tools, techniques, and technologies used to build mobile applications with JavaScript and React.
- Soft Skills Engineering : A weekly advice podcast for software developers about non-technical topics.
- Software Engineering Daily : A daily technical interview about software topics.
- Software Engineering Radio : A podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast.
- Syntax : A Tasty Treats Podcast for Web Developers by Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski.
- The Bike Shed : Guests discuss their development experience and challenges with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and others.
- The Changelog : A weekly conversation that gets to the heart of open source technologies and the people who create them.
- The Cynical Developer : A podcast that aims to help you to improve your development knowledge and career, through explaining the latest and greatest in development technology and providing you with what you need to succeed as a developer. Covering Desktop, web, and mobile development, mainly around the .Net Stack but often looking into other software and frameworks.
- Blockchain Insider by 11:FS : Podcast to learn about the Blockchain Technology
- Unchained Podcast to learn about the Blockchain Technology
- Talk python to me Podcast to learn about Python through interviews and discussions
- Python bytes Podcast to learn about the latest happenings and trends in Python
- ⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever : This is an ultra-simplified example of all the major pieces of a modern compiler written in easy to read JavaScript.
- Awesome Compilers : Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters, and Runtimes.
- Growing a compiler : Learn how to grow a compiler
- Let’s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 1. : Try to demystify compilers by building one
- Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers : Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs : Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Writing My First Compiler : Write out your first compiler
- An Intro to Compilers : How to Speak to Computers, Pre-Siri
- Write your own compiler : How to write your compiler
- Crafting Interpreters A handbook for writing interpreters, first implementing a tree walking interpreter and later a bytecode virtual machine
- A Hacker's Guide to Git : for those wanting to learn git with a solid foundation
- Best Of - Gustavo Duarte : contains articles on various topics
- CMSI 281: Data Structures : lightweight introduction to DS
- Collecting all the cheat sheets : cheat sheets for lots of programming languages
- C Programming
- CryptoHack : Learn cryptography through challenges and tutorials. Has a leaderboard and new challenges are added every few months.
- Programming Community Curated C++ Resources : resources recommended by developers
- Deep C : very good presentation on C language
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software : aka the "Gang Of Four" book, or GOF
- Dynamic programming - PrismoSkills : very good resource if want to learn how to solve DP problems.
- Flexbox Froggy : a game that teaches you how to use CSS flexbox properties
- Git from the inside out
- Head First Design Patterns
- How to Program in C++ : Good resource for revising C++ topics and STL
- http://www.mysqltutorial.org/
- indradhanush tutotials : Writing a Unix Shell
- Introduction to C Programming
- Learn UNIX in 10 minutes
- Learning the shell.
- Linux Journey : good site for learning Linux
- Linux Tutorial : good resource for learning Linux
- Missing Semester : The missing semester of your computer science education
- More about Github-flavored markdown
- MySQL Essentials
- Open Data Structures : Excellent resource for learning about DS and algos, provides code in various languages C++, Java, and pseudocode.
- OS Course Notes : Chapter-wise course notes according to Galvin's book
- Programming, Web Development, and DevOps news, tutorials, and tools for beginners to experts
- SQL (Structured Query Language) in one page : SQL.SU : a very good SQL cheat sheet
- Subtle | Poor Man's CI : Learn how continuous integration platforms work under the hood, by building one of your own on top of git with Node.js
- TCP/IP Illustrated Series
- The Bash Guide : a very good guide for learning the Bash Shell
- The Descent to C : for those moving to C from some higher programming language like java or python.
- The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
- The Unix Programming Environment
- TopCoder Tutorials
- Tutorialspoint : Text and Video Tutorials for UPSC, IAS, PCS, Civil Services, Banking, Aptitude, Questions, Answers, Explanation, Interview, Entrance, Exams, Solutions
- UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition
- VimTutor+ : Learn VIM from the browser.
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- Unix Shell : Unix shell scripting with ksh/bash
- Snap SVG : The JavaScript SVG library for the modern web
- vim.rtorr : Vim Cheat Sheet
- Open Vim : Interactive Vim tutorials
- Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming and A : Designing a Tree Diff Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming and A*
- Learn Python : Free Interactive Python Tutorial
- C++17 : A guide of C++17
- The Bash Academy : The Bash Academy is an initiative to promote the bash shell language and educate people on its use.
- Learn Shell Programming : This website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn programming with Unix/Linux shell interpreters.
- Java tutorial : A programming community & a great place to find the best online programming courses and tutorials.
- Explain Shell: Match command-line arguments to their help text
- Speaking io : Tips for public speaking
- Javascript.info : The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Education Ecosystem : screencast of people building applications, websites, games, etc.
- Twitch.tv : The programming community of twitch.
- Can I use : A website that provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.
- GitHub.com Build software better, together : Place to showcase your project and collaborate with others. (Must know Git to use it effectively)
- GitLab : An alternative to GitHub that offers free unlimited (private) repositories and unlimited collaborators.
- Programmer Competency Matrix : article for knowing what our level as a programmer is.
- Topic Wise Problem For Competitive Programmer : Topic wise Practise Problem
- Archived Problems - Project Euler : Problems Archives
- Art of Problem Solving : Is math class too easy for you? You've come to the right place!
- CodeChef : The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform
- CodeSignal : Test your coding skills
- Codeforces : Programming Competition,Programming Contest,Online Computer Programming
- Codewars : Rank up by completing code kata
- Codility : Verify and improve coding skills
- Codingame : Learn coding through games and challenges!
- Facebook Hacker Cup : Facebook's Programming Contest, past problems solutions and FAQ
- Google Code Jam Practice and : past contest problems for practice
- HackerEarth - Programming challenges and Developer jobs
- HackerRank : Practice coding. Compete. Find jobs.
- PKU ACM ICPC Practice problems : Judge online for ACMACPC
- Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) : Become a true programming master Learn how to code and build efficient algorithms
- Topcoder : Deliver Faster through Crowdsourcing
- URI Online Judge : Practice coding, Compete and be a better coder.
- UVa Online Judge : hundreds of problems supporting multiple languages.
- WakaTime : leaderboards of coding metrics collected via editor plugins
- PrepBytes : Topic and level wise proper arrange problems
- Become a Programmer, Motherfucker (list of books) : Exhaustive list of books from Zed A. Shaw.
- Best books for GATE CSE
- cses.fi/book.html
- github.com/vhf/free-programming-books : More than 500 free ebooks on almost any language you can think of
- GitBook : GitBook helps your team write, collaborate, and publish content online.
- Data Science course : Python Data Science Handbook
- Goal Kicker : Programming Notes for Professionals books
- The GraphQL Guide : The complete guide to GraphQL, the new REST ✨
- Aditya Verma: Algorithm tutorials playlists by an Indian youtuber Aditya verma.
- codedamn : front end web dev tutorials
- Code School : A PluralSight Company and an Interactive learning destination for aspiring and experienced Developers
- CodingMadeEasy : C++ tutorials
- CS1: Higher Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW : a very good introductory CS course
- Derek Banas : good quality tutorials
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- DevTips : web dev tutorials
- FreeCourses : Free courses about programming
- Kathryn Hodge : Has good videos for beginners
- mycodeschool : Data structures and algorithms tutorials
- Pluralsight : Learn Software Development, DevOps and Data Science through multiple short courses
- thenewboston : good but with too much talk as compared to actual content
- Tushar Roy : Algorithm and Data structure tutorial by an Indian Youtuber.
- Vim Tutorial Videos - Flarfnoogins : good video tutorial for learning vim
- XDA-University - Helping You Learn Android Development
- Khan Academy : learn about computer science for free
- Functional programming : John Carmack on Functional Programming (2013)
- Video about vims : A serie of tutorials about Vim
- Mastering Next.js : A free serie of videos to learn Next.js
- CodePad : Code editor to try, test and run 25+ languages
- Codesandbox.io : CodeSandbox makes it easier to create, share, and reuse React projects with others.
- Godbolt.org : Excellent tool for exploring the assembly output of different compilers with and without optimization.
- Ideone.com : online compiler and debugging tool for more than 60 programming languages
- JSFiddle : Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript with online code editor
- JSBin : Front end playground, Output is not framed, so it allows you to share those snippets that will break inside an iframe.
- Judge0 IDE : Online compiler with 40+ interpreters and compilers.
- Pastebin.com : Pastebin can store texts like code, notes, and snippets online for a set time which can be shared instantly.
- C9.io : Your development environment, in the cloud
- Github Gist : Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
- Coder : A Web-based development environment using Visual Studio Code as a code editor
- Carbon : Create pretty looking images of your code snippets.
- Wandbox: Online compiler with bleeding edge C++ and 40 other languages.
- Algo-Geeks : Programming Puzzles, Math Tricks, Algorithms, etc
- Amit Merchant : Tutorials, tips & tricks, and rants about programming and design.
- Andy Heathershaw : Personal website and blog of software developer Andy Heathershaw
- Antonio081014's Algorithms Codes : The world is under the RULE.
- Archives — Ask a Manager : HR-related stuff
- Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings : blog on Python and open source
- blog.might.net : the blog of might dot net
- Brendon Gregg - Linux Kernel Dev : the blog of Brendon D. Gregg
- Clean Coder Blog : a blog of the author of the book "Clean Code"
- CodeAhoy : Blog on software and human factors. 100% Tested on Humans.
- CoderGears Blog Insights from : the CoderGears Team
- Coding Geek - A blog about IT, programming and Java : A blog about IT, programming and Java
- Coding Horror : one the best coding blog
- CSE Blog : quant, math, computer science puzzles
- CSS Tricks : about building websites and all that entails, mostly from a front-end perspective
- Daedtech.com : Stories about software
- Dan Dreams of Coding
- Daniel Lemire's Blog : Daniel Lemire's blog
- Eli Bendersky : everything from Python to LLVM
- Geek Land : My precious collectibles
- HackerEarth Blog : The HackerEarth blog
- IT Enthusiast : IT Enthusiast
- Joel on Software : The blog of the CEO of StackOverflow
- Late Developer : Random thoughts of an old C++ guy
- 1ucasvb's laboriginal math and physics visualization : Lucas Vieira Barbosa's lab original math and physics visualization
- Math ∩ Programming : Math ∩ Programming
- Paul Graham Essays : Paul Grahan Essays
- Programming Blog : programming blog of Yegor Bugayenko
- Programming in the 21st Century : programming in the twenty-first century
- rudhakar Rayavaram : Sudhakar Rayavaram Blog's
- Runhe Tian Coding Practice : Technical interview questions from Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft
- Small Programming Challenges and Puzzles : Project Nayuki
- stevehanov.ca : I know how to make and sell software online, and I can share my tips with you.
- Takipi Blog : mainly focuses on Java and JVM languages
- XDA - Android Developer Forum : Android Open Source Developers Forum
- The Net Ninja: Web development tutorials
- Englishclub.com/learn-english
- Guide to Grammar and Writing : for those who want to improve their English language skills
- Punctuation and Capitalization Rules
- Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
- Quia - English
- AntiMoon Immersion Approach: Immersion-based learning of English, can be used by people on different levels.
- Barcroft TV : Daily short documentaries about the incredible variety of people that make up the world
- Big Think : Expert driven, actionable, educational content, featuring experts ranging from Bill Clinton to Bill Nye
- ColdFusion : Past, present, and future of technology
- CrashCourse : small courses on various subjects
- Every Frame a Painting : High-quality analysis of films and filmmaking
- National Geographic : High volume of high-quality content from all over the world
- r/ProgrammerHumor : Subreddit dedicated to exactly what it sounds like
- Reddit the front page of the internet : Where free time goes to die
- Ridddle : A youtube channel about science, mainly, but not only, the universe and space.
- Regex Crossword : A simple crossword game where clues are regex that must be matched.
- SciShow : Answers to interesting questions that you've always wondered about
- SmarterEveryDay : Lots of amazing scientific information about the world around us, usually captured with a high-speed camera
- TED : Great talks about technology, entertainment, and design
- TestTube News : Interesting information about news from around the world
- How to live for a long time ? : The secret of longevity
- Vsauce : The best youtube channel
- Ox A cuk : How to live a happy life
- lonelyspeck : Expose to the Right for Astrophotography in Light Pollution – Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, California
- Open Hatch : OpenHatch is a non-profit dedicated to matching prospective free software contributors with communities, tools, and education.
- Source Forge : SourceForge hosts nearly 280,000 projects (at last count). It serves more than 2 million downloads a day and includes apps and tools in a wide variety of categories.
- Google Code : Google offers free hosting for open source projects using the Subversion or Mercurial version control systems. It offers 2 GB of storage, integrated code review tools, a wiki, and an issue tracker. The Google Code site also provides links to Google's many publicly available APIs and other developer tools.
- Launch Pad : Maintained by Canonical, LaunchPad is particularly targeted at projects that run on Ubuntu. It provides hosting for more than 21,000 projects that use the Bazaar version control system.
- Google Open Source : Google Open Source
- Red Hat Developer : The world's leading provider of open source solutions
- Open Source : Open Source
- Google Summer of Code : Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open-source organization on a 3-month programming project during their break from school.
- Open Source Web Design : Open Source Web Design is a platform for sharing standards-compliant free web design templates. We give web publishers a voice through good design.
- Mozilla Winter of Security : The Winter of Security (MWOS) is a program organized by Mozilla's Security teams to involve students with Security projects. Students who have to perform a semester project as part of their university curriculum can apply to one of the MWOS projects.
- Bit Bucket : Like GitHub, BitBucket hosts both public and private projects. On this site, open-source projects and private projects with fewer than five users are free. It hosts more than 48,000 repositories, many of which are searchable on the site.
- Media Wiki : MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now also used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis, including this website, the home of MediaWiki.
- Code Curiosity : CodeCuriosity is a platform that encourages contributions to open source. Everyone is rewarded for their efforts, no matter how big or small they are.
- Code Triage : Help out your favorite open-source projects and become a better developer while doing it.
- Issue Hub : Contribute to Open Source. Search issue labels to find the right project for you
- Up for Grabs : This is a list of projects which have curated tasks specifically for new contributors. These are a great way to get started with a project or to help share the load of working on open source projects.
- First Timers Only : Contributing to open source for the first time can be scary and a little overwhelming. Perhaps you’re a Code Newbie or maybe you’ve been coding for a while but haven’t found a project you felt comfortable contributing to.
- Your First PR : Your First PR helps you get started contributing to Open Source by showcasing great starter issues on GitHub and elsewhere.
- Chegg : It is an awesome resource for finding internships, scholarships, tutors, etc.
- Internshala : You can search for internships here according to your skill sets for your interested location. It also helps you in getting a good PPO offer from the company.
- Letsintern : Get a smart and challenging internship for you from the LetsIntern.
- PerfectIntern: Get help finding a paid internship, resume prep, interview prep, and more!
- AngelList : AngelList is a website for startups, angel investors, and job-seekers looking to work at startups.
- CareerBuilder : CareerBuilder is one of the largest job boards, providing job listings, resume posting, and career advice and resources to job seekers.
- Dice : Dice is the leading site for tech job seekers. You can search by company, job title, keyword, employment type, and location.
- Devsnap : Devsnap is a job aggregator for developer jobs.
- Glassdoor : Find the job that's right for you. Search all the open positions on the web. Get your own personalized salary estimate.
- IAESTE : Find more and amazing international internships and jobs.
- Indeed : Find international jobs on Indeed and get a market salary for your dedication and devotion.
- Instahyre : Your dream job is here. Showcase yourself to a curated list of top companies. Complete privacy and no spam.
- Mentat : Get your dream job 10x faster. Never apply for a job ever again, talk directly to decision-makers and hiring managers.
- The Muse : Find everything you need to succeed from dream jobs to career advice. You can do a lot here on The Muse like exploring companies, browsing jobs, career advice, discover careers, career coaching. Try it.
- Paysa : Paysa helps you in finding new and interesting jobs according to your wish.
- SimplyHired : Simply Hired is a free job search engine (and mobile app) that takes the hassle out of getting hired and provides you with all the information you need to make a sound career move.
- SwissDev Jobs : Tech job board for Software Engineers that want to work in Switzerland.
- Undercover Recruiter : Become Recruiter, Candidate or Employer. You can get your job easily here.
- Who is Hiring : An awesome resource for searching, filtering, and finding new and attractive jobs according to your needs and interests.
- ZipRecruiter : The Smartest Way to Get Hired.
- RemoteML : Remote Machine Learning jobs.
- Linkedin jobs : A very nice research tool for programming jobs
- GermanTech Jobs : Dedicated job board for tech roles in Germany - with salary brackets
- We Work Remotely : The largest remote work community in the world.
- Please consider a GitHub star if you find this useful and/or consider contributing.
- A special thanks to Ashish Padalkar (@ashish2199) for contributing a great amount of data and structure to the initial repository Original Post.