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Security: aminnairi/dotfiles


🛡️ Security Policy

💪 Best practices

If you need to fork this repository, or propose changes through pull request, be sure to not commit any sensitive informations.

These informations can take the the following form, without being an exhaustive list:

  • Credentials files (.aws/credentials, .npmrc, ...)
  • Environment variables (JWT_SECRET, DATABASE_PASSWORD, ...)
  • Personal informations (name, address, email, ...)

🪲 Reporting a Vulnerability

You just found a vulnerability in this repository and want to contribute to a safer environment.

You can simply open a new issue and add as much details as possible related to the security issue.

I'll try my best to address this issue as soon as possible and all security vulnerabilities are treated with the highest amount of priority possible for this repository.

There aren’t any published security advisories