Scrabble Word Finder is a Python application that helps users find the longest possible valid words from a given set of letters in a specified language, similar to a Scrabble word lookup. It includes a Flask RESTful API and a Streamlit user interface.
- Generates the longest possible words using the OpenAI GPT API.
- Validates words to ensure they use each provided letter at most as many times as it appears in the input list.
- Provides a REST API endpoint for word generation.
- Includes a user-friendly interface built with Streamlit.
- Contains unit tests for code reliability.
- Python 3.7 or higher.
- OpenAI API Key: Required to access the OpenAI GPT API.
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set Up Environment Variables:
Replace your-openai-api-key with your actual OpenAI API key in the .env file.
Run the Flask API:
- The API will start and listen on
- Run the Streamlit Interface:
Open a new terminal window (activate the virtual environment if used), and run:
streamlit run
A web browser will open automatically, displaying the Streamlit application.
If the browser does not open automatically, you can manually navigate to the URL provided in the terminal ( usually http://localhost:8501).
Running Tests:
python -m unittest discover tests