How to reproduce:
- Run the cluster
docker-compose up
Create some users
2.1 Open http://localhost:8080 in web browser
2.2 Login, username: admin, password: admin
2.3 Create 5 users in realm Master
Warmup caches on other nodes
3.1 Open http://localhost:8081 in web browser
3.2 Login username: admin, password: admin
3.3 Open "Users" in realm Master
3.4 Open http://localhost:8082 in web browser
3.5 Repeat steps 3.2-3.3
Check cache stats, exec curl. All queries must return non-zero result
curl -s | grep entries | grep users | grep -v '#'
curl -s | grep entries | grep users | grep -v '#'
curl -s | grep entries | grep users | grep -v '#'
Create client scope 5.1 Open http://localhost:8080 in web browser
5.2 Login, username: admin, password: admin
5.3 Create client scope
Check cache stats, exec curl. Now only first curl will return non-zero result.
curl -s | grep entries | grep users | grep -v '#'
curl -s | grep entries | grep users | grep -v '#'
curl -s | grep entries | grep users | grep -v '#'