HompimGov is a web application for reporting and tracking issues or incidents. It allows users to submit reports, track the status of their reports, and view the history of each report.
- User Registration and Authentication: Operators can create accounts and log in to access the verification and logging features.
- Report Submission: Users can submit new reports by providing details such as the issue's title, description, category, and any accompanying images.
- Report Tracking: Users can track the status of their submitted reports using a unique ticket ID.
- Report Verification: Operators can verify and manage incoming reports.
- Activity Logging: All actions related to reports and user interactions are logged for auditing purposes.
- Laravel 10.10: A PHP web application framework for building robust web applications.
- Bootstrap 5.2.3: A popular CSS framework for responsive web design.
- Vite 4.0.0: A build tool for modern web development.
- Spatie Media Library 10.11: A package for managing file uploads and media.
- Spatie Activitylog 4.7: A package for activity logging and auditing.
- realrashid/sweet-alert 7.1: A JavaScript library for displaying beautiful and customizable alerts.
- Yajra Laravel Datatables 10.1: A package for creating and managing datatables in Laravel.
- Laravel Sanctum 3.2: A package for API authentication and CORS support in Laravel.
- laravel/ui 4.2: Laravel's frontend scaffolding package for UI presets.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/amrimuf/hompimGov.git cd hompimGov
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install JavaScript dependencies:
npm install
Create a new .env file:
cp .env.example .env
Generate an application key:
php artisan key:generate
Set up your database connection in the
file -
Run database migrations and seeders:
php artisan migrate --seed
Create a symbolic link:
php artisan storage:link
. This command creates a symbolic link in the public directory of the application that points to the storage/app/public directory. -
Compile your assets:
npm run dev
Start the development server:
php artisan serve
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.