Next version 3.0 will be released in April or May 2016 with changes and fixes.
If you want to be prepared for next release then test version
is uploaded to jCenter. It has some new features, but be aware that version has a lot of changes and still has bugs !!! Otherwise use version 2.2 (below this text).
Because I have done firstly this library as a private project, I would like to know if someone of you use my library in your application. If yes, please send me a name of your app and link to Play Store and I will promote your app in Readme.
Persistent SearchView Library like Play Store.
Check sample project very thoroughly !!!
Features: Material Design, Toolbar / Menu item version, History, Styling.
Google Material Design Pattern:
Version history here:
Material colors in the project:
Sample application on:
![Get it on Google Play](
Add the dependencies to your gradle file:
dependencies {
compile 'com.lapism:searchview:2.2'
![Screenshot 1] (![Screenshot2] (![Screenshot 3] (![Screenshot 4] (![Screenshot 5] (![Screenshot 6] (
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case {; // animate, ONLY FOR MENU ITEM
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
Styling SearchView:
app:search_version = "toolbar / menu_item"
app:search_style = "toolbar_classic / menu_item_classic / menu_item_color"
app:search_theme = "light / dark"
app:search_divider = "true / false"
app:search_hint = "Hint text"
app:search_hint_size = "16sp"
app:search_voice = "true / false"
app:search_voice_text = "Voice text"
app:search_animation_duration = "360"
app:search_shadow_color = "#80000000"
Apps using this library: