CronosKernel V3.0 - Pie / OneUI 1.0 G930X/G935X
- Kernel has been rebased to Linux 3.18.140 upstreamed source by @morogoku
- Integrated most of the relevant Helios improvements
- F2FS Has been enabled and tested (Requires a F2FS supported TWRP to use, such as Moro)
- Backported R29P0 GPU driver (Android Q Driver) from Exynos7870 And adapted to Exynos8890
- Enable and fix LZ4 support
- Fixed a bug that made background apps close almost right away
- adjust the CPU affinity of unbound workqueues to CPU0/1
- Set kernel tick to 200HZ
- Remove some obsolete commits
- Removed spectrum leftovers
- other misc upstream improvements
- ZIP Will no longer touch Game APKs. follow notes in channel to properly remove booster
ZIP contents : Patched secure storage libs, R28P0 MALI T880 Driver, Pie WiFi BCMDHD4359 Blobs. Pie Video firmware
P.S : Avoid changing these to avoid having problems with the source!
F2FS Supported TWRP : By @morogoku
Instructions :
- Download TWRP and flash it , IN TWRP.
- Reboot back into TWRP
- Wipe > advanced wipe > Data > CHANGE > F2FS (Your entire internal storage will be wiped out!)
- Reboot and you will have DATA as F2FS, the same can be done to CACHE as well. Do not do it to SYSTEM